I will work hard to make public workers accountable to deadlines. I will be creating a 90 day 180 day plan to suggest we implement immediately. In addition, we must look at our housing policies and modify those that are prohibiting workforce housing. Lastly, we need to divert food waste from our landfill to composting facilities. I would continue to put pressure on County, State, and Federal Governments to continue fixing our highways and bridges and infrastructure. I believe that our Office of Economic Development does a great job and I am committed to supporting their efforts as best as I can. As a Kaua`i County Councilmember for 3 of the last 4 terms, Ive proven myself to be hardworking, trustworthy and thoughtful. Council is currently contemplating taxation policies that are punitive in nature. But I would try and Increase agriculture. 808-652-4363. The technology is available and we need to get up to speed with what our options are. With my experience as a small business owner and experience in managing budgets with several local nonprofits, my focus will be ensuring our taxpayer dollars are used effectively and efficiently. As your Council member I have been fiscally responsible with ensuring that balancing the budget, keeping our county services operating and all of our employees working and thriving. I will also support efforts to ensure TVRs are properly providing recycling and other ways we can work to limit the waste that ends up in our landfill. real property taxes. Any additional density on agricultural land (like the constant push to allow ADUs on ag land) increases the value of agricultural land, increases the likelihood of non-farm development of that ag land, and makes it less likely that a farmer can pay off a loan or mortgage on the property. We know that a lot of knaka iwi (Native Hawaiians) dont vote. However, I have also been interested in bringing parity to the existing tax rate structure by increasing the rate of Transient Vacation Rentals to the same level as Resorts. This is an essential step to assist TVRs to return to a homestead tax class in the event of a sale. Advocating for watershed protection for continued flow of water in wet seasons and dry. Every land use decision has to be based around a future of rising seas and stronger storms. He worked as an accountant before spending nearly 20 years as a teacher. State of Hawaii DLNR SHPD Kauai/Niihau Burial Council . But, the industry has more than recovered. Lastly, we need to modify the agricultural dedication process, especially for small farms, to ensure that bonafide farmers are paying minimal taxes and that wealthy land owners arent using the system simply as a tax haven. Covid policies interrupted the regular attendance from strategic members of these organizations. If elected, my focus will be on legislative bills that enable our local producers to be sustainable businesses and community organizations. That includes providing direct assistance to businesses & community non-profits such as the the federal bipartisan infrastructure bill. My careful scrutiny of our Budget helps ensure we adequately fund these core services and maintain our Public Works infrastructure. This middle-income housing shortage has festered for decades on Kauai but has escalated into a crisis with rapid inflation and a strong market demand from the pandemic-driven migrations to rural areas across the nation. An example of innovative work is the work Mlama Kauai is doing with establishing a Food Hub and a place where farmers can prepare their products to be consumer ready. But some do like longtime Kauai politician Ross Kagawa, who has been chosen to fill a vacancy on the Kauai County Council. Kauai Real Estate, Huge Traffic Delays, Snorkelers Rescued Off Lawai Beach, Kauai Council Member Sentenced, May 31, 2022; . I am committed to addressing our drug problem in a meaningful way. Increasing taxes on vacant homes and TVRs can both discourage that practice (and get more homes on the market) and help ensure that we have a revenue base to get through the fiscal ice age. We need to also continue to reform our zoning codes to reduce the amount that people have to drive. While it may have been necessary to get us out of the deferred maintenance hole, the excise tax is a regressive tax that especially impacts low income folks. They are incredibly costly to build and maintain. Kauai County Subarea Health Planning Council ---DRAFT--- Meeting Minutes February 14, 2023 2:00 PM Hawaii Time Virtual Zoom Meeting and Physical Location at the Keoni Ana Building, 1177 Alakea Street, Suite 402 MEMBERS: Jillian Kelekoma, Nicholas Pananganan MEMBERS ABSENT: Jen Chahanovich GUESTS: Ruth Baker Councilmember Decosta and I are currently working on some comprehensive changes to our agricultural dedication program along these lines. We could design and implement a MURF but securing that funding will take creativity and collaboration with other funding sources. Housing for our people (and the landfill) is the most needed and hardest challenge in this questionnaire. If elected, my focus will be to work with our administration and departments to secure as much funds as we can to improve our infrastructure on Kauai. Sweden came up with a way to turn their trash into power by burning it. Supporting the maintenance of the old plantation irrigation systems. I have a plan for this, and I dont want to reveal at this time because of known objections. The rising seas and flooding require us to look at limiting and even restricting any further structures being built along our shorelines and along our rivers. We are clearly over capacity for tourism and our General Plan contains bold language on the need to keep visitor arrivals at reasonable levels. 2. Kauai's newest County Council member is Ross Kagawa, a former councilman who was the first runner-up for a seat on the seven-member legislative body in the November election. Felicia Cowden is a Kaua'i County Councilmember who is focused on Putting People First! We also deferred a significant amount of road repairs and road resurfacing. Whats most important to me here is to learn from the many stakeholders in our economy who are working on diversifying our economy, taking the best ideas from the collective and doing what I can to support moving them forward. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. Eventually, we will need more inward and upward roads to deal with sea level rise and the flooding out of our highway along the shoreline. And the motion failed both times. The federal bipartisan infrastructure bill will help us address critical needs for Kauai including better roads and bridges, investments in public transport, and projects to address climate change and environmental and water quality remediation projects. As a council member, I will engage at all levels within the business community to assure that the relevant issues, concerns, and suggestions are heard and brought to the table for discussion. There are old cane haul roads that should be evaluated for best potential to create alternative routes. Read more Mahalo for reading. This also makes us more resilient to climate disasters elsewhere. In the time of the thirsty sugar crops, towns were built in the wetlands which are now returning to having routine flooding areas such as Kapaa and Waimea, as examples. This is the first decade since statehood where home construction on Kauai has fallen far below our population growth and its this lack of homes that is the driver of our exploding costs. of Water to ensure water distribution expansion plans line up with plans for increased density and infill development within our town centers, as well as for other housing development in the larger town areas. All candidates who filed to run for Kauai County Council was contacted by the Kauai Chamber and given the opportunity to fill out our survey request for the 13 questions. Of those, 123 converted from residential or homestead use to TVR Thats 123 less homes available on Kauai last year alone and resulted in a net decline overall in the number of resident occupied homes on Kauai. 2) We need to put more money toward affordable housing to leverage private, state, and federal funds. From a zoning perspective, we also need to reduce the demand for developing on agricultural land. Construction of a materials recovery facility, curbside recycling, diverting commercial food waste to composting facilities, and a recycling facility for construction and demolition debris all of these need to simultaneously be pursued to extend the life of our landfill long enough to enable the siting and construction of a new facility. While there is not clear research evidence showing or disproving the concept, I think its reasonable to assume that increased capacity will likely induce demand for traveling to Kauai or vice versa, that limiting capacity would limit arrivals. Supporting our farmers markets and possibly expanding program. Top priority projects would get done first than feasible jobs next and then everything else according to budget and importance. When the Council on Wednesday chose Kagawa to replace former member Luke Evslin . I will be a proponent of green energy and reducing our dependence on foreign oil. Im committed to having an open- door policy and look forward to working with our businesses. The nurturing of small-scale farms, promoting crop diversity, and encouraging stronger public/private partnerships is very important for agriculture. NACo is While I know the Administration already works with a lobbyist in Washington, DC who is tracking all opportunities for federal funding for our County, I will continue to bring back and share valuable information on federal resources available for our County from NACo conferences and other virtual meetings and workshops. We absolutely must focus on maximizing waste diversion to address our landfill problem. Visitors learn about the inequities of our food systems and are encouraged to support local restaurants that use local ingredients. We need to site a new landfill and move on it as soon as possible. Anything we can do to incentivize home construction within and directly adjacent to our existing towns will help alleviate this pressure on our agricultural land. Cultivating oysters, clams, and other value add products for the community. I would use my management skills from working for Central Parking in Managing parking for Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, Halekulani Hotel, and Hawaii Prince Hotel managing 19 employees and a 2.5 million dollar budget. . This sets up a more regenerative visitor economy. Off the top of my head, I see the Council as able to potentially assist through incentives for farmers, working with partners to fill gaps in infrastructure needs, assisting with education around local sourcing, and access to local options for restaurants, while working to support and partner with those that are developing the next generation of farmers. I also want to better understand the differences and demographics of the vacation rentals, home stay units, bed and breakfasts, etc that we have on Kauai before I say yes outright to this question. High land costs require most owners to have employment or some other primary source of income. Thank you. I have been an advocate for social and environmental justice my entire life. My leadership as Housing Chair is bringing about vital improvements to our Housing Policy, legislation to support more Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) & Additional Rental Units (ARUs); and, legislative action to significantly increase the available funding in our Housing Development Fund. I will be responsible about how we move forward with our operations as well, ensuring we are planning for the long term but ensuring we meet our short-term needs. The larger property of pools, fountains, lobbies, landscaped grounds, restaurants, etc. August 13, 2022 (Primary) Kauai. Click here and log in to view this story Start Free. We have major road works happening over the next few years. I support the development of a dirty MRF that will help us divert waste from the landfill. I would work with our State and Federal counterparts to secure adequate funding for our County. Theres a lot of great aspirational policies in the DMAP that require strong private, non-profit, and state partnerships. Over these last two years, I have shown a deep understanding of our budget and how to be fiscally responsible, so your tax dollars are not foolishly spent. The seller gets his price, the buyer pays the discounted price and the county pays the difference out of the pool of taxes collected from out of state purchases. While its not yet clear how those funds will be distributed to the counties, we can help set up incentives and possibly mandates for EV charging infrastructure to ensure that we can hit the ground running to maximize the amount of funding we receive. Point-source reduction is an area where the Chamber of Commerce could be a valuable partner in challenging their membership to reduce waste creation as each business best sees fit. More County Housing Projects- We must push for more housing for local residents by supporting replicating successful projects like our 30-unit Kealaula transitional housing, our 53-unit Pua Loke affordable rentals and our multi-phase, multi-unit Lima Ola project in Ele`ele that includes senior, single family and affordable housing. Kauai, along with every other state and county in the country, is facing strong long-term fiscal headwinds from two sources: demographics and infrastructure. And, were currently working on even more improvements. Policy D.4. If we continue on this trajectory, we will end up consuming our agricultural land for home construction while exacerbating traffic and the cost of government services (its a lot more expensive to maintain roads, provide trash pickup, police/fire protection, etc when its spread out thinly). I am passionate about our county developing a flourishing agricultural industry that provides employment in food production, processing and distribution, and that pays living wages. The various departments have done a rather impressive job at successfully procuring Federal monies. We are currently doing some of this work through Tasting Kauai, a food tour company. Increase communication and understanding between residents and the visitor industry. Kauai County Council. Hawai`is native ancestors revered and lived fully the values of Aloha `Aina & Malama Aina. I feel the following actions are very important and I would move to implement them right away: A.2, A.6, B.4, C.5, all action items outlined in Action D Community, E.1, E.4, F.1, G.2, G.4, H.1 and I.1. 6. euclid city council election results. EVSLIN, Luke A. I would like to hold a town hall meeting specifically for business owners and allow the people to voice their concerns, solutions and ideas to us so that we can go to work on what specifics our community needs. A retail shop designed as a membership where were able to provide support systems through workshops and collaboration. QUESTION #6If elected, what specific ideas do you have about economic diversification and how would you develop these areas? This page shows you the collective voting record of all the Kauai County Council Members. If elected, Ill work with community organizations and our county administration to get this process started. As we saw in the wake of Hurricane Iniki, even COVID, these living units can quickly transform into needed housing. The need to be prepared for this stream of funding for our overall infrastructure needs is very important. And that the majority of vacation rentals on Kauai are owned by non-residents. Kagawa narrowly lost election to the Kaua'i County Council last November, when he finished eighth in a race with seven winners. Ive also demonstrated my dedication to public service, my legislative policy experience, my strength with budgeting, my understanding of the issues and my commitment to always doing my homework, listening carefully and working collaboratively. While I anticipate that KIUC will get to 100% renewable far ahead of schedule, we need to fully decarbonize ground transportation and do all we can to reduce emissions from our landfill. The following candidates ran in the primary for Kauai County Council on August 13, 2022. I humbly ask for your vote, as an opportunity to give back to what has been given to me. I look forward to supporting more discussions in all the above areas. First, I would aim to pick an agriculture item that we on Kauai want and need and do market research to see what other state or country has the same demand for. If all community events adopted a Zero Waste effort, we can reduce our trash significantly. I believe that our Lihue Airport is at capacity for our visitors, and we do not need any expansion of our airport facility and land area to accommodate more visitors. $3.5m) of real property tax revenues to our Housing Development Fund. I personally have lost faith in our recycling efforts. Establishing a carrying capacity and limiting arrivals for Kauai is critical to retaining our quality of life, environment and extending the operation of our infrastructure. This is one of the most major issues that we face on Kauai. I will look at and instigate funding opportunities via the federal infrastructure bill. Secondly, I would consider the construction and development of a highly qualified and sought after school for science and technology or arts & music conservatory. Over the last 20 years, nearly 40% of new homes were built on agricultural land and less than 1% in the multifamily zoning districts in our town cores. Revitalizing the ADC lands on the Westside is a huge part of my plan. As a computer programmer I always had to solve problems. Tourism remains a valued economic sector, as other sectors have emerged to offer greater stability and opportunity for the island. We can do this by continuing to support our government institutions, schools, hospitals, catering companies, and hotels to use more local ingredients. QUESTION #4How would you effectively manage the County Budget and operations for the short term and long-term sustainability? This ongoing trend means that when it comes to building more homes for Kauai residents and trying to meet the General Plan goal of 9,000 new homes by 2035 were going backwards. Lihue, HI 96766 . The more we legitimately recycle the less will go into the landfill. Affordable housing is the, or one of the, most urgent issues we must tackle. Here is a direct excerpt (lightly edited for length) from the opening statement I made in May, 2022, on my rationale for increasing the vacation rental rate: I am proposing this increase and allocation for three reasons. The plan contains the following six objectives: 1. I would start by looking at these areas and figuring out where the County is best suited to be able to help and how. The County can help by providing incentives to the agriculture industries. We need to find county solutions to reduce the cost of housing. Why? 0 of 16 precincts reporting. The Lihue Town Core Special Planning Area has been zoned to have up to 80 units/acre to incentivize private development in this area in proximity to many jobs. The following came from Ross Kagawa, candidate for Kauai County Council. LIHU'E In a procedure unique among Hawai'i counties, Kaua'i County councilmembers unanimously voted Wednesday to approve raises that will likely affect some of their own salaries. Also look at all areas to divert waste from going into the landfill. A strong area of economic diversification that has rapidly and recently grown is residents who remote work or have other avenues of external income. We need to address overcrowding and transportation options to our visitor destinations like the current Northshore shuttle program that is currently being discussed with the hope of implementation soon. QUESTION #2If elected to the Council, how would you engage with the business community early in the legislative process? I know issues of the island because I was born and raised on Kauai Im willing to change my stance on any of the issues, Im a good listener and I lead by example. It may also serve as an invaluable stop-gap to help a resort faced with an uncontrollable crisis not collapse into full failure. Incentivizing Private Developers & Infill Development in Town Cores Working with Council Chair Kaneshiro, Housing Director Roversi and Mayor Kawakami weve brought about critically needed improvements to our Housing Policy incentivizing private developers to build more units especially in our town core areas close to existing infrastructure where weve also created Special Management Areas encouraging higher density housing projects like four-plexes, townhomes and apartments. Promoting local production for local consumption. I am blessed with the ability to be your full-time council member without the competition of an outside job or a personal business to run. Not everyone gets a second chance. Right now our countys vision is to, Increase agricultural income and opportunities on Kauai through working closely with farmer groups to assist them in obtaining resources and other assistance to solve industry problems or take advantage of opportunities. My vision would to be to follow through with more programs focusing on educating the children and families in our community. Gary L. Hooser (born January 19, 1954) is an American politician who served as a member of the Hawaii State Senate representing Kauai and Niihau from 2002 to 2010. If re-elected, I will continue to work on policies like those outlined above to help reduce the cost of housing for Kauai residents. A 41-year-old Kauai man who agreed to run drugs and collect money for a drug trafficking organization headed by a former Kauai County Council member and supplied by Samoan gang members, was . I would investigate all options for funding under this measure for all the areas of the bill that funding is being provided for. We must continue to support these local programs, especially our sunshine markets that create better access to local ingredients. Kagawa replaces Luke Evslin, who Gov. I was born and raised on Kauai. Addressing the combined impacts to the climate from ecosystem loss and destruction of environmental services, CO2 production due to transport of food through programs that support local food production and access are critical. I support the improvements to terminal holdroom, public and employee parking expansion and the ticket lobby improvement project if they are to accommodate existing passenger numbers and not increase them. As Chair Kaneshiro & I did with our extensive Housing Policy update bill and Councilmember Evslin & I are now doing with our EV-ready charging stations in parking lots bill, I will make sure we conduct early outreach to engage with the business community including with the Kaua`i Chamber of Commerce, the Kaua`i Board of Realtors, the Kaua`i Contractors Association, any other potentially affected business organizations and entities; and, any and all self-identified stakeholders. 3. QUESTION #3What specific tools and policies would you use as a council member to ensure that our working middle class residents can afford to buy or rent a home on Kauai? One house on Kauapea Road pays roughly the same or more taxes as all the houses along the perpendicular village street of Kilauea Road on which I live. We have pressing infrastructure needs, bridges and roads and wastewater to list just a few, and I believe these are priorities before we increase our visitor counts and flights. Traffic, poor maintenance of public infrastructure, and abuse of natural resources are just a few consequences of overtourism. Yes I do support his effort. Our trip to Washington DC was a bridge between funding sources and projects. Another key component of my plan is stress the importance of our game mammals here on State and private lands that these species are an important food source to many families and that word, eradicate should be banned from our food source management plan, we should create an Industry that incorporates wild meat into processed products like, sausage, jerky, burger, etc. I am currently the Chair of Public Works, which is the largest division and handles all CIP assignments. In addition, I will work with our county administration, state and federal representatives, to execute a comprehensive plan in a timely manner to establish a new trash storage system. First order of business is to site a new landfill location soon. Please check out my website at www.lukeevslin.com to see a full list of policies that Ive worked on and a list of proposed policies for the future. Which is why the previous County Council (before I was on) enacted an excise tax surcharge to help get us out of the hole on an estimated $300M (more than our entire operating budget) in deferred roadway maintenance. We cant ignore the environmental crisis any longer. This is one idea that could create more jobs and solve one of our biggest problems here on Kauai. We also must tackle the needed infrastructure upgrades to accommodate these additional units and developments. My top priorities are affordable housing, and recycling. An Incinerator is needed in Kekaha. The County Councils biggest responsibility is balancing the county budget every year. Areas like our land fill operations, work force housing, transitional housing to assist our houseless community, our Kupuna services, our unions and its members are fairly negotiated, the responsibility goes on and on. This will enable local families to better provide for their extended families and create resilience for the ongoing economic challenges. Working with the State to ensure irrigation water is available to all prime and potential agricultural lands. I believe we have to make sure we take care of our pensioners, first responders and County employees first. It will be sad, if a local family (2-3 generations) needs to sell their vacation home because they cannot afford the taxes. Please include your views on recycling, landfill site, source reduction, and other strategies. 177 . Budgeting Responsibly & Limiting Taxes Budgeting Responsibly, Managing Costs and Limiting Taxes (Being Accountable Always). Questions included, but were not limited . According to the Department of Business and Economic Development, the average daily rate for TVRs in 2022 is $386.74 compared to $279.70 in 2019. Luke Evslin was the top vote-getter with 7.6% of the vote, according to. I hope to bring the consideration of our children back to the table when making decisions and provide a way where the voice of the people is heard by the council and mayor. #1 were over capacity for tourists. It is not something we can avoid any longer. I have the time to attend boards and commission meetings, community events, and have on-site visits with constituents, neighborhoods and businesses for stronger understanding of their specific needs. During my terms in office, I have introduced numerous resolutions for performance audits but could never get the required votes to get it passed. These tiny worker homes can have revocable permits but are a necessity for effective food production, harvesting and distribution. 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