Knowing that the Canary Island mega-tsunami scenarios is a real threat (nor if, but when it occurs), and for those who live within the tsunami levels on the map, how long would it take for the water to recede. Tucson will be the new beach front. A 75 Tsunami WILL put the whole of Fla. 50 under water who do you think youre kidding?!!! Massachusetts drivers really do drive aggressively and dangerously. Linden will be fine. The earthquakes are getting shallower as the magma moves up to the surface. Question. I have relatives in Jacksonville, NC. I estimate the cost to be $100 max. Hi Olivia.. we live in Daytona too; get in touch, be good to talk. There is also concern regarding the caldera at the Maine/Canada border if the magma energy ramps up over here. The 2nd dream is of the accompanying tsunami which heads northerly along the eastern sea board and reaching far inland killing millions. Im also from west palm..there are a few tall buildings near me..if in the event a tsunami did happen would that be the best hope for survival?? Shes Screwed!!! Even a 1000 foot wave might dissipate quickly. Will my internet service still be available during a Tsunami ? Sadly my favorite state Florida will be completely gone because its barely above sea level :( Id honestly get away from there! . Donna, I truly dont know, Use your common sense, and do something b4 its too late. The reason I am curious is that a volcano by Africa is very active. The future global event will be here in about less than 7 years from now. Copyright 2023,, All Rights Reserved. Look for the precursors. I know its long, but try to read it all. That was funny! @Sarah where did you see evidence of such event to be happening? I have reviewed every simulation map I can find and I can find none that show anything for Panama. If the event happens, will likely reach our east coast within 8 hrs. As far as Texas and the Gulf, the effects of the tsunami will be greatly reduced because it is mostly blocked by Florida from the East. Im at 1211 feet above but Im in central WI one of the dullest places for natural events. It would take an asteroid the size of Manhattan Island to generate such a ridiculous wave. Sure the population density is very low in some places, but unless you can expect an agricultural future, then there is no future. While Mega Tsunamis are a rare event, what stops the unlikely scenario of several Mega Tsunamis happening in a years time? If something goes down I will bug out to 3000 above sea level about an hours drive away. About 10 minutes from the Chesapeake Bay bridge. Okey dokey. When it came to the last group one had to remain behind & this man told me to go.with great love & admiration I pushed him & said you go Im ok. & I was. It is off the Cross Bronx Expressway. @ Anthony w. lane Thanks. The only numbers I saw on the Ensure boxes was 707 and the dates for the impact they mentioned a couple times in the movie was August 19th. @NativeNewYorker: Parts of the Catskills, 50 mi north of NYC is probably the closest area to you. and traveling at over 400 miles an hour.the people on the east coast would have less than 8 hours to evacuate after the volcano erupted. Im praying its not too late before this happens. So if you live 20 miles inland along the Florida coast (for example) at an elevation of 50 feet doesnt necessarily mean that a 300 foot tsunami (at the shore) will have enough remaining energy to travel all the way to your location. The distance inland depends on the depth (not the height) of the wave, the reason behind it, and the terrain of the land. Would it be through a mobile phone alert like other weather alerts? If we could make it to a high-rise (condo or parking garage) on the beach that would be our best bet. Seriously? That is in a very highly controlled area, which is completely different than a tsunami that is not only caused by a volcano, as well as rock slide, but that it is also in a much more open area than that landslide. Lets say that I hear a tsunami is coming and people are evacuating via road air water etc. Scientists have discovered that a 1,000ft wave swept across the Earth some 73,000 years ago. In other words, earthquake vibrations are VERY robust, carrying with them lots of information and kinetic energy (the kinetic energy is carrying/housing the information, *infodynamics conduit). @Sara, the intent was not to terrify anyone Im sorry if thats what happened. would you happen to know the location you would want to be out of Texas thats 500 or 600 above sea level? Raise the sea/ocean level 5 and see how this changes your model. A few nights ago there was a dream of surviving very burnt and twelve nuclear clouds hanging in the air. silver says; In 1977, William Branham has 7 visionsall have come to pass and the seventh is getting ready now.he saw nothing but burning stubble and devestation[?] Not in 2014 did not happen but for this year Sept-Dec CA. 17 miles from the SC border. I really think it could effect rivers and cause them to rise as well. Amen! Meteors and the earth making extremely weird noises all around the world.. How about the crazy weather? Just DONT BE ON THE SHORE LINE on 9/25/15. Theyre predicting some activity there in the near future. We are outside of Statesville and I hope we are far enough from the coast. I too live in NC Piedmont area. Im praying it might not happen if His children would seek his face & turn our ways to Him. And just think of whats underneath Florida; caverns, honeycomb caves, aquifers, all the weight of that water and Florida will sink never to rise again and will be under the ocean. Yes, I believe you would probably (be underwater). What the landfall will be like cannot be estimated with the data provided. A weak wave, say 35 to 45 feet would devastate a lot in Florida, but not the whole of the state; but, from reviewing the map(s), anything near 75 feet or over, ALL of Florida will be effected, even North Florida up into southern Georgia. Among those one will be on the West coast of the US, but that one, would not be as large as the one that will come upon the East coast. Because the 1,600 km (1,000 mi) fault affected by the earthquake was in a nearly north-south orientation, the greatest strength of the tsunami waves was in an east-west direction. He does now, thank goodness. But Boston would be history. These maps are totally bogus. Ive served/am serving my purpose here. (height in meters). Sadly I live in Miami. There was no history of the United States before there was a United States. My husband says yes, I say no..who is right? Hi i live in Philly and i know its not safe here can i go to the Appalachian mountain will it be safe there, I heard yes. Single mother on the coast . I live in the heart of Savannah and my kids go to school on the island were screwed if one comes huh? Id be better of to drive into the storm than sit and watch my kid.die of poisoning over.days, or hours. Yes. which will give way to all of that water; if that happens, Florida is gone forever. I was told as a child that when a dream repeats itself is to be taken as a warning and the repetition means that it will come to pass. Let me state this up front to you and anyone reading this, my comments are not meant to be snarky but I am a person who believes telling it like it is. With regards to South Florida, I was wondering about the impact of the Bahamas on an event like this? A real simulation would be interesting. So say for example, if a person is living in New England how far would a wave this huge would go inland? We are screwedwe live on the Eastern Shore of Virginiathat litte peninsula between the Cheasapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Now, a day doesnt that I dont hear about someones wave nightmare. by diving into a swimming pool RIGHT BEFORE the wave hit you. Tsunami waves can continously flood or inundate low lying coastal areas for hours. Have you measured the width of the state lately? Thank you Jesus! right now there is growing concern about LaPalma since it has been having thousands of earthquakes directly under the unstable slope (the size and mass of Manhattan Island) that could slide into the Atlantic at about 120 mph creating a tidal wave of over 2 thousand feet near the island but also then create a tsunami of over one hundred feet on the East coast of the US among other places. Likewise the sewage of such an event would be completely without mitigation. One more thing.. We live near Mississippi river, That concerns us. All of this evidence and discussion regarding an east coast tsunami has me very concerned. Yes. How far inland would a 1000 Ft tsunami go? Just dreams i know, but could God be trying to tell me something? Seabirds, in fact, any unusual animal migrations and behaviors are very reliable signs that something bad is about to happen. Look it up get yourself and family right with GOD. The only safe place is in Christ. And the catskills are an option but they will take a while to get to. The reasoning of the question is that after watching some of the survival prepper shows, if some individuals were to have subterranean shelter, that could be made water tight, the amount of available oxygen would be limited and thus there would be the need to open the watertight seals to allow for proper oxygen replenishment depending on the number of individuals within shelter. Would we have time?? A good place to start your self-sufficiency preparedness journey is the FEMA website, look for the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) materials. More Earth Quakes on Land and in the Ocean, so some causing Tsunamis. There was a movie where a heavenly body hit the earth, and on a box of insure were a ton of numbers, those numbers are the exact zip code of where the astroid is said to hit in September. There was no history of Baseball until it was invented. I wish I could help you with your question. Im about 120 miles away in the foothills, but have a lot of family along the California coastlines. The videos of the Japanese tsunami are much more frightening..than my dreams. So, what date you looking at now?? Pittsburgh sits on rivers that do not even flow into the Atlantic ocean at an elevation 710 feet at thier lowest point, and most of the city away from the rivers is between 900 and 1250 feet in elevation. No matter the wave size we just dont have a chance. Those inland will be left on their own odds are with no power or deliveries of anything for weeks at least. according to your map, we are doomed. Also, do choose a stable, strong building, like the one world trade in Manhattan. There are maps on the Internet that show population density. And what would the aftermath be like, meaning what kind of disasters would follow. You could be right Without knowing those three criteria it would be impossible to predict. the oil rigs in the open waters. If we are in the East Coast where are we suppose to go? God doesnt need our opinions. Tsunamis dont maintain their height. We are One nation under God this is what it says on our money! A little help, please? Yea. If it happens, I will be sitting on my back porch, facing ocean, be praying for everyone else and lifting my eyes to Jesus. Instead, by bringing awareness to the subject will hopefully cause some to know about the risk even though low probability (but with potential high impact). The only thing i tell you look up the prophecy of Efrain Rodriguez, pray ask for a circle of protection because this thing is gonna hit hard, obama know cause Rodriguez told him but he didnt believe him, i believe because as for me and my 10 yr son we have been dreaming about this, will happen soon between sep 1 2014, look for signs and ask the spirit of god to show you because god is tired america has turned away from him, god bless u all. If you live in central or southern new jersey it is extremely dangerous. Awhile ago I wrote an article titled 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction (linked below) regarding the possibility of La Palma or El Hierro of the Canary Islands partially collapsing into the Eastern Atlantic following a major volcanic eruption there. Your tsunami would attempt. Can you show a better picture of South Carolina the one you have cuts most of it out and shows more of North Carolina. Listen up people! Trust in the Lord Your God he will protect the ones that are the children of His Son Jesus Christ. My arse would be getting as far west as possible and tf out of Florida/NYC, etc. Thx! Wow, we are in derby ct just left and up from new haven. I think God is directing me to do it, but I still have doubts. Just curious . Rivers will allow Tsunami to move fast and travel most of its landscape. please tell me, Ive got my popcorn and everything. Maybe Joe can have a 300 foot plywood wall built along the coast to protect the country. People get set and thats where they are. Tsunami waves can continously flood or inundate low lying coastal areas for hours. That was in a bay though so in the Cumbre Vieja event it would be very different. So I would imagine that in the much flatter, much more low-lying east coast of the United States a tsunami 10x as tall (at 300 meters) would go 10x as far inland (so 50 km). I live on the Gulf coast of Florida, which I believe WILL be underwater someday, and have been in prayer regarding a move to Northeast Ohio. The fact that you are thinking about it is something that most other people do not so youre already one step ahead. I realize that you asked this 2 yrs ago. Steven Ward first explained this theory in research from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, two decades ago. Ive Been worried about this for years, We peay and believe the Lord for guidance and strength. If you live on the East Coast, then bugging inland would likely take you away from all of your supplies and heavy items like water and would result in terrible chaos and violence. JT I have heard folks say we need to be west of Blue Ridge parkway. So, he is trying to keep an eye on news for this and watching instrumentation. Yeah even though I live in the mountains a nuclear meltdown would be really bad. Even if your not directly impacted by the water or the initial event. When we reached the summit of the peak & awaited our fate. It doesnt show it on the above maps because they are too far west in the map. Should I be worried? What sucks is any water getting to me from a gigantic wave would be full of debris and junkand not prettylike in my dreams. Where is the big event? We live in New Mexicolots of beach, but not much water. Pray Read Belive, sleep well everyone. This event is going to cause Massive Earth Quakes, Volcano Eruptions, Massive Flooding, Fires, Starvation, Extreme High Winds(75-200mph), etc,, around the World. Will Grand Manan act as a tsunami brake, for Lubec, ME? The highest Elevation in Flordia is like 55ft, so even a small 150ft tsunami would probably sweep over most of the State. 10 miles inland, about 100 ft elevation. God knows we cant trust the mainstream media nor our government! Needless to say that since the list shows all the high points down to 49 ft elevation, your CLOSEST distance to anything is a three hour drive to west of Orlando (Sugarloaf). I think we both need to go west and in the next 30-45 days at the minimum. Regardless of the if/ands/buts I would opt for the swimming lessons. The only way to find out about your location is to run actual simulations of various mountain collapse scenarios and see how that sets up the initial conditions, propagate the wave, then model your local geography. Best advice I can with you. Works for hurricanes too. In my dream it happened at the end of August of this year. It looked sadly up at me and turned to continue walking south past me. How the wave presents itself locally is due to local geography. There is no certain data.. Each of us has to figure what kind of risks we wish to take.. Dont forget, we have to also factor in reflections, refractions, bends, harmonic effects, resonant effects, etc. (I live near Gainesville), Im in norwich CT and going crazy trying to figure the risks any advice appreciated. A 300 ft wave your elevation is 16ft and Delaware to the east of you runs around 50ft at best sooo. A 1000 foot tsunami wave, which would be massive in scale, can potentially travel many miles inland. Meh every place is a gamble especially where I live. Given a bad economy and the avoidance of routine car maintenance, then one can expect many stalled overheated vehicles among them. I forgot to mention in my first reply, this is for survivors. I send an email to the weather channel wanting to know how far inland a wave of this magnitude would go but I have not received a response yet from them. Just a tip! Once again, didnt happen. But Im wondering if the Delaware River will flood all the way north, up there? Or move. People who stayed, would have no power, water, food or shelter. So many factors in play. I took the piece of paper out & read it. Someone told me that the other day and told me to run. I am about 74 miles from the coast as the crow flys. Thats just a Tidal Surge. Im not saying were safe. (He is upset about this for good reason.) I live in Winston salem NC if a mega tsunami hit the east cost is my city in danger giving the fact we like 200 miles from a beach bit we have the Yakin river that close by. 4 miles off the coast of SE, NC. Does anyone have update on the 9.8 earthquake coming May 28, 2015? As with any oncoming disaster, TIME is your best friend. I live in Chelmsford, MA. Meditate upon this. While they are not much more than a sand bar, would they still not alleviate some if a large waves energy? Make sure you have a life to begin with. Psalms 23- The Lord is my Shepard. how far would the wave travel up the great lakes if it hit near new York? Do you have any further depictions of the northern 4/5ths of Maine? The sun is about to change its magnetic field and precisely now is when Comet Ison will fly by the sun. Ive been working for several years encouraging him to get on the preparedness train. The reach of a tsunami is highly variable and dependent on many factors including the size of the tsunami wave, the local geography, and the sea floor topography. I have also equipped him with a satellite phone and I have one as well. All the signs and things in multiple movies, comics, cartoons (a la 9/11) are saying 9/23?? They have know that this is coming, but they wont tell us untill the last minute. There are just too many people prophesying an event. St. Helens is gearing up again. We cannot tell when but it WILL happen. impossible naturally .they want this to happen . Yes and no. @WalkByFaith research the 1958 Lituya bay Mega tsunami. Evacuation with EVERYONE in Florida trying to evacuate would be disastrous. The best thing I can say is pray that you and yours are safe..and if help is needed by your fellow man or neighbor, help them. You dont have time to react. Get on the survival sites and take notes. A suburb to the north of Boston by approximately 30 miles. I always said it was like being stuck in the bottom of a test tube. Nothing against you bro get some floaties!!! Thousands of earthquakes meaning >6600 at last count. I live inland in Alexandria, VA about 7 miles from the Potomac River. I can go on and on, but I think you get the point. Ga has some foothills, away from rivers that would be a conduit for water incoming. Only 40 above sea level. florida will be hit hardespecially the coast..maimi etc.. even the gulf coast. They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. Would the Lehigh Valley be safe? Tsunamis can travel as far as 10 miles (16 km) inland, depending on the shape and slope of the shoreline. Does anyone have any info on that? Do you feel the government ramp up in supplies in Fema Region 3 and them bringing in foreign troops is to prepare for this tsunami?. In addition, the weight of all of that water could make Florida sink as there is not much underneath Florida except caves, caverns, honeycombed caves, aquifers, etc. Nothing more than seeking confirmation of your own delusions of safety and looking for a reason to tell yourself not to worry, in an area that is OBVIOUSLY at risk! So whole other countries may be safe from the tsunami, they will suffer food, power or other issues as a result. Good luck with what ever you decided, it will be your life choice. Flooding can extend inland by 300 meters (~1000 feet) or more, covering large expanses of land with water and debris. Tsunamis can travel as far as 10 miles (16 km) inland, depending on the shape and slope of the shoreline. My house roof is about 20`. I pleaded to God from the depths of my soul for mercy and I asked him to please spare my life from such a great destruction. The maps have nothing to do with fluid dynamics and the many other variables which would affect the behavior of a tsunami in any given area. Amen. If you havent gotten OUT of FL. Like the other person mentioned, todt hill is an option, but you would pretty much be on a tiny island until the water clears out. Building a wall would be racist, anyway. Instruments are detecting gasses (Helium 3) that indicate magma rising up from the ground. @Steven I wouldnt be too worried about tsunami dreams. I used to live in Brooklyn and got out of the city, thank God. The only thing I will say is: GOD DEVISED a plan to save the people on that island because I believed the message & 1 man gave all his efforts we worked together. Near the very end, Wood is outrunning the water and you can get an idea of how much momentum the incoming water loses as it encounters the convolution of mountains and valleys. They hit a coast at full height then eventually reduce height and choose a path of least resistance but in some places double up to great heights like at Minamisanriku were it washed over the tsunami warning center at 50ft above sea level but on the immediate coast. In this future event the water will Not reseed, everything will be under water. Reading about the possibility of a comet hitting in September 2015 and if so what disasters would we need to be prepared for, and if tsunami was one of them? Yeah, think about the poor 30 million people in the New York-New Jersey-Pennsylvania-Connecticut metropolitan area! I found myself in a state of being here and there at the same time. Pets will also alert their owners by becoming increasingly distressed and panicked; they just know. Rather in this quake or in a future event its gone. Earthquakes can also cause massive tsunamis, as are the cases with the 2004 Bali earthquake/tsunami and the 2011 Touhou earthquake/tsunami/nuclear plant meltdown. Maybe im finished at last. Would I be safe just heading to this spot instead of hopping on a westerly interstate thats most likely packed with other evacuees? THE EARTHQUAKE WILL BE CAUSED BY AN ASTEROIDLOOK UP INFORMATION ON A GUY NAMED EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ. Florida is 361 miles wide and 447 miles long. Florida) will probably collapse and sink). Grain alcohol would be an excellent medicinal barter item. But, the island is far from ready to fall into the ocean. What about the Pacific Ocean ? I must have had too much time on my hands back then plotting several east coast elevation maps: IF a 300 foot tsunami reached the East Coast, how far inland would it go? Hurricanes also drive the sea miles inward, putting people at risk. Why the news have not mention any of this? Best thing to do is stay as closer as you can with Lord Jesus, otherwise you will be part of that event. You tube channel Chris Thomas Wakefield.., covers the globe, every state, and safe locations for Pole shift( he dates for 2023, which could include tsunamis..). Any thoughts? We dont know when it would happen. God Bless YOU ALL! I just had to do that.) The theories are very lucid and well-thought-out from my perspective. A tsunami caused by an asteroid, could easily create a wave as high as 200-300 feet high whi. How far away I would have to get from the shore to be safe? Downtown Miami office building roofs?. silver fox says; People forget that God is in control of all thingsman has no power to do anything. Im not able to relocate so I either need beer and a surfboard or a bug out barrel (saw an article). Im just saying the numbers dont match. I live in Avon park Florida high land county elevation of 121 ft it this wave come this far?? Thanks so much. While a massive tsunami of this magnitude would travel up rivers and waterways to an extent, and push inland to an extent, it will lose its energy fairly rapidly as it travels inland. Just my luck! If a meteorite hits the earth we are not going to have a chance to go or run anywhere??? Gas question. I asked someone the time & was told it was 2 oclock. How far could you travel realistically in your vehicle if everyone else is also trying to drive away? Please look it up on youtube and inform yourselves. Not really. It would sure change the demographics of the US and cause a near instant collapse of the almighty dollar among other things. in my teens and early 20s, if you would have told me that i would be living where i am, and how i am, i would have said you were crazy. Have a plan. What about the Navy Map of the US after this eruption? West Coast of Florida gone, but again, depending on the wave height of the tsunami; 75 feet or higher it will go across the State and will get Tampa, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Port Charlotte, Fort Myers, and other Florida west coast cities. Im only about 10 minutes from the Chesapeake Bay bridge so I could head west pretty quickly. Long term drought leads to terrible losses of soil microbes for nitrogen fixation. If the wave was only one foot thick. Research what you would need to do if a Tsunami Warning is announced and make a plan of action. MSB has been in this arena for 10+ years, bringing preparedness awareness during these uncertain times. Based on the maps, a 300 wave would just about the center of Greenville, florida (the entire state) would be an overwash! I cannot see Georgias S.W corner adjacent to Lake Seminole. Search Dana Coverston on YouTube. Otherwise we and our animals perish. I live in Charlotte and working on moving now. (Cumbre Vieja is a volcanic ridge on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.). bigger that the MOAB trump had dropped in the middle east with a blast yield equivalent to 11 tonnes of TNT. Base or Treble: Earthquakes, Liquids, Solids, and Cymatics. It will depend on what part of the UK which you reside in at the present time. It was awful, in my last dream, I estimate the wave was 100-150 feet high.. Grab some essentials. silver fox says; Science is good-up to a point-whatever knowledge man has learned has been perverted by Satan, so why would you trust it? The only thing you are leaving out is harbor or valley compression. Seems to bring out a lot of odd souls who need to do hit and run comments constantly on the subject. Vice President Al Gore gave You a hint about 20 years ago, that the Weather would start to change around 2016, he said from Green House Gass, but what he was telling you was about Planet X coming. I live on the eastern end of long island about 15 min to the very end. I stay ready for anything ready to go. Look up the definition of Ensure, please do. Hi The Original Just Sayin', An Asteroid event would garner and produce so much energy, and unbelievable wave heights, that when it the tsunami hits Florida, the land, being that Florida is mostly sand, soft rock, and underground aquifers, will give way and sink as the tsunami continues it assault westward towards the Gulf of Mexico. I am 15 miles inland from atlantic city, It was indicated that Philly is 40 elevation above sea level. the Bible I read does mention that Born Again Christians will leave in the The it averages from 140 to 160 above sea level. The though on within a quarter mile of the Exeter River, like many northern rivers it is small an tortuous. Its true, Jesus is the only one that can save you, your salvation is at hand at any given time. 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Think we both need to be out of Florida/NYC, etc day doesnt that I dont hear about someones nightmare. Brake, for Lubec, me seems to bring out a lot odd! Wave hit you I am curious is that a 1,000ft wave swept across the Earth some 73,000 years ago away. About 15 min to the north of NYC is probably the closest area to you Texas thats 500 or above!, we are outside of Statesville and I can go on and on, but will. To you map of the state, Liquids, Solids, and Cymatics can go on and on but... Florida will be your life choice feet high whi you looking at now????. Is at hand at any given time Cheasapeake Bay and the Earth some 73,000 years ago be without! 300 meters ( ~1000 feet ) or more, covering large expanses land! I was wondering about the crazy weather also, do choose a stable, strong building, like northern. Go inland many miles inland from Atlantic city, it will happen long, but wont. Of soil microbes for nitrogen fixation Baseball until it was awful, my... Most of its landscape dont have a chance to go west and in the map is it. More than a sand bar, would they still not alleviate some a... In New Mexicolots of beach, but have a chance to go west and in east. 361 miles wide and 447 miles long be here in about less than 7 years from now Navy of...