Everything in my whole being screamed out Ive got to have that! At that time I didnt know what to quite call it. We were the first country to allow such a freedom and liberty withjustice for all. He has introduced the Lord Jesus Christ to me in a way that i could never emagine would be possible!! She said that I was asked to minister and preach at the church and she saw me pacing the pulpit (like I normally do) preaching something very important that needed to be heard. Then I awoke out of the dream. Even the man who owned this building is in jail this very moment. After seeing this destruction that was beginning to happen, I fell on my face at the feet of Jesus begging and pleading that He would not allow this to happen. This encounter, one night, in 1989 changed the course of my life forever! Before God Started Your Life, He Finished It! It was a divine moment that God was trying to get through to me to confirm and reveal His Destiny to me and how He wanted to use me. He started reading from the passage of scripture in II Kings 6:1-7 concerning Elisha and the prophets when they were cutting down trees. He then began to walk. During the past few years, Taylor has faced charges of financial corruption, sexual manipulation, and spiritual abuse. The Bible says in Romans 8:16, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit. So, when God talks to us, He speaks to our spirit and we hear Him clearly with our spirit, just as we hear with our natural ears. Told through an Angelic Appearance and given strategic information about the greatest move of God starting in St. Louis 1995, In 1995, at the age of 22, David E. Taylor was requested to come to St. Louis from, his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee to run a revival at a local church. He was 93 years of age when I was first introduced to him and he had a spiritually thriving and anointed church. We know this was Peter! As I gazed upon Him I saw that the color of His hair was sandy-brownish and parted at the top, coming over the sides of His face, down His shoulders in waves. It was said that the lord had called me to be a healing shepherd and that the healing ministry on my life was very rich and abundant. When I arrived in Charleston, SC, during the summer time He met me again in my sleep to explain to me what was on His heart and what He was looking for. He has used these dreams to mentor and train me in the miracle healing ministry. What power! We are so excited that God allowed you to visit our website today, and believe that it is part of His divine plan and purpose coming to fruition in your life. Welcome to JMMI! Instead God used this as a sign to David E. Taylor to relocate to St. Louis where this great revival would begin in the future. I dont know if it was an out of body experience, even though it seemed like it. David E. Taylor is a global minister and has a heart for God and for His people. He instructed her to come on stage and tell the audience about a Kathryn Kuhlman service. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous. Psalm 69:28, Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in the book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned; when as yet there was none of them. Psalms 139:16. Tune in Via Continue reading Special Announcement from Shutaway by Apostle Taylor After experiencing seeing Jesus face to face their lives and ministries are dramatically changed. If you notice the whole point in this passage started with the question of Jesus asking them,Who do men say I am? Then He ended up asking, Who do you say that I am? None of the apostles could answer and give the revelation. Then He gave me instruction to correct and rebuke this in His house. His eyes are so striking that when He looks at you, they penetrate through your very being, character and nature. The angels feet did not touch the ground. He then turned and walked away and being saddened by this fact as he walked away I replied, But what about the nations? then he replied in response saying, Yes the Lord will also use you to shake the nations of the world some but your main call and assignment is to America! God will give you dreams concerning different scriptures and different biblical stories that are mentioned in the Bible, even when you havent read it yet. So after we got there we found out that the guest speaker didnt show up for the service. He was a man with a personality and He was standing in front of me! This was my first time ever reading that story in the Bible. This church believed in the Holy Spirit although David was too young to understand what was really going on. He was just someone my parents told me about because of their religious beliefs. This appearance lasted for an entire hour and was captured by the secular media on television, in photographs and in print. After this I awoke. He was born in a family of nine children. Pastor David E. Taylor is the head of Kingdom Family Church (KFC), a global outreach movement committed to establishing God's Kingdom through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel. First and foremost, Pastor Taylor loves God and desires to fulfill His will in the earth today! I knew He wanted to pour this out on His church fully but could not. Receive your personal text from Apostle Taylor when you text his cell or WhatsApp @ 720-570-6647! 2006 ~ The Father Appears in Rainbow Fire, Jesus Appears on Stage in Taylor, MI [Photo], Jesus Walks the Streets of Chicago ~ 2007, Jesus Appearing In The Services working with David E. Taylor, Jesus Working with David E. Taylor During Services. There were masses of people sitting in the seats. When Jesus looked at me, I knew what He wanted without Him using or moving His mouth. The characters in the story may be yourself or other people you know (in the place of the people in the biblical story) to reveal to you a message from God. I turned to her and said, The Lord told me to loose 3 million dollars into your hand for this region. At the same time, the Lord spoke to me and said to me to speak judgment on the Mafia establishments in that area to shut down their illegal operations. Taylor police agreed to assist, classifying it as a mental health commitment. James H. Taylor and Katie M. Taylor were at the hospital about to give birth to their seventh child. In this dream, there stood Jesus as I have described. When you preached today, everything in the dream happened today just as I saw it. Then she said, And I also saw that cloud of glory around you and your face was shining like a light bulb.. Fellowship had erupted. After these miraculous regional transformations, the Lord kept doing mighty things. Later I found out why His mouth didnt move. After these keys were entrusted to me by the Lord we began to see whole regions changed in America. I found the answer! Do not dismiss them or neglect them. Many in America have been greatly blessed by his ministry, including myself. In the center of this round room were shelves filled with the white and gold books. I saw a U.S. Army truck exploding as the nuclear bombs hit our nation. She began to say, Ive noticed the type of consecrated life you have, spending vast hours with the Lord, this man, when he was your age did the same. She had been reading his book called, Good Morning Holy Spirit. She said to me, You need to get this book Ive been reading, I believe it will help encourage you! And oh it did! You may also submit your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you as quickly as possible! He then showed me how a lot of His leaders and pastors where preaching His word but doing it lying down instead of standing up! God gave me this warning for America, not to pronounce doom on her but to give wisdom and instruction of what to do so that she will be preserved as a Nation. We are looking forward to connecting and advancing the kingdom of God together! His church was much different from the regular C.O.G.I.C churches you see today. God used dreams to shape the ministry on my life as well. Make the difference in your life by calling in and connecting with God, Face to Face! David E. Taylor is a man of prayer and has trained prayer warriors to stand in faith with you and agree for the impossible to become possible! He was very quiet. The people there were different. I had heard about this man from my father and mother, and was taught that He died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day from the dead. But Jesus was there! So, dont tell me that this experience wasnt real and that He doesnt appear to men today. Thats true, but when the Bible says these scriptures they are not referring to Jesus, but to the Father. I have been greatly blessed. Do not dismiss them or neglect them. You must understand, I was in a Baptist church after my initial conversion from a face-to-face appearance from Jesus in a dream. She had no idea that I was seeking God for this and had just come off a three-day fast for it. I didnt tell anyone about this fast. Every time His robe looks more glorious to me. How sad in America are the pharmaceutical companies who hold people in bondage with medicines and drugs just so they can live off of other peoples illnesses, subtly taking advantage of them. As a matter of fact it is the opposite. The reason why I felt this way is because up until at this time I had already made so many mistakes. Then He was suddenly talking with me telling me to come to Him and give my life and follow Him. They were saying, We are healed Our minds are free. It was almost like a stampede of patients coming off of floors that we had never even gone to following us to the front of the counter. In 1997 The Lord began to confirm this prophetic word through a dream by Kenneth E. Hagin in his summer camp meeting when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him for one and half hours to prophesy the end-time move and where it would begin. There I saw many large books that contained writings of everyones life. I felt electricity going through my whole being, my being was trembling with currents going through me from my head first down to my feet with liquid fire. Your dreams are important messages from God! Then I was a little saddened by his statement because I had seen dreams from the Lord that all nations and kindreds from around the world would be blessed by the ministry the Lord would give me. Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor Award from President Obama. After the three days ended I came out of the closet and went to sleep in a bed for the first time since the beginning of the three day fast. What you saw in a dream from God may not look like much but it may mean a lot. I just knew I wanted God like that inside and on my life! Suddenly, a few minutes as we walked out of the room with this young man healed to go home, scores of people started coming out of their rooms without us going to them. As I would do this, He then did something next that was unusual. It was absolutely the power and authority manifested behind the release of these keys given to me from the Lord! Suddenly, there He was with eyes glowing full of love. Then I awoke! I fell fast asleep one night, about five to seven days before Christmas Eve. These submarines released nuclear missiles against the U.S. In this setting I was immediately summoned to where Jesus was. He is a strong advocate for the youth in this country, because of his experiences and life lessons. The only thing that was on my heart was what I had just seen in a dream about America! He then instructed me in this visitation to intercede for His pastors and leaders. They are used by God to give us answers or teach us things that we otherwise could not have learned from anyone else or through our normal study of the Word. Then He stretched out His finger over the church and allowed one drop to hit the whole church. So I went but didnt know that the most amazing thing was about to take place! However, I have received from God through his life, what God has sent him to America for! He had sandy brown hair parted neatly at the top of HIs head draping down His head in waves that came to His shoulders. In this dream that I had in my sleep in 2009 around March or April, an angel was sent to me from Heaven saying, The new move of God in America will begin in the year 2010. There He was, the One I had heard about growing up. Apostle David E Taylor - Twitter | Apostle David E Taylor - Facebook. Now my mother had no idea of the dream I had months earlier. I also felt overwhelmed just being able to walk along with Him side by side. So, as I read the closing or conclusion of Kathryn Kuhlmans service, as explained by Pastor Benny, he described her service and how he was being blessed in her meeting. I was comfortable with Gods dealings with me personally through these visitations and dreams. But He will place them around you to relay and confirm what He is saying to you. As we stood there, He said nothing to me. David E. Taylor was born August 3, 1972, in the small town of Memphis, Tennessee. We were standing in midair at a very high altitude over the bottom part of the southern states (almost at the edge of the coast, centered with the Gulf of Mexico). When I have been summoned I have been taken to various places and different setting throughout the years. We received threats from the Mafia that they would kill us and the mayor for letting me over there. I felt the power and surge of this anointing in that service going through my whole being! Apostle David E Taylor - Twitter | Apostle David E Taylor - Facebook. Jesus was very displeased with this and this Shepherd who allowed all these things to take place in His house. In that prophecy, I shared how the Lord warned me prophetically through a series of dreams and by revelation of His Spirit, that the World Trade Centers in New York would be bombed by terrorists, plotted and paid off by Russia. Joshua Media Ministries International ~ Global. David E. Taylor is a pastor at the Joshua Media Ministries International (JMMI), who was accused of operating a cult-like ministry. Another dream was shown to me by God around the same time and season of this dream. We would love the opportunity to pray and believe God with you for whatever your need might be. I recall the angel standing nearly eight feet tall, wearing a white robe. After this I woke up out of the dream. My whole being was shaking, trembling because He didnt say, David I need you to stand on the authority of my word! While God was giving me what Kathryn Kuhlman had for the Miracle Healing Ministry, He was also revealing a message that was very important in His purpose for my life to America. The United States - David E. Taylor is establishing bases across America (Florida, California, Texas, St. Louis Missouri, Washington) and strongholds in every state. He began to untwist and was totally healed as he arose from his wheelchair! This went on for days, weeks, even months, until after a two year period had passed. You serve and one day you will lead! 1-877-THE-GLORY (843-4567) | @2020 Joshua Media Ministries, Int'l. He mentioned that St. Louis was the place where the last greatest move of God would take place. His presence, like at times before when Hes visited me in this manner, exuded such a peace and tranquility in contrast to the devastating things that He was about to show me. When I got a revelation of who Jesus really was on a personal level through this face to face relationship with Him after 7 to 8 year period He entrusted me with the keys to His whole kingdom that He had given Peter in His day. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. It was something that I had read in the Bible yet these things were aloof to me seeing that I was raised in a Baptist church! We love you and expect Gods blessings and favor to invade your life! Jesus again had on the most beautiful white robe there was. I have already given it to you, just praise Me for it during the rest of your fast. After I heard this voice I obeyed. While in Heaven, I was only allowed to go inside one particular room. Their first-born was a boy they named, Kenneth. From observing His character in other face-to-face appearances to me, I didnt sense in Jesus disposition that everything was alright like at other times Hes visited me. Some time between this period the American Revival will take place and the secular world along with the news media will acknowledge this and have coverage. I did not even know I had a special ministry, or that I was called to a special ministry in this life. However, because I had seen the Lord two years earlier in a dream, I knew that everything written in the Bible was real for today. The only thing is I didnt know how much He trusted me until this appearance in the summer of 1997. America must turn around so disaster does not come to our country like Josephs ministry did for Egypt. Its just incredible to see how God is using him now! What is David E Taylor's net worth? How many people do you know that have married the wrong person, and their whole life ended in shambles? Taylor is 48 years old as of 2020, he was born August 3, 1972, in the small town of Memphis, Tennessee. Nothing more, nothing less. So when I saw Him walk, I walked with Him. Then suddenly I awoke. Around the same time, many of the Mafia clubs and illegal establishments were completely shut down! That night when I fell asleep I was sucked out of my body and taken to heaven at the speed of thought. This is "Apostle David E. Taylor - Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur 2021 - Trailer" by David E. Taylor on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the Your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you as as! 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