Andrew: Sure. Maybe its going to be some kind of mobile, social networking that we can all access on our iPhones. They just want to move on with their lives. Interviewee: What else did we do? So, everywhere on the site you go we dont show you like book reviews about Harry Potter, we show you heres what your friends thought of Harry Potter, and we show you heres what everybody else thought of Harry Potter. And it also depends on the author. Or do what Ning did and allow people to create small niches. And I see Dave Yank, whos watching the slide has got a question. [53], User data becomes proprietary to Goodreads[54] though available via an application programming interface, or API,[55] unlike similar projects like The Open Library which publish the catalog and user edits as open data. And our difference is clearly that, because we know what books people like, we target on book genres not on keywords. Even if you get published by Harper Collins or Manninghouse, great theyre going to put your book in the Barnes & Noble store but, theyre not going to market beyond that. Dorothy Buffum Chandler died last summer and her son Otis Chandler, who at one time ran both Times Mirror Co. and the flagship Los Angeles Times newspaper, stepped down from the board after 36 years. The other person who gets me a lot of books, I guess over time, Kareem Mayan, a friend of mine has recommended a bunch of interesting books. [73] A form of extortion scam known as "review bombing", in which trolls post numerous 1-star ratings and poor reviews on an author's new book from different sock-puppet accounts to make the book look bad (sometimes demanding money or that the author quit Goodreads usage to stop the bad reviews from coming in), has also been widely reported as a growing form of bullying on Goodreads, targeting both traditional and self-published authors. Announced Date I love that, I love the clever thinking, the clever business thinking, behind Goodreads. You know I was talking to one of my favorite authors, Steven [Pressfield] who told me that exact thing. So for some perspective, it used to be, say maybe 20 years ago, all you had to do as an author was write a book, hand it to your publisher, they would take it do their thing, youd get a check, youd go back to writing the next one. I had never read Sherlock Holmes. And in early January I finally switched the name from the z to the s so we looked a little more official and worked out a lot of the initial bugs. Interviewee: No, we have a lot of book geeks but. Talk to them a couple months later after the books been on the shelves for a while, they are so depressed they dont even want to talk about the book anymore. Thank you. Is that him on twitter? Andrew: CS of course Computer Science. Thats intense. Andrew: Now the way that I remember them was a series of ads all over the internet, they would buy the remnant spots, offering IQ tests and when someone took an IQ test they would then tell their friends about their IQs and it was insanely viral, and I wanna get into how viral it was, but you said that it didnt start as such a smart idea at first. Alright, lets go back to when you were at Stanford. [35][bettersourceneeded] In April 2016, Goodreads announced that over 50 million user reviews had been posted to the website. I dont think it worked. Yeah, you guys do. You know theyd spend half a work day going down memory lane, all the books I read in junior high, all the books I read in high school, and its a kind of fun process to go through actually. Paul Graham created this nice little community of people who are all hackers who build sites and build businesses and they just talk to each other and they pass news stories to each other, I dont know of another place like that. Heres the interview. Number one was he actually would stand up in front of the company and say We dont hire assholes here, which is kind of, like well Did our CEO just use the word asshole? But it works, because what it does it, everybody says, okay, I cant be an asshole, and there arent any assholes here, and therefore everyone is a good guy. [Andrew Laughs] And I took a few CS classes two CS classes at standford. [7] On March 28, 2013, Amazon announced its acquisition of Goodreads,[8] and by July 23, 2013, Goodreads announced their user base had grown to 20 million members. I actually interview authors all the time, and I can see day one, when I talk to them, before their book launches they are so freakin enthusiastic. So you test this test versus that test, or this flow versus that flow or whatever it is. Any good social network does that well. US . Interviewee: Right, so Tickle was one of those companies that had the perfect combination of advertising revenue and subscription revenue. If youve got a guy on your side that can build youre farther ahead, and luckily I was that for yourself, but every time Im at a Mixergy event and I meet some guy whos like Ive got this great idea, but I need a good engineer and some money, what do you suggest I do? But thats the top two percent of authors that publishers are going to be helping them. So what you had back then if you wanted to tap into a lot of people was pretty much email. So one other thing weve done is weve figured out, Hey, lets not just give these authors a platform to connect to their fans but lets actually let them get in front of the entire Goodreads audience. So we built a self-serve advertising product where you can sign up right now with a credit card and buy advertising for your book on Goodreads. Otis Chandler built Goodreads in 2006 because he believed in social networking and wanted to see what his friends were reading. Mark (unclear) was here, and I asked him if hed recommend business school to other people and he said No, theres so many better ways to waste your money than that. How do you like it? So, to increase retention we needed to give people more things to do and that was where groups came in. Andrew: Funny how many people who went to business school would say the same thing. So we can really decide if this is the right company for us. Interviewee: Thank you Andrew. But its not social and so coming from this [inaudible] testing we also built a social network right on the heels of Friendster. Andrew: Yeah. [6] This funding lasted Goodreads until 2009, when Goodreads received two million dollars from True Ventures. The rest of us get a nice check. Edit Personal Investments Section. Youll see why picking the right name when you launch your company is so important. Thats huge. Interviewee: No I didnt have to do that. And this is kind of like what MySpace does for bands. [74], In early 2021, Amazon removed all new and used copies of William Luther Pierce's white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries from sales on its platform and subsidiary platforms, citing concerns with the QAnon movement as the cause. Can you talk about some of the things that you did over at, and for the transcribers its, can you talk about some of the viral techniques that you used there? Interviewee: Right, sure. [71] Having false or invalid quotes removed can be a difficult process; problematically the quotes can be picked up by third-party websites like Pinterest and Instagram in the meantime, spreading invalid quotes attributed to the author even further, as Goodreads quotes bring a high amount of web traffic. [21] The New Yorker's Macy Halford noted that the algorithm was not perfect, as the number of books needed to create a perfect recommendation system is so large that "by the time I'd got halfway there, my reading preferences would have changed and I'd have to start over again. We built a photo-sharing site right on the heels of Flickr. [?] Interviewee: I couldnt do this without plugging the fact that we just launched book swap. Interviewee: I think thats the trick and I dont know if theres a right answer, but we try to judge every new feature on kind of three criteria, and they would be: number one is it going to get us more traffic, number two is it going to make us more money, and number three is it going to be stickier? Alright, lets continue. Yea, that was what got me into the web. And I could see social networking was probably going to do the same. Thanks Otis. What was it like at first? Interviewee: Yeah, its looking good. Very nice looking car but I like the one that is in the Otis Chandler collection.It is also one of the 1 converts built. They can also create their own groups of book suggestions, surveys, polls, blogs, and discussions. Requires subscription and macOS 11.4 or higher. Thats actually a big asset which is kind of sad because it means that first time writer whos got an amazing idea or an amazing story to tell is not going to get the same chance that, you know, I dont know, Sarah Palin is going to get. Andrew: What about the business behind it, or how do you, alright so I can understand its fun, but if theres not as much substance to it wheres the money coming from is I guess what Im asking. The website's offices are located in San Francisco. He was the fourth and final member of the Chandler family to hold the paper's top position. That gave his business enough traction to raise money from investors and take his business to over 2.6 million members. [4][20] Later that year, Goodreads introduced an algorithm to suggest books to registered users and had over five million members. And I think for every niche now you can find a social network around that. Interviewee: Its a very smart point, because if something is boring, if you sign up for a service and theres nothing for you to do until someone signs up, youre just going to leave, right? Andrew: Do you think you couldve learned it if you didnt have an engineering background? Thanks. How can they get people to read them? And by helping them I mean actively getting them into the press and spending money, marketing money, to promote the book. So I realized that a niche social network around reading, much like a social network around photos, would probably work., Inc. v., Inc., Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2022, Articles lacking reliable references from November 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 16:16. And plus its more fun for me because I get to discover books, etc. Number three when I finally come back to the US you can come out to a Mixergy event to see him in person. He is from USA. A lot of engineers just like thinking about code and I can understand that, so if youre an engineer who likes just thinking about code maybe you need your left hand man who can go think about business, like you and your brother. They finally have written a book, its going to be out there, people are going to know their name. But people started to get burned out on those big generic sites. Andrew: I got a lot of books from friends like that. Users can add each other as "Friends", enabling them to share reviews, posts, book recommendations, and messages. Andrew: Before we get started, I want to introduce you to Haystack. You know, a kind of a virtual shelf to show off and that ends up being very good for book discovery, you know, book communication with your friends. As a young programmer in the mid-2000s, Otis Chandler watched as dozens of niche web sites began to take off. His soon-to-be-wife Elizabeth joined the project, and they slowly built a followingwithout an office, a business model, or a single employee. Tickle had one of the best company cultures Ive ever seen and granted, I havent seen that many. The Authors Guild called it a "truly devastating act of vertical integration" and that Amazon's "control of online bookselling approaches the insurmountable." Interviewee: Right. Along with a passion for building websites, hes also a voracious reader. Andrew: Its working now. You know, today we have Goodreads for books and we have Flickster for movies and we have Netflix and we have LastFM for music. Andrew: I see. I know the first time that we tried this interview it didnt work out so well. How much of that is coming from you? Otis and Elizabeth Chandler are founders of Goodreads. [23] In October 2012, Goodreads announced it had grown to 11 million members with 395 million books cataloged and over 20,000 book clubs created by its users. X. . 68 SS427 Chevelle 5.3 LS 84mm Billet Turbo As a young programmer in the mid-2000s, Otis Chandler watched as dozens of niche web sites began to take off. Otis figured he might prove him wrong, and in 2007, launched Goodreads, a book catalog and review site that he coded from his LA apartment. I read one of them once and I was like man, I bet there are so many of these great books that I never got to. Andrew you might be a golden retriever because youre kind of outgoing. And then what wins goes first, and then you try another one. [inaudible] Id always kinda been a reader as a kid and I wanted to get back to that. I should say that. [3][4] In December 2007, the site had 650,000 members[5] and 10,000,000 books had been added. Otis Chandler - San Francisco, CA (1,354 books) 585 ratings (4.19 avg) 385 reviews Goodreads Founder more photos (7) #32 most followed #3 top librarians Otis Chandler Sign in to Goodreads to learn more about Otis. Additional support from Jeff Rogers, J.C. Howard, Julia Carney, Elaine Coates, Farrah Safari, Liz Metzger, Harrison Vijay Tsui and Katherine Sypher, and Margaret Cirino. Goodreads features a rating system of one to five stars, with the option of accompanying the rating with a written review. [13] Chandler and Khuri both grew up in California. I talked to Dennis Crowley about that issue with Foursquare, you know its a mobile social network, and he said that at first until all your friends are on it he wanted to find something for you to do so he created a contest, he added, not a contest but gaming mechanisms into it. Like about 10% of our users went kind of nuts and would add everything theyve ever read. In 2007, Otis Chandler developed a social network for bookworms because, rather than relying on media reviews and bestseller lists, he wanted to get reading recommendations from friends. The scion of the wealthy Chandler family who took over the Los Angeles Times and transformed it into a nationally respected publication. ", "Goodreads Announces New Content Policy Now Deletes Reviews Which Mention Author Behavior", "Goodreads Reaches New Milestone: Fifty Million Reviews", "Reading Is Alive And Well At Social Reading Site Goodreads, Which Just Hit 10M Members", Amazon's next Kindle Paperwhite outed ahead of its official launch via Amazon's own leak, "Goodreads Librarians Group New Ingram Import", "Goodreads Librarians Group Adding New Books: Large Book Data Import (showing 1-50 of 472)", "Goodreads Librarians Group discussion Announcement: Goodreads to Import WorldCat & Library of Congress Data Tonight", "Goodreads Librarians Group Amazon is going away as a data source (showing 1-50 of 1,601)", "Goodreads plans to retire API access, disables existing API keys", "Goodreads shutters all APIs, breaking my open source app", "Importing your Goodreads & Accessing them with Open Library's APIs", "As Goodreads Ends Sourcing From Amazon, Users Fear Lost Books", "The Announcement You've All Been Waiting For", "How Amazon and Goodreads could lose their best readers", "Review Guidelines & Updated Author Guidelines", "Goodreads Modifies User Terms to Prevent Author Bullying, Reviewers Outraged", "Almost Everything About Goodreads Is Broken", "Goodreads Librarians Group - Issues with Quotes: Editing & Deleting My Quotes Showing 1-50 of 53", "Goodreads' growing pains: Attempt to curtail author bullying angers many users", "How Extortion Scams and Review Bombing Trolls Turned Goodreads Into Many Authors' Worst Nightmare", "Amazon pulls white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries alongside QAnon purge", List of mergers and acquisitions by Amazon. Otis Chandler is a member of Family Member Otis Chandler Net worth: 5 Million Some Otis Chandler images About Theres definitely, yeah theres definitely still a lot of opportunities still on the web, I think. Thank you for that recommendation. So Tickle was viral because when you took a test it would say compare your result with your friends and it was kind of like an early social network in that there were friends except the only thing we did with them was when you took a test was show you Okay youre a Saint Bernard, and heres your friend Andrew whos a Golden Retriever, and heres your other friend Olivia whos a Pug or something like that. Scott Everett for NPR Andrew: Did you I remember one thing that was an innovation for us, a real breakthrough, was storing the email addresses of our users friends if they allowed us to and that meant that the next time they picked a greeting card on our site, we can say, hey these are the five people who you messaged the last time, can we send it to them too?, and in addition, can you type in a few other people and well send it to them. So now you have the opportunity to become a better writer by putting yourself out there more and more often and seeing what people like and dont like. Am I reading your history properly here? No car is worth that money but I guess it is rich mans way to fill a void in their life. Beyond that, publishers do not have budgets to help market their titles. Or the most hardcore booklovers. Interviewee: Right, thats actually a big focus of ours right now, and has been for the last two years, I think. Without much fanfare or outside funding he built his community of booklovers to 650,000 members. Did you run a bunch of different quizzes, and then that ones that did you test a bunch of different quizzes and only run widely those that worked well, or did you have some other system to figure out what was compelling? Chandler family $4.2B 2015 America's Richest Families Net Worth as of 7/1/15 About Chandler family Some 200 heirs with at least 20 different surnames are benefiting from clerk Harry. "[4][20] After a user has rated 20 books on its five-star scale, the site will begin making recommendations. I probably said I wanted to be a mechanical engineer and build cars someday. Net income in mil. You know, today we have Goodreads for books and we have Flickster for movies and we have Netflix and we have LastFM for music. . So then they started going to these niche sites. [59], In May 2013, as a result of Goodreads' acquisition by Amazon, Goodreads began using Amazon's data again.[60]. Dont go. So Im glad I didnt do it. Then we were one of the first companies to actually get beyond the type in your friends email addresses, or copy, paste the message to your friend and email it to them and actually do the address book importer, which is pretty prevalent now in a standard of any social network now, but back then we were one of the first people to do that and that was obviously a good way of reaching a lot of people. Amazon bought Goodreads for $150 million in 2013, though founders Otis and Elizabeth stayed on for a few more years. But yeah, I think you need to be doing everything and anything you can. [26][27][28] Amazon had previously purchased the competitor Shelfari in 2008,[29] with the Goodreads purchase "stunning" the book industry. I dont think it worked. And not work. Howd you come up with the idea? Interviewee: Tickle had a very open policy. I had never read all these classics that I knew were really good. If you havent heard of Otis Chandler its because he spends more time coding his site,, than promoting himself. Answer (1 of 7): Goodreads has a Facebook app, widgets for blogs and websites and an option to post reviews on Twitter--but Chandler says the best marketing strategy is still word of mouth. How much of the business side of the business is coming from you personally? You know for us we had a problem where Goodreads was about cataloging your books so you come in and youd add a bunch of books and youd say what you thought of them, and maybe youd go kind of nuts. And Good Reads it was obvious. No, I get those emails from you. Goodreads raised a Series A round of funding from True Ventures in the summer of 2009. That has that kind of community? But the point is, you went from big generic to lots of little niche ones and the niche ones worked because they were tight around a community and the interests that people liked. But, you guys also did certain things to make it even more viral. Andrew: I mean you personally. Alright, how many members do you have now? Andrew: You also said that you want to make it so that they feel a need constantly, maybe not constantly, but frequently to keep bringing their friends in. I should have gone for Mix Energy or Mix Synergy. You know, one of the first things I do when I go into any bodys house is I look at their bookshelves and see whats on there. So that was the big lesson, serious is good but fun is viral. If its not you focus on the part of the business that you know and get a rock star engineer. Andrew: You know what, you guys did do it early on and it seemed around the press that Facebook got in the early days that they invented it themselves, that they invented the idea that as soon as you register theyre going to scrape your address book and find all your friends and then email them and ask them to come and join, but you guys were, thats one of the innovations that you guys had back then at Tickle. Andrew: And how did he pass on what he learnt at Tickle to you? Goodreads has a presence on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and other social networking sites. Go buy a yacht? Interviewee: Well sure, like I said, every time you had you made a friend on Tickle. Him on everywhere else? So I spent the summer learning HTML, and mySQL and plugging in a lot of boring mathematical formulas and chemical property charts into a website. But yeah, if you show them: Here are five friends you compared with you on the last test, invite them to compare with you on this test, and therere one, two, three, four, five and theres a button: thats a lot more better. So we both launched it, blasted out an email to all of our friends and we got it up toI dont know, I think after a month, from December to January, we got it up to about 800 people with our friends and friends of friends, just kind of organically grown. It just seemed like there was a lot more innovation going on. Goodreads CEO & founder Otis Chandler and Elizabeth Chandler Editor & Chief run a social reading site that offers book reviews and a place to discover new books to read, based in part by. So he came up with the current look and feel of most of it. We built a dating site right on the heels of And what I noticed about dating was that you had big generic social networks. Should I go outsource to India or whatever? Im like no, just get a good engineer, get a smart guy out of college, give him a large piece of your company, make him your right hand man and go build something before you do anything and prove that it works. If they were Christian, theyd go to ChristianSingles. Part 2 of our Exclusive Bibliostar.TV interview with Otis Chandler, the Founder & CEO of from the floor of Book Expo America 2012. [38], Goodreads users can read or listen to a preview of a book on the website using Kindle Cloud Reader and Audible. What can they do as authors? . Ten years after Goodreads was founded by Otis Chandler and his wife, Elizabeth Khuri Chandler, and four years after its acquisition by Amazon, the online social reading . Maybe theres the business model. In 2013, Goodreads sold to Amazon for an undisclosed sum; and today, it's the world's largest site for readers, with 125 million users. Then if you wanted to get back to that is viral was talking to one of the business coming. 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