Reviewed by Veena Angle, MBBS, MD and Physician Brandon Yew. However, certain factors are thought to increase your risk of the disease. So at this dilution it should be well under 3%, to start off with anyway. He does drink serrapeptase and vit c and alkalizer and MSM powder and as soon as the serrapeptase is up we will start with quercetin bromelain. I hope this helps. I am in a unique position as that I utilize a Class IV laser in my office. The researchers concluded that bromelain may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. So there is a connection with how the body deals w/proteins. A Class 4 laser cannot be purchased by non doctors. She is an assistant professor and attending physician at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, NY, Alternative Medicine to Manage Pulmonary Fibrosis. Our grandfather was diagnosed with Pulmonary fibrosis and he is no on oxygen 16-24 hours per day. They report back to me that their oxygenation is better and there are no reports of additional fibrous tissue on subsequent CT scans. This will make 3%. Blood ozonation kills the mycoplasma that drives the disease. Thanks for sharing great story. Dr Hall, Thank you Dr. Hall how exciting. The doctor that I use in South Africa will probably not be able to help you in the USA but try and find a medical doctor who works with natural medicines and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. I start doing my own research supplementing with high dose vitamin c, magnesium, repair my gut with colostrum and probiotics and start organic only 2000 mg NAC fish oil high dose, and alpha lipoic acid and many more antioxidants. They may include:, Although there's no way to reverse the scarring that has already occurred, certain treatmentsincluding medication, pulmonary rehabilitation, and surgerymay help prevent further damage, ease symptoms, and improve quality of life for people with pulmonary fibrosis.. condition I have suffered with for decades and eventually found the cause is a Mycoplasma Infection. Maybe 15 mins x side. Hope you are well. White blood cells reduce inflammation in the lungs caused due to pulmonary fibrosis. I suffered from tuberculosis in the lungs. Thank you so much. I am a 74 year old man in Cape Town and was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) about 2 years ago. The above drop schedule is for 35% into distilled water or juice. Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. January 2023 rolls around and I head to my appointment. I was also informed I had excessive lung scarring due to the aggressive pneumonia and there was no cure for the scarring and it would get worse as time went by. In your case, the laser may be killing mycoplasma. My O2 levels remain at 96-97. Michele, I believe you are on the right track by adding the NAC, this has mucous thinning properties and is anti inflammatory, among many other benefits. I always figure: figure out the cause; figure out the cure ( ah well). Just had another pulmonary function test and it had improved yet again! At one point in time, the charge called my family and told them if they didn't do something desperate, I would be dead in a few hours. There is no treatment that can cure the condition. The laser reduces inflammation with a photochemical process. With the help of top laser experts we have a protocol that works amazingly well. I have never had an issue with store-bought 3% hydrogen peroxide nor seen any evidence, whatsoever, to support what are, essentially, rumors about its purity but this claim just keeps going and going. Lots of best wishes for a wonderfully informative and healthy 2016. I still do a couple inhales every once in a while just because I smoke. Smoking cessation is key to coping with any lung disease. How are you? Here members can share stories, find important information and learn from The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. I know the chemical process - essentially the hydrogen peroxide is unstable and produces molecular oxygen and water. I just sip on my vinegar water throughout the day. Acupressure. Diagnosed with IPF for 7.5 years and still only 64, it's been grueling for my family. Pulmonary fibrosis causes the scaring of lungs and difficulty in breathing. His breathing is fast 22 breaths per minute (I timed him with a stopwatch during the night while he was sleeping a couple of times). Living better with pulmonary fibrosis; Diagnosis and testing; Partnering with your medical care team; Medications for PF; Supplemental oxygen; Pulmonary While these studies are promising, more research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of using enzymes as a treatment for pulmonary fibrosis in humans. Also, do you take nattokinase, another enzyme? In Arizona and California, Utah, parts of Florida, there is a disease called Valley Fever. The condition typically affects men over the age of 50 more than women, and other factors include: Pulmonary fibrosis symptoms tend to develop over time and progressively worsen. Heat Stroke: Prevent Your Health from Going Up in Smoke, How to Fix Teeth Discolouration Using Natural Remedies, Hip Pain: Causes and TCM Treatments to EaseDiscomfort. Ma'am I read your experience and I would like to inform you that we have been to this situation now because my grandfather has same problem in lungs pnumonia and acute interstitial pneumonia so your experience will help us. There also drug therapies, such as Chantix, and 12-step programs available to support smoking cessation. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The program outlined for the best way to use HP is only a suggestion, but it is based on years of experience, and reports from thousands of users. Complementary health approaches for smoking cessation: what the science says. The American Lung Association connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration as they face pulmonary fibrosis. That is why after all these years I still have no additional fibrous tissue on CT scans. What do you know about vilac plus and where can it be purchased. If you look it up, it says that it too eats away at scarring. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide. It is in a way the same as having oxygen from a cylinder. WebVasaka capsules are very effective in lung problems like bronchitis and also other problems related to the lungs making it the best pulmonary fibrosis. I also started feeding him 3 meals a day with lots of nice things to entice him to eat more and gave him two protein and bulk shakes a day. Since there is no exact medical cure for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important for us to turn towards natural treatment methods. 1. Cod liver oil Cod liver oil contains fatty acids that can help with the smooth functioning of the body's processes. It can improve lung health. It contains Vitamin D and alleviates the inflammation of lungs. My breathing has rapidly got worse since then. Combined with your NAC working on the biofilm and mucous (hiding place) I would expect even better results. I think my liver, kidney and adrenal are all maxed out. I get sick as a dog if I take any protease type enzymes for fat digesting enzymes. Iuse about half a thimble of the mixture. An official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Amen! You can also drink other healthy fluids such as fruit juices to cleanse the organs of your body. Can a novice to operate without danger? In October, cut back to once every two weeks, holding at 3% and increasing my walking to 3 miles a day. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. Can you cite any actual scientific evidence of this claim? Knowing the signs of miscarriage can be tricky, and could feel different with every stage of pregnancy. Dosage:- One to two capsules twice daily with water after meals. TCM practitioners will formulate therapy based on the unique body composition of each individual patient. By November I was walking 3 miles both morning and evening. I sure appreciate the information. While research is ongoing for new therapies to treat the condition, there are traditional remedies that can delay the progression of the disease. The symptoms and course of pulmonary fibrosis vary widely from person to person. During the initial stay, I was given a tracheotomy to assist in breathing, placed into a medically induced coma to assist in breathing (supposedly I was told because of my age {62} I might not come out of it) and had a gastric tube inserted to provide needed nutrients along with being placed on a ventilator. Hi Andrew, thanks for the post. (Ha ha I bet you think that I am mad but I am not just anxiety filled stressed and very very concerned about this wonderful man who I have been married to for nearly 40 years). I'm still working and playing hard though looking at retirement fairly soon. But not all gout sufferers can clear uric acid as efficiently as others - even if disolved in their blood. I know you are not in the USA but the symptoms are the same. In a 2011 study, scientists discovered that in two different groups who took Cordyceps sinensis (a medicinal mushroom)one took the mushrooms alone, and the other took the mushrooms with induced pluripotent stemcellsboth experienced higher immunomodulatory gene expression as compared to a control group.. The doctor said that the protocol he found states it's sufficient only to do the back. Supposedly anthocyanins helps to clear disolved uric acid from the body. For help in coping with the stress of pulmonary fibrosisincluding anxiety, loss of confidence, and lower quality of lifecalming mind-body practices have been shown to provide tangible benefits. Could somebody please advise. My husband was diagnosed with UIP (Usual Interstitial Pneumonia) in February 2015. The blood type diet has long been a subject of controversy. Tulsi Capsules I have been desperately searching for alternative treatments and am delighted to have found your website. I returned to the pulmonologist a month ago after my third CT scan. The He went onto medication for 1 month and became so ill that within 2 weeks he could not even write. Started doing this twice a day and coughed constantly while using the Nebulizer. Good luck and best wishes to all. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. Had to stop this because my knees were giving me grief and cut back to walking only once a day. My friend has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. As far as a cause is concerned, I believe I may have contracted IPF from the dust of cat litter (the clay type) having been cleaning the kitties' trays every day for the last 20 or so years! To date, I have referred right at around 500 IPF patients to Class 4 laser therapy providers all over the world. And it is hard to watch our parents suffer. Colloidal silver has a healing effect on the lungs. Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. However, inheriting the condition is quite rare and it is caused by other factors. Went to my Pulmonologist appointment, explaining what I was doing and got a look like I had just fell off a turnip truck! It is important to stay hydrated. Further his weight goes up and down between 73.5 and 71 kg's depending on how hard he is working and playing golf and eating of course but still much better than when he was diagnosed at 69 kg's. I was diagnosed (by biopsy) with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), taking Esbriet and have sleep apnea. Dr. Hall, thank you for your information. Cod liver oil contains fatty acids that can help with the smooth Once you learn about mineral solutions like gallium nitrate you will see it is able to help a wide variety of seeming totally unrelated diseases. Apply front and back of the chest should feel warmth penetrating chest. Green leafy vegetables are an important source of Vitamin CPhoto Credit: iStock. Register there and I can coach you to complete recovery using tickets. Here, we share the signs and miscarriage symptoms so that mums-to-be know what to look out for. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. I have serrapeptase but only took it once a day will up my dose and do 2x. I trust natural herbs can cure ipf. Do you know of any treatment centers on the East Coast (MD, DC, VA, PA area)? Consumption of water eliminates toxins from the body. thanks. At the top of the page click on Medical Patient. Great news to share! Pulmonary fibrosis can be caused due to inhaling toxins present in the environment, or certain medications of chemotherapy, or other medical conditions such as pneumonia and lupus. In the meantime, he picked up weight to 74.7 kg (during a holiday while he was not working so hard and eating very well as I was around him the whole day with food and shakes). If it continues to be problematic he would increase the dosage. I am trying the H202 therapy. I am way past due for an update. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. I am also giving him 2 tbs of organic cider vinegar in water once a day. This increases the speed of disease progression since mycoplasma feeds off of preformed sterols. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. , This is just amazing. yes the laser is still working for me. WebThere are a number of treatment options available for pulmonary fibrosis. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Laser is famous for reducing pro-inflammatory Interleukins and the good news is that it reduces/eliminates Interleukin 11 as well. So I have another serious problem besides lungs, that is something called lipedema, not lymphedema or plain edema. Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. I highly recommend either a Summus laser or K-laser for treatment. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pulmonary fibrosis is known as the fei wei disease ()and is the degeneration of the Lungs due to chronic damage. This therapy involves inhaling a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is thought to help break down mucus and reduce inflammation in the lungs. One dr is advising steroid and immunosuppressor while another doctor proposing pirfenidone. Oxygen therapy. Can this Laser be purchased? Our lungs are being filled with fibrin. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. Pulmonary fibrosis can develop after lung injuries like infection, chemotherapy or radiation. He suggested I stop this and return to the drugs that weren't doing me any good. If you or a loved one has IPF you should seriously consider laser therapy for this terrible disease. Due to the limited research, it's too soon to recommend alternative medicine for pulmonary fibrosis. In the herbs dept for Lung Fibrosis is Hawthorn, Mullein, Gotu Kola, Comfrey or Allantoin, Schizzandra, and Astragalus. Anthocyanins come from darkly colored foods like blackberries, blueberries, sour cherries, black eggplant skins, turtle bean broth (not the beans, just the liquid after cooking). It helps to minimise the symptoms of pulmonary fibroids as well. My daughter is also expelling thick mucus esp from 03:00 AM. 2018;8(6):1126-1130. doi:10.1166/jmihi.2018.2440. The next week, try 2 teaspoons per day. Miracle Cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis Overview Miracle Cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis Fatty liver is a condition that causes the body's liver cells to swell up, known as fibrosis. Some individuals may experience upset stomach. This greatly helped family member also put eo's in vaporiser at night with water in closed room. I'm not taking Chinese herbs, back on calcium because of side effects from the pred as well as other herbs. Pulmonary Fibrosis Health Plan. WebFind all Natural Cures for Pulmonary Fibrosis only on - the world's #1 resource of natural health cures and remedies, including Pulmonary Fibrosis . I would also suggest to IPF patients to join the forum for IPF patients. 3. By the middle of August, I felt sooo much better that I could go out for walks again (really short ones). I started looking for natural remedies and found the Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide information. I began using it on myself as soon as I was diagnosed. Pulmonary fibrosis can be identified with symptoms like breathlessness, shallow breaths, dry cough, fatigue, immediate weight loss and swelling in lower legs, Also read:Here's How Apples Help In Keeping Your Lungs Healthy. I started with twice a week for the first month and then went to one treatment per week. Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and make them Discover how oxygen therapy can help your wellbeing as a patient. I know of only 2 of them that have had more fibrous tissue and it was minimal. I am 72 and trying to last to see my 10 yr old start highschool. Pulmonary Fibrosis. This condition started many years ago in California during a earthquake. It helps in gout. This is the first time I'm hearing of this Laser therapy, where can I have it done? Here are some examples: Serrapeptase is an enzyme that has been studied for its potential therapeutic effects in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary fibrosis is a serious lung condition which makes it difficult to breathe. Also on his lung function tests they claim that he might have the beginning of emphysema (ha ha) if they but knew his diagnosis. In many cases, doctors are unable to determine the cause of pulmonary fibrosis. I have one question about the concentration of hydrogen peroxide that you used. I've also started with rx digestive enzymes which also may be contributing to the perceived benefits. You can try the following: castor oil pack, clay poultice, pau d' Arco, rub a golf ball to your feet and concentrate on the lungs area acupressure point. I still don't take any of the IPF drugs and never have. He attributes an important role to lifestyle. we tried with some indian medicined . Day #/Number of Drops/ Times Per Day (Add drops to 4-8 ounces of water or juice), Maintenance Dosage Breathe Easy with these Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Fibrosis. For example pulmonary fibrosis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, crohns, various std's, arthritis, and a mind boggling variety of other autoimmune diseases are all helped by one simple mineral solution, gallium nitrate. Try this: All Rights Reserved. Reducing smoking can majorly reduce the risk of developing pulmonary fibroids, Also read:Smoking During Pregnancy May Cause Hearing Loss In Baby: 6 Negative Effects Of Smoking During Pregnancy, Baking soda is an effective home remedy to relieve discomfort caused due to pulmonary fibrosis. The only problem is that he had a triple heart bypass 20 years ago and I know that it could be a problem using hydrogen peroxide. I'm remaining optimistic, accept that I'm on prednisone and it's risks. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 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