They also note that the effects of isoflavones are greater when administered as aglycones. (2016) published a meta-analysis of 13 case-control and four prospective cohort studies, where the results revealed that soy isoflavone consumption reduced the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 23% [79]. The authors observed that soy isoflavone consumption was inversely associated with cancer deaths. Contraction stimulates translocation of glucose transporter GLUT4 in skeletal muscle through a mechanism distinct from that of insulin. Zhao T.T., Jin F., Li J.G., Xu Y.Y., Dong H.T., Liu Q., Xing P., Zhu G.L., Xu H., Miao Z.F. Consequently, isoflavones can have estrogenic or anti-estrogenic effects [3]. Anywise, it has been observed that both isoflavones are demethylated by microbiota, formononetin to daidzein and biochanin A to genistein. Yan Z., Zhang X., Li C., Jiao S., Dong W. Association between consumption of soy and risk of cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Perna et al. Overall, evidence regarding the use of isoflavones in cancer prevention suggests that they may be useful in reducing the risk of suffering from some types of cancer, such as breast and endometrial cancer, two of the types for which the association between isoflavone intake and cancer risk has been studied more in-depth. A significant 19% reduction of the risk was found at high concentrations of daidzein, but not at genistein or equol concentrations. Thus, its consumption, according to epidemiological and clinical studies, has been postulated to be related to a decrease in the risk of different diseases. Due to the presence of biologically active compounds, walnut was used in the . Potential mechanism of action of isoflavones on bone metabolism. In the meta-analysis reported by Chen et al. At high elevations, acidic fog and clouds might . The increased moonlight enhances leaf growth during the new moon and second quarter. The improvement was greater in treatments lasting more than one year and in subjects with normal weight, probably because subjects with excessive body weight have a lesser risk of bone loss. In this sense, soy isoflavones have been proposed as beneficial because, in theory, they may contribute to the maintenance of good bone health (mass, mineral density and bone structure) in women who are at this stage in their life. 8600 Rockville Pike we announced our decision to consider the exercise of our enforcement discretion relative to the declaration of eight more isolated or synthetic non-digestible carbohydrates as dietary fibers when . In the same line, Yu et al. Changes to Earth's climate driven by increased human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases are already having widespread effects on the environment: glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking, river and lake ice is breaking up earlier, plant and animal geographic ranges are shifting, and plants and trees are blooming sooner. Metabolism of intraruminally administered [4-. Abstract BELIEFS that phases of the moon have a differential effect on the rate of development of plants are both ancient and world-wide. On the contrary, a systematic review and meta-analysis reported by Man et al. The results showed that a higher regular intake of foods rich in isoflavones might potentially decrease colorectal cancer incidence. However, the authors pointed out several limitations of this study, such as the important source of heterogeneity in their study. The aim of the present review is to gather the scientific evidence existing nowadays on the main beneficial effects of isoflavones on health: bone health, cardiovascular risk, cancer and menopausal symptoms. The authors declare no conflict of interest. (2020) revealed that supplementation of soy isoflavones had a positive effect in reducing arterial stiffness, also known as the loss of arterial elasticity [59]. Batterham T.J., Shutt D.A., Braden A.W.H., Tweeddale H.J. Thirty-nine studies were included with a sample size of 200 women per trial, in which the intervention period ranged from two to 96 weeks (median 12 weeks). Among these, vasomotor symptoms comprising hot flushes and night sweats are the most common and bothersome, which, in turn, have a negative impact on womens quality of life. The main isoflavones found in foodstuffs are daidzein, genistein and glycitein, as well as biochanin A and formononetin [9,12]. However, the moonlight decreases after the full moon. and A.F.-Q. The authors indicated that no consensus was found regarding the protective effects of soy isoflavones (2080 mg) and equol (10 mg) on bone resorption. Therefore, it is necessary to support these results with additional studies. In some Asian countries, isoflavone intake, usually derived from soy consumption, can be associated with a lower prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Moreover, sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) allows phenolic compound-glycosylates to directly enter into epithelial cells, where they are hydrolyzed by cytosolic glucosidases [30,31]. Moreover, a higher intake of soy isoflavones was associated with a lower risk of mortality from gastric, colorectal, and lung cancers. From laboratory experiments, it's known that light intensities as low as 0.1 lux (approximately 0.01 foot-candle) during the night can influence photoperiodic time measurement in some plants and animals. [12,42]. Adlercreutz H., Markkanen H., Watanabe S. Plasma concentrations of phyto-oestrogens in Japanese men. In the aforementioned mechanism, it has been reported that isoflavones bind to both ER and ER, although they present a higher affinity towards ER receptors [7]. In this sense, the authors suggested that the composition of the gut microflora may influence isoflavone absorption and metabolism and could affect the production of isoflavone metabolites, which, in turn, could mediate their biological activity. Finally, isoflavones could be useful in reducing hot flushes associated with menopause. The dose of isoflavones ranged from 30 to 200 mg/day. Franco O.H., Chowdhury R., Troup J., Voortman T., Kunutsor S., Kavousi M., Oliver-Williams C., Muka T. Use of Plant-Based Therapies and Menopausal Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. In a more recent systematic review, including two meta-analyses, as well as one multicenter and randomized controlled trial, Chen and his team concluded that isoflavones reduced lumbar spine bone mineral density loss [53]. The results showed no significant association between isoflavone consumption and gastric cancer risk, with the highest (0.675.5 mg/day) versus the lowest (0.0120.1 mg/day) categories of dietary isoflavone intake. Regarding cancer, scientific evidence suggests that isoflavones could be useful in reducing the risk of suffering some types of cancer, such as breast and endometrial cancer, but further studies are needed to confirm these results. Contrary to other types of renewable energies, such as wind and hydroelectricity, evidence on the effects of PV panels on biodiversity has been building up only fairly recently. Vlachopoulos C., Aznaouridis K., Stefanadis C. Prediction of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality with arterial stiffness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. When a group receiving hormone replacement therapy was included in the study, significant differences between the effects of hormone replacement therapy and soy were found, being the effect of the former superior to that of isoflavones. Bacterial metabolites of isoflavones forming in the gut. Intestinal transport of quercetin glycosides in rats involves both deglycosylation and interaction with the hexose transport pathway. Interestingly, in a study conducted by Tamura et al., the authors observed that in individuals without the LPH enzyme, the concentration of isoflavones and derived metabolites was similar to that found in individuals without an enzyme deficiency. (2015) concluded that soy isoflavones have both a slight and slow effect in attenuating menopausal hot flushes [87]. Isoflavone excretion occurs mainly through urine and feces, primarily in the conjugate forms, and up to 95% takes place in 24 h [43]. Lastly, with regard to isoflavone consumption safety, it seems that they are safe and that the most common adverse effect is mild and occurs at the gastrointestinal level. Nevertheless, the metabolism of formononetin and biochanin A, the main isoflavones in red clover, has been less studied due to their limited presence in foodstuffs. (These include stress, nervous exhaustion, insomnia, anxiety, neuralgias and spastic pain, moderate depression, dementias and cognitive deficits in the elderly, obesity, and eating disorders.) That aluminum may be harmful to plants as well as animals. He X., Sun L.M. For their meta-analysis, Jiang et al. Furthermore, isoflavones are able to inhibit aromatase activity, the enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen. By contrast, the total isoflavone amount is high in soy flour, protein isolate or edamame [19]. They performed a separated meta-analysis for each of the interventions, including dietary soy isoflavones (including four studies), supplements and extracts of soy isoflavones (including six studies) and red clover isoflavones (including seven studies). Liu J., Yuan F., Gao J., Shan B., Ren Y., Wang H., Gao Y. Moreover, the number of publications grouping women according to pre- or post-diagnosis intake criteria is small. The authors found a significant inverse association between isoflavone intake and both overall mortality and breast cancer recurrence. The water in the ocean on the side of the Earth closest to the moon experiences a larger gravitational attraction than the water on the opposite side. Kim Y., Je Y. Flavonoid intake and mortality from cardiovascular disease and all causes: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Received 2020 Nov 30; Accepted 2020 Dec 15. Chalvon-Demersay T., Azzout-Marniche D., Arfsten J., Egli L., Gaudichon C., Karagounis L.G., Tom D. A Systematic Review of the Effects of Plant Compared with Animal Protein Sources on Features of Metabolic Syndrome. After the consumption of around 17 mg of isoflavones per day, the median plasma concentrations of genistein, glycitein, daidzein and equol were 245.3 ng/mL, 9.8 ng/mL, 86.8 ng/mL and 12.7 ng/mL, respectively. Nevertheless, this association was not shown when equol or isoflavones were consumed. In the last few decades, scientific evidence has stressed the importance of plants in the prevention and/or supportive treatment of a plethora of diseases, many of them chronic, age-associated disorders. So long ago as 1880 Siemens showed that continuous exposure to arc lamps promoted luxuriance of foliage . Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Professor Piazza Smyth, the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, in his interesting account of a recent scientific expedition made by him to the Peak of Teneriffe, has set at rest the vexed question of the heat of the moonlight. However, there is still a great heterogeneity among studies, which makes the current data inconclusive. Although the mechanisms of action of isoflavones are not completely understood, it seems that isoflavones not only reduce the rate of bone resorption but also increase the rate of bone formation. The meta-analysis included 15 studies in which the number of participants ranged from 30 to 252. ); sue.uhe@zelaznog.enatiam (M.G.-A. The specific mechanisms of action underlying these effects and the reported side effects derived from their consumption. Another meta-analysis, conducted by Zhao et al. The light reflected off the moon has an effect on life on Earth, which isn't surprising, but not every lunar influence is heralded by a wolf's howl. Taken as a whole, all these results suggest that soy isoflavones do not lead to a meaningful protective effect on cardiovascular risk. The majority of the studies that used display stimuli, such as photos, 3D images, virtual reality, and videos of natural landscapes, confirmed that viewing natural scenery led to more relaxed body responses than viewing the control. Qiu S., Jiang C. Soy and isoflavones consumption and breast cancer survival and recurrence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The lunar effect is a purported unproven correlation between specific stages of the roughly 29.5-day lunar cycle and behavior and physiological changes in living beings on Earth, including humans. In fact, the number of isoflavones present was very variable among the different soy food types. (2018) analyzed 12 studies with 37,275 women with breast cancer and reported that soy isoflavone consumption at a pre-diagnosis stage might have a small effect on the survival of postmenopausal women with breast cancer [69]. Isoflavones could be used as an alternative therapy for pathologies dependent on hormonal disorders such as breast and prostate cancer, cardiovascular diseases, as well as to minimize menopausal symptoms. Concerning this issue, six meta-analyses and two systematic reviews are included in the present review (Table 5). According to the results gathered in the present review, it can be stated that there is scientific evidence showing the beneficial effect of isoflavones on bone health and thus in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis on postmenopausal women, although the results do not seem entirely conclusive as there are discrepancies among the studies, probably related to their experimental designs. Many females sleep less and have less REM sleep. In like manner, a meta-analysis by Simental-Menda et al. Nachvak S.M., Moradi S., Anjom-Shoae J., Rahmani J., Nasiri M., Maleki V., Sadeghi O. Soy, Soy Isoflavones, and Protein Intake in Relation to Mortality from All Causes, Cancers, and Cardiovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. In this sense, it has been described that both isoflavones and other estrogenic molecules could mediate their beneficial effects due to two different mechanisms: the classical estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated signaling pathway and the activation of intracellular pathways such as protein tyrosine kinase, phospholipase C and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) [5,6]. In general, evidence regarding the use of isoflavones on vasomotor symptoms suggests that they could be useful in reducing hot flushes. Another meta-analysis explored the effects of several pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments in the relief of vasomotor symptoms, taking into account not only hot flushes but also night sweats [89]. The light of the moon also influences animals that are active in daytime. However, more studies are required to provide stronger evidence. Moreover, this association was more prominent among postmenopausal women than premenopausal women. They observed that it was dose-dependent at low to moderate soybean consumption. Kelly G.E., Nelson C., Waring M.A., Joannou G.E., Reeder A.Y. (2018) revised 13 epidemiologic studies involving 178,947 participants: 7067 cases and 171,880 controls; among them, three were prospective cohort studies, and ten were population-based case-control studies [71]. An official website of the United States government. Zhang Q., Feng H., Qluwakemi B., Wang J., Yao S., Cheng G., Xu H., Qiu H., Zhu L., Yuan M. Phytoestrogens and risk of prostate cancer: An updated meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies. They are present in several vegetables, mainly in legumes such as soy, white and red clover, alfalfa and beans. Abshirini M., Omidian M., Kord-Varkaneh H. Effect of soy protein containing isoflavones on endothelial and vascular function in postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Daidzein is first converted into dihydrodaidzein, which is the precursor of both equol and O-demethylangolensin (O-DMA) [37]. In: Thompson M.J., editor. (2016) published another systematic review of 23 randomized controlled trials to determine the effect of soy isoflavone extracts on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women [51]. National Library of Medicine In addition, Qiu et al. Comparative efficacy of nonhormonal drugs on menopausal hot flashes. As in the case of other phenolic compounds, genistein and daidzein undergo phase II xenobiotic metabolism, mainly glucuronidation and sulfation reactions at 4and/or 7 positions of the isoflavone ring [34,35]. Perez-Cornago A., Appleby P.N., Boeing H., Gil L., Kyr C., Ricceri F., Murphy N., Trichopoulou A., Tsilidis K.K., Khaw K.T., et al. Gaya P., Medina M., Snchez-Jimnez A., Landete J.M. ); sue.uhe@zednanref.oderfla (A.F.-Q. In view of these results, we can conclude that there is scientific evidence that supports the beneficial effect of isoflavones on bone health and thus in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. However, when a subgroup analysis by a class of flavonoids was carried out, they concluded that these inverse associations were significant for all categories of flavonoids except for isoflavones and flavonols. Acid rain leaches aluminum from the soil. In this regard, it has been reported that isoflavones have a higher affinity to the -estrogen receptor [7], which, contrary to the -estrogen receptor, inhibits cell proliferation and stimulates apoptosis [84]. The gravitational attraction between the Earth and the Moon produces two bulges in the ocean on opposite sides of the Earth. ; WritingOriginal Draft Preparation, S.G.-Z., M.G.-A., A.F.-Q., I.E. In this revision, three systematic reviews and five meta-analyses were included to explore the association of isoflavones and markers related to CVDs (Table 3). Zhong et al. Bustamante-Rangel M., Delgado-Zamarreo M.M., Perez-Martin L., Rodriguez-Gonzalo E., Dominguez-Alvarez J. Their meta-analysis included five studies with a total of 728 menopausal women between 50.5 and 58.5 years old and concluded that women who are not able to produce equol could benefit from equol supplementation. THE effect of light on plant life has been the subject of many scientific investigations. Hence, plants grow faster and healthier. Mace T.A., Ware M.B., King S.A., Loftus S., Farren M.R., McMichael E., Scoville S., Geraghty C., Young G., Carson W.E., et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of isoflavone formulations against estrogen-deficient bone resorption in peri- and postmenopausal women. Lund S., Holman G.D., Schmitz O., Pedersen O. Soy isoflavones osteoprotective role in postmenopausal women: Mechanism of action. In addition, several studies have observed that the urine excretion of daidzein metabolites is notably higher than that of genistein metabolites [44,45,46]. (2017) also analyzed eight studies of prostate cancer, and they found an association between isoflavone intake and prostate cancer risk [61]. Soy isoflavones consumption and risk of breast cancer incidence or recurrence: A meta-analysis of prospective studies. These positive effects were associated with 54 mg/day of genistein and 600 mg/day of synthetic isoflavone ipriflavone. In conclusion, this study reported some evidence that suggests the beneficial role that daidzein and genistein play in preventing breast cancer risk. (2018) published a meta-analysis of seven prospective cohort studies (two studies from Japan with 241 cases and 503 controls, and five studies from Europe with 2828 cases and 5593 controls) [75]. 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