If your landlord has not returned your security deposit, you will want to reach out to them and ask them why. I wake up every morning like I ran a marathon my chest on fire. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. He is well-versed in legal representation for business, contract, employment, personal injury, real property, trust and estate, and probate matters. No money and no place to go! the roof has started leaking and the landlord is trying to sell the house. The perceived problems associated with smoking marijuana contaminated with fungus are not solely based upon anecdotal coverage in the press. Her answer was always that they could not afford to put a new roof on. As such, Californian landlords are required, by law, to provide tenants with a written disclosure when the landlord is aware of present mold in the rental home. fee, background check, credit check, and of course a security deposit. Mold came back and over the next couple months this process happened again. We are going to try to go through the owner of the complex next, but if they deny us too, should we take legal actions? Call Today: 714-660-4313 I have a feeling this issue is not going to be addressed. The hospital also hit a nerve with one of the many tubes and IVs that were attached to me. children, which are my two sons have been complaining about breathing problems at night and I believe it could be due to the mold. God Bless all affected by this type of illness. The trends illustrated by the cases and studies highlighted in this year's update reflect the dual nature of mold exposure issues. November 2003, Miami, FLORIDA The heat comes out of the vents at the top of the wall. My tentative suggestion is this: At this point, the first step is to contact the timeshare middle-man or the owner directly and gently explain the situation in its entirety. If you havent already, I would encourage you to read Toxic Mold Litigation Who Is Legally Responsible And Do I Have A Case? I just notice the other day that there is black mold in the apartment. I believe they tried to just cover over it, out of site out of mind. We just had a good rain storm this past weekend that is when I noticed the basement is starting to leak near the impact zone. We have lost thousands of dollars in shoes and clothes that are completely taken over by mold. Meanwhile our health problems and bills were becoming astronomical, it wasnt until 4 days before we were moving out I noticed a wet spot in the same place and two days later the ceiling cracked and I was able to see inside the ceiling which was black all the way back. I cant-I dont know what mold smells like and Im probably too used to it by now=[-I put them in a ziploc. That was a few weeks ago, now I am noticing the paint in certain areas fading out and exposing mold that had obviously tried to be covered with the paint. No compensation what-so-ever for this. I was told by neighbors who knew people who rented an apt. Loss of income, etc. Some could say its age, but I know it is not. She stayed with a friend who has a timeshare there. Ok 2 thought about this: Pay at the courthouse-they hold the rent until the landlord fixes the problem. I am three months pregnant and have been sick for the last two going on three weeks. I figured that it all had to to with the ceilings being messed up but didnt know there was mold under them too. Which i would have taken a picture. A friend had to tell me that I was moving from the house. Is there a lawyer in Chicago we can contact about our mold problem which is going on right now. I dont even want to think about how bad it will be when my bedroom gets done. Depending on the time of day-Im talking about 12-3PM and 3-7AM-theres hardly any hot water in my shower. I have no idea what to do because we have no where else to go. One day i saw a dark area in the corner by the patio door on the baseboard pulled back the carpet the ODOR unbearable the tact strip was softer than a sponge and black,padding soaked with black areas/ black areas under the carpet/ black areas around the baseboards. The next day I went house hunting. Two weeks into The home I had noticed under the kitchen sink that they had a band dated the leak that was there before and placed it with a new piece of wood but didnt take out the old ended up finding out there is a lot of black mold underneath of this then I also noticed a space where there was a dishwasher and when I unscrewed it to see what was behind this wood it was nothing but black mold. I experience headaches, sore throats and other symptoms. The plaintiffs were not allergic to mold according to some of these tests, but the defense witnesses disregarded the two other types of exposures that you have to mold which is an immune response and a toxic response, Miller said. Id definitely get your home checked for mold by a local mold remediation company. I asked for another apartment, because I am uncomfortable staying in the apartment not knowing how far it has spread. My clock is ticking and I want to prevent other tenants from experiencing what I have. I have become very ill from it (after thing it was something else), got tested by an ENT and he said my illness was being caused by the mold as I am highly allergic. Check for plumbing, electrical, septic tanks if applicable, roof, foundation and even permits with the county checking accesors inquiry making sure that all their ducks are in order. The opposing lawyer represents a majot insurance company (pum parum pum pum pum pum) Which has 1000s & 1000s of lawsuits against them, even by their own clients for breach of contract, non-payment of claims, and yes many mold issues that they have lost. I do not want to be living here anymore and plan on suing the landlord and getting a new place as soon as possible. $24 million settlement paid by home builders to 2,000 new home purchasers for mold property damage. But this was inside the wall which I would have never known about if the dry-wall was never cut out a foot high. We have been after them for months to fix this. Ive responded to your question via email. Under new management now and their dragging stating that its expensive and they have to check the budget. anytime everytime there is a leak in your home there is going to be mold. I dont care how healthy you think you are. My coworker who has been there for 12 years has told me that the carpet in the entire office has not been cleaned in a very long time. Every year during the spring rains the floor soaks. Kitchen- Toxic Mold Litigation Who Is Legally Responsible And Do I Have A Case? I rent a duplex from a property managment company and have only been here 2 mounths . It took maintenance over 24 hours to come out and they simply pulled the carpet back in her bedroom and dried the floor with a fan, relaid the same carpet and painted over the walls roughly a week later. Been like this for 3 mnths now. Of course they lied to OSHA in their response and OSHA has finally come out and conducted an onsite inspection and verified they were lied to. I have been having health issues. I didnt know where I worked. we also reported roof problems. The lowest was 15,000.00 The highest 19,800.00, they all took extensive pictures, the damages are unbelievable, mold and mildew every where and do to this ALL my floor joices are rotted and split. They sent me home with hospital pneumonia. Surprisingly, all of my symptoms and illnesses completely stopped when I moved. Ive been sick for 3 1/2 months with some sort if lung issue because Im having problem catching my breath, have a metal taste when I cough and occasionally cough up blood. Sorry this is so long but I have to be able to explain everything. I recently just moved out on my own into a nice house,2 months later i find out there is a full room right underneath my master bed room that is full of mold thats been there for a while,now im sitting in my room and it looks like they painted over mold on the walls,i do feel like my breathing changed but i dont no what to do,rent due on wedsday,please help me. We are going to get Federal Laws going here. Is this a law suit? The drainage was always backing up and the toilet was always leaking water. they said they would send an inspector, never showed. The important thing to do is get out of the mold-contaminated building. I moved out a year and a half ago. I do not have the money to move, I have lost my job, which due to COVID, and I been on unemployment since July 16th, 2020 with no medical insurance now. When you mail the letter, pay for signature confirmation. That way, with the notary and signature confirmation, you will have evidence that you brought this issue to their attention. As there is no emergency maintenance number, I waited until 10:00, then went to the office and asked them to send someone right away to check on it because I was worried the upstairs bathtub was going to fall through. Yes kill you. I ended up renting an even worse property with the same type of mold problems!!! I feel like my health is deteriorating but none of the doctors I see can tell me why. Im your tenant, you need to tell me when, and if things are going to take a while to get fixed and WHY. Any suggestion . Ive made the landlord aware and he has seen the problem. He came by 3 days after i called him . That same neighbor took me 4 doors down to show me how bad the mold was in that apt. The roof leaked. They were very emotional when they were given notice. It will be three years this May that Ive been living in the New Bedford Housing Authority, I have had several feces floods coming through my kitchen sink, flooding my cabinets inner and outer interior as well as my kitchen floors, the water has also come through the ceiling light. The Mazzas rented a unit in the complex from August 1997 until approximately June 2000. Im currently working on and want to make county and state depts awear of this old problem and new illness in todays life style in which we are forced to live with and hope to have a impact so no one else needs to go through this illness and health risk, please if you like what I have posted and have to say please contact me at [emailprotected] and please advise your doctor of the mold exposure and have a mold test done in your home for there is over 27 different kinds of toxic mold and mold in gerenal is bad and isnt healthy for the human body or animals but when talked about in the county or states eyes they say its a private industry to deal with this new illness and no one will address the issue.I have no problem standing up and even forcing the issue and make them hear me,,and my advise is get out and yell if you have too but dont be forced to live and pay a slumlord for poor health conditions and get healthly by getting away from the mold and make them listen, till later all and keep your chin up and be postive ,slvc, Thanks Sheldon, I received your message and will be contacting you tomorrow and we can speak further.. The third time I had to cancel because of a doctor apt. Recently they evicted the last tenants and sold the house to a long distance buyer. California law requires landlords to provide tenants with a written disclosure, prior to signing a rental agreement, when they know, or have reason to know, that mold exceeds permissible exposure limits or poses a health threat. Mold can cause property damage. Its worth noting that there is no federally mandated law regarding mold disclosure for landlords. They were forced to leave by the reconstruction company (who started the process without my permission but by the authorization of my HOA). I remember a man coming in after the work was complete and doing a test so it could be signed off on. I have done everything possible on my end to help dry it out. I recide in the Carolinas the cost of moving can be a bit expensive, due to application fees and gas. I live in an apartment in NH. Also, there is mold all over the outside of the apartments including mine. We had been telling the landlord for months about the ceiling leaking in numerous places. Im not sure if its the mold to blame but we dont have a family history of asthma and theres not pets or anything in the house that could possibly cause it. Its completely outrageous! And, I was told that I could not change to another apartment until the lease is up. After repeatedly asking for the results they finally gave me a one page letter from the testers.. saying that there was mold. We are elderly and need the money from the sale of the condo for medical related help including assisted care. P.S. When Jessica moved in she had noticed a small stain in our living room and reported at the time to management. After living in a molded apartment for the last six months, I am pretty sure Im back to a 10 year life expectancy, and I am really really angry. In Ballard in particular, the defense made a Daubert motion to exclude all of the evidence the Ballards wanted to put on to show how they had been injured physically by mold. Me and my youngest son have had a cold and respiratory issues for 4 months straight. ACLU and legal services of missouri arent returning any messages I leave them. 3 of us worked in a mold and mildew office 2 of us developed new adult onset asthma. 1 yr ago I have bought this mobile home. The impressively named "National Treatment Centers" has been the subject of complaints by patients to the Georgia Medical Board. Periodically we would get it in random places through out the house but i thought it was just normal. Never sent, or did anything until June of 2009, then walked away again. ER told me i had pharyngitis. Thanks in advance if you can help me. In early 2016, Dr. Ordog pled guilty to health care fraud. I filed a claim with OWCP and of course they denied it. Then the doctor said to me, I believe you have Mycotoxins poisoning in other words mold poisoning How is that possible? We live in southern California (Riverside county), and it really doesnt rain much. seeing today what happened, I know it had to have happened in that house before when it rained. Meanwhile, our neighbor start to notice mold and high moisture in their units that share the leaky exterior wall. I had to leave town for work, and asked them to please get it done during this time because I was worried that my health was in jeopardy. The doctor advice was to re mediate our house and sell it or burn it down and then take three feet of the dirt and dump it at the contaminated dump site , (Mycotoxins are killed at 500 degrees)And then build a new healthy house with a certified new green builder. I am a Lanlord. We expect the issue of mold in military housing to be an ongoing story. Skip forward and a couple of years ago I noticed the plug in the master bathroom had black spots. She did give me an inhaler as I have trouble breathing in the apartment. I have come to realize being in communication with these landlords and realtors they will find any way they can to redirect the attention to another issue like you have been late on your rent, in 5yrs maybe five times. She has not offered to reimburse for the mold test either. My granddaughter and family she has a 5 year old a 2 1/2 year old and is 8 1/2 months pregnant and their house is full of mold and they have told their landlord about it and he has done nothing. The mold is visible and also growing back on the walls from the 1st leak. what do I do? The settlement was approved, and made public, by the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. We have documentation from Dr. visits, time missed from work and school due to our sons constant illness, we have pictures with dates referencing mold damage, as well as we have all emails between management/ land lord. My fiance, 3 young children and I have been living in our apartment for a year now and there has been mold build up in the air vents in the living room and bedrooms. It leaked again, a 3rd time-even worse than the last time. The office here told us thay it is sold as is. take pictures of everything. Unfortunately, even if you have a strong suspicion that it is black mold sickness, your friend is correct in advising you not to make a black mold claim. I also read online that a few of the other Never give up. they are relatively new. See AIHA website CDC (center for dease control) and see what they say about mold. I just dont know what else I can do. Is it even possible for someone to have lifelong health problems after having a fungal infection? Removal of mold typically requires the destruction of all infected materials, such as sheet rock, floorboards, and furniture. we do have pictures of before and after. Within that time after a few weeks I continuously was smelling a very FOUL ODOR throughout my apartment. The landladys answer is to spray with bleach and call it good. I cannot even find out who the owner of the building is as there are about 20 ownersAny advice out there. She sent the maintence worker over and he just wiped it down with Tilex and left. Over the course of the last 3 months or so I was progressively showing symptoms of illness but wasnt aware yet It began with the inability to get cool, sweating profusely, muscle ache, joint pains, headaches, and nausea All of which were at different times and didnt seem enough to be symptoms Then I was bitten by a black widow spider The bite started with a bullseye type wound, which increased the symptoms to almost unbearable The bite went away within two weeks and I seemed to be okay. I can now use my hand but it feels like Ive been sitting on my hand. I was going out of town that week (October 28 31), and asked them to do it while I was gone. For instance, it could be the result of construction defects, faulty materials, poor architectural design, or the previous owner's failure to disclose known problems. If you documented everything took pics emails any proof in your favor. The owners insurance adjuster said get out of the house and finally after taking a mold test my doctor told me that every mold was in my body. Had I known that I would have had my own inspection done like planned. Last year they were required to provide bottled water and boil water to a certain temperature for a time, while complaining that it wasnt necessary. Each time it rained my carpet by the. Its been 11yrs. Well the same day I filed the complaint they contacted the leasing office and they came to my house the same day and told me that I should havwe came to them instead of complaining to the housing athority then they said that they where not going to renew my lease and that I have to move what can I do (they said because of the bread of my dog) which I paid the deposit to have and also pay a monthly pet fee for. Should this be covered by homeowners ins and should the previous contracting company be liable? I asked about seeing the apartment before signing the lease, because I still did not know what I was getting. I have been residing in my apartment since 2009. We were told the reason that they were selling this home was because they had more than they could handle of there investments and needed to free some money. I didnt get out fast enough. I was told that if I move out I am breaking the lease, so would be responsible for paying the entire lease period. Whether you ever showed up or not I dont know. I live in a ranch style 2 bedroom apt. We hope that this summary of the trends and developments of the past year helps prepare our clients and friends for what lies ahead. I was worried about the discovery and felt I might get in trouble for even opening that door.. Kind of how the girlfriend of the guys that showed me their mold was worried.. Heck, dont want to lose the monthly deals here I guess.. people ha.. that includes me too.. We notified the landlord and he assured us that the paint he was using to paint over it would fix it. We had a pretty serious rain storm and the next day my bedroom ceiling caved in and wet insulation was everywhere. Negative air pressure can also pull particles, including mold spores, into the rooms. I myself have been through a similar situation where I informed the landlord via a signed letter of the presence of mold, the health implications, and the states laws regarding mold in rentals. We have taken our son in to the DR.to check him out and he is fine currently but she told us to remove him from this situation immediately. Not only does this not remove the mold, but it causes health problems for the entire house. Mold-related injuries were not reported. While the jury found for the plaintiffs on the negligence claim, they rejected the contract-based cause of action and the larger request for damages. there was a little mold in the garage and we put in the lease that the landlord would have it fixed within 3 months. Im so over this. So to me that means it is inevitable that it will make you sick. I realize now that the white stuff on my esophagus was aspergillus toxic mold. Go to the Clerk of the Court and tell them you want to place your rent in Escrow. My goal in life now it to bea an advocate to the dangers of mold!!! I live in El Monte, CA and me & my husband rent a studio apt. What do I do? Which of course they didnt check anywhere else. There has been several families sick behind living here,including a new born baby. Also, its been found that some of the test kits already have mold! I had to move out of there. This system is very old and depends on water to heat and cool the rooms. The doctors asked me questions daily so I was told. About half is fallen on us already. Thank you so much for your help. He even sent a letter to them saying this and that my condition would worsen if I was not removed from the building and the mold remediated. Now I was told by the er doctor I need a cardiologist, and he didnt know why they didnt send me to an infectious disease doctor. Educate yourself, find a lawyer. I just found out today that the house I have lived in for 8 years as been basically full of blackmold the entire time. She bought a mobile home 6 months ago from a huge company who sold her this home that has tons of mold . There was The door fell on the ground when i opened it.. it was kind of stuck and the force of, caused it to drop. The property management company that was her when we started had recently sold. Co. came in, said I couldnt collect, water came from the ground and left. Banks wont like it when their properties with mold get a death sentence, so to speak, because nobody will buy them due to fear.. It took them two weeks with me being at the office nearly every day to send someone out to fix the damage and by that time mold has taken. We have addressed this issue with our apartment manager as well as the new manager since the summer of last year!! Upon moving all of our stuff to the new room I noticed in the corner behind a box and some bags that were there a great deal of black mold had grown coming from the floor and up the wall but also in the air conditioning unit. Upon moving in I was told I couldnt hook up washing machine due to leaking pipes. That is fatal. They said they were in the middle of cleaning the carpets, so they would show me the apartment after signing the lease. My daughter has asthma and her, my son, my husband, and I are having breathing problems due to the mold, I have told her this repeatedly yet she still wont remove it. Please help this is how I make my living Iam hard working honest and love what I do but his black mc is horrendous I do believe if you seen this in person you would be APPALLED!! Things like how you felt, who was sick, medicne, doctors visits, stress, loss of work, Everything that entered your life during the time you moved into this place which effected your life. We have no other choice but to get my parents moved out as soon as possible and take legal action for this nightmare that this landlord has caused my patents to endure!!! Heres another article on legal responsibility. If you have sent written notice to the landlord (Certified) detailing all of the events, the impact on you, and what you expect them to do, you are in the drivers seat and should see a good attorney that is willing to help you. In-excuseable. Code Enforcement inspected and found Black Mold on tack strip, under the padding/carpet evidently this was an issue before I moved in. Go to a doctor if possible and get tested for toxic mold I didnt kno I was even sick for almost two years and by the time I had symptoms and then its too late. They have sent out mold people to test the property and they found VERY elevated amounts of mold that is both on the walls/vents and in the air. Email me [emailprotected] if you have any help to offer! Angela, simply withholding rent will get you evicted. I worked in this building from the day it opened until it was condemned in August, and was sick the entire time. But they dont care, they just want the money (pum parum pum pum pum pum) Because if they ever get a suit against them, they have the big dogs to release the legal mumbo jumbo to combat the language of the court. The Georgia Department of Community Affairs seemingly warned the board of commissioners about this problem of moisture prior to the set up of the building and approved the building location but not the modular construction; saying if they continue with the project it would be at their own risk. Thanks for listening hope to hear from you soon. hi there, i have lived in my house for 3 yrs now, I have been very sick and aches and pains my son has lost 40 lbs and looks really ill well the ceiling in his old room came down and its full of black mold ,, they put new siding on our house and windows 2 yrs ago my husband told them to replace the roof before anything. The doctor states it can be from mold since I have had this issue for 5 months now. Oh and the other kicker is she said Quote UnQuote I was responsible for all plumbing and electrical repairs is to why I havent repaired the 1st bathroom mind you this is an d post office building from the 1950s and the plumber has told me they no longer have these toilets more less the parts to even repair it if I could even afford to repair it it is almost inhuman what she is doing Please Please Please Help Iam begging Iam at my Wits end the ceiling is so hideous Iam sorta ashamed of me going in like I have but like I said it is my lovely hood and Ive put my life into building my business at his location I pay 825.00 monthly and she has repaired nothing due to the past leaks I know they will shut me down if I call the health Dept. me all of my money I would move and we wouldnt have to involve any type of attorneys or court but all I got was a blank response and then was told by Davina that the owners We are on a month to month lease and have black mold all over the house. Plaintiff and his roommate also discovered water leaks and other problems with the HVAC system and complained to management. And he cannot put in a clause that empowers him to force you to move out any time he wishes. So he ordered the manager to clean baseboards then he would re-inspect. How would I find out if the health problems I suffer from today are a result from my mold infection? Manager sent his maintenance workers not certified nor licensed to treat mold/mildew sprayed some chemical on a spot in the ceiling near patio and applied AFTERSHOCK on the baseboards thru the apartment after I told them not to, it was done without my knowledge the manager said I had to leave out. We started had recently mold lawsuit settlements amounts california the same type of mold exposure issues in Escrow Riverside )! To a long distance buyer definitely get your home there is going right...: 714-660-4313 I have no where else to go company that was her when we started had sold... 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