Make sure he remembers or Ill go talk to him myself.. As Emma cleaned off her cutting board, Regina said, Its the Patronus charm. She is! Emma protested, unable to come up with a more compelling argument out of sheer surprise. I suppose if youre that worried. She pulled out her wand and made a square shape in the air as she said, Effingo. An exact duplicate of the parchment materialized next to the original and she handed it to Emma. The Fishers just dont like it when I go places by myself, the downsides to having a foster family that seems to give a damn, ha ha. Emma did her best to copy her. After the longest part of the tryouts finished, leaving them with their returning keeper and new chasers, it was her turn. Why?, Did you find that hard to read? Regina asked, even though Emma had gotten it right. And thats when you drink the potion., Emma tried to keep her mind on the conversation and not the feeling of Lilys hand still holding her own. Emma frowned a little, Why do you think youre having such trouble with the spell? As if in a haze Emma went in, noticing that the curtains were open in this room and the light filtered in through the dusty gave it an otherworldly look even more so than the other rooms had. We have dorm rooms that we share, she was explaining. Regina knew she was at odds with the majority of her classmates when it came to the fact that she hated summer holiday. How could Emma be able to break it? Why do the scary ones always pair up?, Right? Ruby said. Regina struggles to accept that anyone could ever love her. Are you free to come now?. !, Apparently. I finally leveled up! he said proudly and grabbed an apple from the fruit holder on the counter. Thank you for looking out for him. Yup, Emma held up the spellbook, Ruby the clothe, and Mary Margaret the flowers. Oh, hello! I- Taking a deep breath, I considered the options. She wanted to get her gear and head outside so she could start practicingit was hot in the barn and she wanted the wind in her face so that her riding outfit wasnt so warm. Regina glared at her and refused to answer. It catered primarily to witches and wizards, but it was muggle passing and normal enough that frequently people with muggle relatives and friends in the know were able to bring them along without freaking them out or having them stick out like sore thumbs. On the train shed made friends with a girl named Mary Margaret who ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff with her. All of these can be changed according to your wishes, typically by putting in the old combination or password when the lid is open and then putting in whatever you wish the new password to be., Regina was still trying to absorb all that Silvia had just shown her. As if she had any idea of where to find that. Im aware there are things I choose to remain ignorant of, some that I should not have ignored. Unicorn hair and cedar. I realized how much I missed being in big cities and it felt good to be back for a bit. Regina turned a corner and silently raced down to the end of aisle to ambush whoever it might be. I know you said I shouldnt have told people and Im really sorry I didnt listen. I see, Gold replied, now his voice was amused. She did know though that she didnt want everyone else knowing about them yet. You didnt grab it ahead of time like I told you? Today was her parents anniversary, of their marriage, not their deathit was the day everyone honored them and everyone felt like they could come up to Emma to talk about them. Ill be going home at the end of the week as planned.. Regina tapped the trunk to enlarge it, both women leaned back as it expanded to its full size. The red jet of light flew at the creature but it barely seemed to notice. Diffindo, Regina muttered and didnt even flinch when the charm open a shallow gash on her arm. He was married to Zelena. Since you werent here yet when it was bedtime for my kids, I told Henry he can stay over if he wants instead of coming back here alone Hes sleeping right now. Then herelet me write a quick note for her and then you can get her.. Sure enough, what came next was, Youre the White heir, right?, Emma let out a loud breath, she was quickly moving from resignation to actual anger. The Midas were a powerful, old family, one her mother wished to cultivate a closer relationship withparticularly with the older Midas connection to the sorcerers stone. Archie convinced the rest of the aurors to let me send it, vouching for you and reviewing the message himself. Wind whipped through her hair as they flew out and Regina could feel excitement rush through her veins. Moments later Emma slowly crept closer. She folded her arms across her chest. Ill explain further once we sit down, can I treat you to a drink?. Granny had this special cloak, the red one, that kept it all under control when I was younger, but I guess puberty when your part-werewolf comes with more surprises than usual. While she had been told by her captain she needed to make up the practice ASAP, doing it after curfew wasnt actually allowed. Hm, she looked at Emma with exaggerated disappointment, Now Emma, I dont know what your other homes were like, but here we dont approve of lying and it isnt tolerated.. She knew it was different than some other pureblood studieseveryone had rather different education before starting at Hogwarts. She had to go already? Sequel to Magical Misfire. They narrowed to dark pinpricks as she spat out How dare you., You killed Papi, Regina said simply, Of course I dared.. Sorry, he said, blushing slightly at his fumble. Regina looked back into them and could see the older witch already knew so she plucked up her courage. Is what you wrote true? Granny had her hands on her hips and she sounded angrier than Emma had ever heard before. Emma thought what they had been through made them special, not broken. Ive wanted to for a while, but Papi didnt let me try until last year. Emma stood up too fast and almost lost her balance, but I supported her with my shoulders. Did something happen? Emma asked, remembering Ruby had talked about it last year when they received the forms and shed seemed excited to show them around. She even said she wanted order the potion every month. His dad is Professor Gold? Emma turned around completely, glad for an excuse to stop looking at the figures. Im just glad that my social workers signature was good enough for Sprout, Emma said. Every time she looked in the mirror and saw the scar badly healed by a witch who wasnt a healer. All she remembered was the house elfs quiet, high voice saying, Buenas noches, que suees con los angelitos.. He thought he could threaten her owl? But what a way to go. Emma said wistfully, before they exchanged a look and laughed. I think they think Im in witness protection instead of being an actual orphan. Do you want me to tell you my secret?, Regina blinked herself back to the current moment. parkering ica maxi flemingsberg; lakritsgranulat eller lakritspulver; tacos tillbehr familjeliv Drawing on her memories from last year, she managed to use the very small amount of muggle money she had left to get on a train that took her to the heart of London where travelling with a suitcase would look much more normal. Does it look too strange?, No, he said immediately, before he reached up to rub the back of his neck. But she didnt, Regina was just that good. She ignored the Hufflepuff for now, focusing on Rocinante. She couldnt have slept too much. They came upon a short line of people who Emma was relieved to see looked normal enoughshe kept expecting something more, well, magical around every corner. I mean, honestly, not even making sure you got into the place before high-tailing it out of there? Not even your first day and already you have managed to upset my plans, Cora said, her voice full of tightly controlled anger and a hint of disgust. Papi taught me how to ride and care for horses. Emma, this is my Granny, Professor Lucas.. Of words being said, words like, "I believe in her". It would be wonderful to race Regina said wistfully. Most of my professors are pretty good tooseem like they actually give shit, until some other teachers where, like, you know they dont want to be here anymore than you do, you know? She threw them off and sat up in bed, panting. Thank you. Regina jumped out. results. And then youre an Animagus?, I think, thats where Im having trouble, Lily confessed. All four eyed the dark cave dubiously until a round faced dwarf holding a torch came out to meet them. Regina struggles to cope with the abuse she's endured but wants to let Emma in. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Hold out your hand, Emma did so and Regina clasped it firmly. She drew out her wand and before Emma could object said, Reparo!, They glowed slightly from the spell and then Regina picked them up once more to see most of the imperfections were gone or smaller. Her first try for this potion in class had not gone well. They eventually made it to a small cottage near the edge of the forest. I expect there to be a lot of articles and op eds about this all summer long. Hopefully, well get you sorted out and into a proper group home by the end of the night.. Im- fine, she said, her eyes distant. This was in the closet. You also dont have students every day, he pointed out. For what? Mary Margaret flinched at that and Emma saw another couple tears fall from her eyes. She skidded into view causing Danny and the woman she could now see was in fact Faye Sapphire. Im a Professor at Emmas boarding school. Emma decided to mention his strange behavior tomorrow and see if she could figure out what she did wrong to make her friend so skittish. Regina was already calculating what to ask for when Lance spoke up, How about three galleons., Regina was a bit taken aback and she knew it showed. I will acquire the necessary paperwork. After waiting in a short line, she was called up to one of the goblin tellers, I would like to speak with Grundran, Vault Master.. I dont know why I am surprised. Fir and dragon heartstring, like your esteemed professor, longer though and whippy. Regina was barely paying attention as she twisted to look at the potion. She decided against changing her clothesafter all one of the reasons she had designed these dress robes this way was so that they would be comfortable. Once Upon A Time: The Magical Child by TheComicTitan. Whatever. She shook her head before smirking at the other girl, but backing off, she could tell when someone was too stubborn for their own good. I brought half of the gold I wish to store in a vault today. Suddenly, it clicked in her mind: those were the cursed dwarves. Theyre already waiting, the bars owner explained. Well, it does look kinda strange, but it doesnt look bad. Good, lets go.. Moments turned into minutes and minutes into hours. Im she panted. This is just a small circle to show you how it works. Theyre good people, if a little nave. Regina glanced up from the herbal book she was reading to see how Emma was doing with the Pepperup potion she was brewing. Regina was not born bad. Since the winged horse barn had far more alarm spells on it than this one did and that the winged horses were far more temperamental about their sleeping schedules. Shed only picked up a single wizard guide book to London when the flutter of wings caused her to drop it on to the table. Really? She waved it and a few feeble yellow sparks emitted from it, but not enough to satisfy Ollivander. Without thinking or waiting for a response, Emma rushed forward, as if on autopilot, and wrapped her arms around the other woman. This library has some really good books from Uagadou, lots of their students become animagi, its basically part of their normal curriculum., Emma frowned, turning into an animal would be cool, but do you get to decide what you turn into? In fact, I do not want her to have knowledge of its existence. Regina laughed, throwing her head back, Very true.. Finite Dorminium!. She had the book she needed for History of Magic since shed been by the library yesterday. After they headed up another staircase, down a short hallway, and up a spiral staircase, Ruby pointed, There!. I didnt really know how to feel either. Most people dont know. David didnt understand what it was like to never get positive attention from parental figures. Soon enough though, one of the dwarves remembered she was there and pulled her over to join in the celebration, distracting her. We considered having them moved to St. Mungos but to be honest, it wouldnt make a difference., Thats terrible, Emma said, she thought shed have more time before she needed to deal with all of this. And they dont get to take credit for any part of me! Once she reached the ground, she headed for the Restricted section. Did you really think that I would let any of you sleep on the floor?. Ill stretch my arms out under the water and you lie on it, okay? Eventually, one of them slippedthe nervous boy hit a glancing blow that wasnt enough to divert the ball from its mission. Ive been riding since I was little. She didnt even want to come in the first place and I even left my key at home. Ill be going along to the new place with your new social worker, seeing as your old one is in hot water right now. It just wont work., It cant hurt though, right? Emma said, feeling her defensiveness slip away. God I hope they come soon. Should I be doing something to get ready?, Ms. Sapphire gave a little laugh, No, just being here is all I need from you. However, feel free to read any of your books extra studying never hurt anyone. Then McGonagall hesitated, Emma didnt think she could do that. This story is pure fluff with some humour. Regina hated that thought. You scared the shit out of me!, I would be getting dressed if you didnt stand there!, Yes, because Henry is in the bathroom and you were sleeping moments ago!. You trust these guys?, It was still risky, there were other things that could go wrong beyond simply her mother having influence over them. They were morons, going into that fight without a plan.. Make sure that you dont put down any complete pairs. He put down six different cards in a circle, it seemed his deck were different varieties of dragons. Regina flushed before her eyes drifted to the cauldron. A number of fancy robes covered one wall, while the wall directly opposite seemed to be covered in a variety of garments in the four different color themes. A tall man smiled down at Lily, before he looked around and saw Emma standing near her bed. Depulso! Granny meanwhile commented on something else, Ah, muggleborn, are you?, Emma flushed, Yeah. She gave a half shrug and awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, Sort of., Granny raised her eyebrows and even Ruby looked up from her rock cake. Okay, Emma replied, her now standard response to anyone who tried to talk to her about her parents. The smile faded from Emmas face and she pushed her glasses up to hide her discomfort, before she sighed. What can I do for you?. This is just a normal broom, I thought we could help Filch keep the bridge clean., Emma laughed and elbowed her, I should have known better than to ask.. It was broken by a loud growling noise, which made Emma look around wildly until she realized what it was. That was one her favorite aspects of potions. Thats not next.. Im just using him for my bareback riding practice. No one had ever seen her records. Lily had nice parents, parents who wanted her. I yelled over the loud music (We somehow ended up near one of the loudspeakers). And would she be reported missing? And I told you take make it away.. Unfortunately, the next fifth days in a row Emma came in and Neal was nowhere in sight. I looked through it, but the key was nowhere to be found. Kathryn looked briefly around the room before her eyes settled on Reginas dreamless sleep potion. Thanks, Ma, he smiled and slipped out. Emma, stop!. Kathryn and her would hang out outside of things like that. She began to slowly walk along one wall, looking at all the trunks on display. At first, shed blocked out the raised voices shouting, figuring it was some other kids playing around. But Mother would just kill her and that just brought her back to the same problem of who could she threaten to tell that she trusted and could actually get Mother arrested. Those guys are morons too.. You two can fight for staying up on the bed in your sleep and I can have some rest.. Rupert, if you would?, Regina barely noticed as Gold guided her to a chair, her mind finally reaching the conclusion she had been avoiding. Never have to you anything twiceor five times, do I?. People might make you think that you have to agree with their side, but you dont. Reading the steps aloud can help too, that what I prefer to do when Im learning a new potion.. My fathers family we dont speak to them much, Mother doesnt like it. Emma knew Regina was a powerful witch, why was she having so much trouble with this spell? As we were kissing, I felt a teardrop roll down my face, but it was not mine. My names Ruby, by the way., Mary Margaret introduced both of them, but Emma was distracted by something else, If you didnt get lost, then how come youre late?, That brought Ruby down a peg and she threw her hands up in the air, I overslept, alright. Professor Gold, he teaches potions at Hogwarts, she said distractedly. A perfect plan. Then she looked back down at her book and shook her head to refocus. Your parents were heroes! Why cant I be enough? This one is kind of based on the huntsman winters war. Emma picked it up out of the box he held out to her and immediately it began to glow a soft gold color. Regina knew she couldnt out duel her Mother. His face contorted in rage before it smoothed out, which caused her to feel the first pang of fear, You have an owl, dont you? he asked, his voice lowered so the students around them no doubt trying to listen couldnt hear. Then he ran back to Regina and I heard him yell Bye, Mom! before he appeared again. She hates Gryffindor, despises Hufflepuff even more. Ill watch a movie or something, he smiled, And we can always call each other, he continued as he lifted his phone in the air, You guys have fun!. Okay, Emma, she replied in her high voice with a grin and I smiled back. A broom on the ground next to her told Regina shed been flying earlier, but it hadnt been enough to help her feel better. The distortion changed until it became a cloak. Because we just miss the heck out of Lils., Lilys eyes widened and she glanced quickly at Emma to check her reaction, Dad!, Emma still felt that small punch in the gut from when people assumed she had parents. Hi Granny! Ruby greeted the older woman in the doorway with a tight hug. Now lets see about the next step. I hope you like it! Shed probably be spoiled and pure and have run to the Ministry right away. It was so cold, and like You could feel the pull that it had, sucking you in. In a way she had, but Emma just stared at her in horror and blurted out, MM! For a couple extra galleons, well put on a standard lock with an anti-alohomora charms and spells to resist the physical remove of the lock. Enjoy! She can turn into a cat.. Are we ready? Madame Hooch asked, looking between the two coaches and holding the quaffle between Kiley and Gryffindors lead chaser. Dwarves remembered she was reading to see how Emma was doing with the majority of her when... Glad that my social workers signature was good enough for Sprout, Emma replied, now his was... Said I shouldnt have told people and Im really sorry I didnt listen Child by TheComicTitan around... Now, focusing on Rocinante it began to glow a soft Gold color the first place and I back! Look and laughed while she had been through made them special, not broken could feel rush... Show you how it works didnt, regina was a powerful witch, why she... The spellbook, Ruby pointed, there! exchanged a look and.. 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