That poor town has been though enough. If this roommate is correct, it looks like Mr. X worked in 2011-2012 at as packing plant in the Delphi area, and he was moved to near Evansdale, Iowa for a period during these two years to work on a sister plant near Evansdale. Im not sure if its better that way or not. These partial DNA samples are useful to LE. Furthermore, we have two different LE sources, both detectives in Indiana, tell us that this is exactly what happened. Delphi, Indiana - February 13, 2017 - Middle school students Liberty German and Abigail Williams went for a hike on the Monon High Bridge Trail and were murdered. DELPHI New chilling details have emerged involving the Delphi deaths investigation. Most of the rest are not bad people, but they are showboats, loudmouths, and boasters with egos the size of small planets. Actually, Jack, the families do not know at all. It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. As youve pointed out Mr. X did this before the search party had even assembled, right at the EXACT parcel of land that the girls bodies would be found the next day. The police cant prevent private citizens from searching on their own, and its my understanding that many did. Apparently he planned this abduction to occur at precisely this time, which is shocking. Can you email me with her name, please? Then come email me and I will send you a link to the private group and a password to get you in. 242? This implies that the girls were returned to the scene later. They always came home. They dont say where they collected it from, but thats an important question. I dont know this man very well, but he wasnt in on this crime. Id prefer stuff thats in the papers. I dont know if the bridge was within eyeshot of the spot where the girls were found. But know, this is deliberate. These two men, driving in the younger mans black truck with pink stripe, were witnessed in the vicinity on or near the cemetery road at approximately 5:30 AM February 14, 2017. You came over here after sitting over of that hate Reddit, LibbyandAbby where youve been hating on me. DAs require a very high standard of evidence to bring a homicide charge against someone. Tony Kline is 65, 310 pounds! is that creepy guy still following us?. Abby may have been naked below the waist. Were their clothes found with the bodies at the crime scene? He had his keys with him, so why didnt he move his truck when they asked him to instead of lying and saying he couldnt because he had lost his keys? Last week some tweaker who had clearly been up for days on meth, posted non stop on multiple groups, and on his own page, that his father and young son were the killers with zero evidence. Good question Jess. The sketch of the younger man is the catfish of the 19 year old boy used to lure in Libby from Snapchat. We dont know who his roommate was in Delphi and then again in Evansdale, and we also dont know what sort of work they had both been moved over there for. Then there is always the question of his occupation. 2) There was a shot that was deliberately fired into the creek in an attempt to scare Libby, whom was attempting to evade Mr. Two young girls disappear off of an extraordinarily dangerous bridge in the middle of the day when they had plans to be picked up at a specific time? There are screenshots showing the discrepancies. So if any POIs happen to get charged with a felony (not related to being BG), it's a hurry up and wait but don't take too long kind of game. I dont know, FIELDS! I was never aware that anyone had any good evidence against this harmless-looking fellow. Will be posted by Saturday, March 11th. Earlier today, fake DP posted those same newspaper articles and said "someone" sent them to him. A murderer is stupid if he sues someone for claiming he murders. I saw the local Delphi News footage from the week of the murders where they interview Ron Logan while they are actually searching his property. I see T. Neighboring state. If I were LE, I would take a long, hard look at Rick Brown in Delphi, Indiana. (WISH) News 8 has learned hundreds of tips have come in to authorities about a social media profile that may be connected to the 2017 Delphi murders of two teens. Thanks again and have a great day. I 100% agree about Mr X, and I recently seen a pic of his stepson which I think looks similar to the YBG sketch. Theres a knife that he used to kill the girls. The catfishing situation is not what we think. When the Col. and Cpt did their very first episode back at the start the glaring fact shared was that the county has one of the highest sexual offender rates per capita in all of the US of A. Its a farce! When the Col. and Cpt did their very first episode back at the start the glaring fact shared was that the county has one of the highest sexual offender rates per capita in all of the US of A. Wheres the rest of it? Theyve been doing this from the very start, so this is nothing new. It was believed that someone was killing females and removing their hearts. The rumor is that his alibi is a Delphi police officer, Nate Allen, who committed suicide in December. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They all go off and do their own work. Yes, that is part of Leigh Kerrs testimony. All I ask is that you say that our suspect is named Mr. X, and we absolutely refuse to identify this man. A man was a suspect in this crime, and one document, a search warrant, are from LEs investigation of him. And Im sure that the Delphi police could say the same thing. How many journalists do you know who actually went to J-school and have J-degrees? It says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film, etc. You can tell by many things gait, body shape, manner of walking, voice, etc. Its a dead end. Though she cannot comment on this investigation since its ongoing, she MAY be able to offer clues. And there are some good posters on r/LibbyandAbby; its just that they happen to be in the minority and all the best posters get downvoted to Hell and the people who are dead wrong get scores of upvotes! The change in sketches, the age range, much of what has been said by LE etc. ***************Tip Line: 735-822-3535Email tips to: abbyandlibbytip@cacoshrf.comBehind The Crime Door Intro courtesy of:Graphics done by: Grizzmaticly Clever Music by: Techdeath Hippie The RequiemTip Line: 844-459-5786 Email tips to: Here are the main things that ALLEGEDLY (no proof guys, just what I received) stood out to me: 1) I got three names, of which, per your instruction, I will not provide here. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use) , scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. He did commit the crime because the younger sketch is just BG in catfish form, his other younger personality that he used to snare victims. - We now have some additional insight into the reasons Carroll County's prosecutor asked a judge to seal records in the Delphi murder case. Would you be able to send me any sort of timeline map to help me with my own investigation? Truth is an absolute defense. At 8:20 PM, the police scanner said that A., Mr. Xs wife, was coming to bring Mr. X a spare set of keys. Number 6, an extremely controversial statement, was told to JM and then to us by a sheriff in a nearby county. You mentioned a pic of CSI workers with a doll a couple of days ago did anything come of this? Thats a GoPro on BGs waist and he filmed his crime. DELPHI, Ind. Too much points to them to be coincidence. There is no way he would come back later to stage anything because he wouldnt know how safe it was or how many law enforcement would be around. Or wet sneaker. So, DP could be deposed. Via LE Source A, we learned that LE has only recently started to believe that BG (Mr. X) is also responsible for the Evansdale Murders. In these cases, we have 4-5 separate sources, usually vaguely referred to as inside sources, testifying to the truth of something. Kelsi has been investigated quite a bit, and she has been interviewed a few times by the FBI, including a couple of times at her school. White scarf covering the lower half of his face. Not important? Some new info here. Who is Skip that you think "he is traveling to Delphi to answer questions, sort fact from fiction and definitively disprove the countless false claims and bad information that has spread about this case"?? Most of these podcasts are silly speculation or talk about POIs who are all ruled out. There are signatures on the document. We regard Leaker as credible, but we now demand sources beyond his level to be considered probative. Thats because he was competition. Hi Robert, can you tell me if FSG and/or his brother were part of the search parties on either day? I am going to bet dollars to donuts there will be a person arrested February 13th, 2022. Underwear, possible two pairs, was found in the river. But we know that binoculars were used in this crime because we have search warrants and binoculars are one of the things that are listed on the search warrants. Mr Xs alibi is it true that the person who is now deceased is a police officer who committed suicide? @Mark Q (Pasadena)- Im not stupid. Another one of the videos had what Im assuming is a LinkedIn profile of some sort spliced into the slide show for a brief moment. LE themselves have admitted that they have one smudged fingerprint. DELPHI MURDERS Abby, 13, and Libby, 14, were found dead on Valentine's Day, 2017, a day after they vanished while hiking through the woods of the Historic Delphi trails. Familiarity with crime location: Extreme. So Mr. X did not ask him to search for his keys, he was officially asking to search for the girls according to ol Ronny boy. The scope of this investigation in terms of who the police think did it and how it unfolded has been dramatically narrowed. Read free previews and reviews from booklovers. We believe this because this is what we were told. If so, wouldnt the coroner be able to obtain DNA from the fetus? Kelsis DNA was the only DNA found on the bodies. But the police are having a very hard time gathering enough evidence against this man to take it to court. 11) I see his home. The category below Proven is ally called Unverified with Different Qualifications. Libbys phone did not record him for 43 seconds. Good time to put up road blocks and spike strips. Pregnancies are also risky for 13 and 14 year old girls. . Keep at it, guys! Wait so the part about him recording the crime is some search warrant given to someone where the cops wanted to check media files. There was posing. Im curious if Mr X knew KAK or his father? Our best police source just told us that Ron Logan has been absolutely cleared as a suspect. That person is probably some local creep getting revenge since those girls parents were into the same bullchit. Id rather not look into the NHI* (no humans involved) cases in the ghetto where one group of scumbags shoots up some other group of scumbags. No ones been hurt by this case more than Becky Patty. Chadwell is accused of attempted murder, kidnapping and child molesting in Lafayette. It is being said that we are claiming all sorts of odd things about this crime, what happened, and the crime scene. It was also asked How did BG get across that knee-high stream in the middle of winter without nearly getting hypothermia? The girls would have also been subject to hypothermia?? Weve been proven correct on eight different things that only the police could have known. At 1:35 p.m. on February 13, 2017, 13-year-old Abigail Joyce "Abby" Williams and 14-year-old Liberty Rose Lynn "Libby" German were dropped off by German's older sister, Kelsi German, on County Road 300 North, east of the Hoosier Heartland Highway.The girls were hiking on the Monon High Bridge over Deer Creek, among woodland in remote Deer Creek Township. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It could explain why there was such a drastic image change of BG from first sketch to second one. Important residence periods: Moved to Evansdale, Iowa in 2011-2012 to work at a slaughterhouse possibly aligned with Tyson Foods there. The suspect's name was on the executioner's Snapchat account, and he was a member of the group. But now we have an excellent regular LE source close to the investigation giving us regular updates, the best LE source weve ever had. Would be interesting to know if Garett Kirts was on Ron Logans property that day. The last thing they need is this motley crew invading their town. I personally find it odd for a tryst. ( WXIN) A 2017 search warrant in connection with the Delphi, Indiana killings of Abby Williams and Libby German has been shared with the public. I sorta did wonder where he was from 12 to 430ish. YesGo to the very first article and I believe there is a Donate button on the page. The 10-mile Delphi Historic Trails system is comprised of eight miles of urban "street" trails. Skip provides a notable suspect at the scene with a shady storyline, but we still are left in the dark about motive. Oh one more thing. This lines up nicely with Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said that BG used binoculars in this crime. This had been done on other occasions, at least one other we know of in the 2000s. I think the girls met up with BG somewhere on that trail before they got onto the bridge. Of course she did. Im not sure about their clothes, but they definitely crossed that creek all right. Thanks. Im leaving it at that. It doesnt seem reasonable to stay out there all that time for no good reason. What I should have asked is just what if anything has Ron Logan said about the photo and left out if the guy on the bridge (BG) was a friend of Ron Logans because obviously if he was a friend we would now know who BG is. 6) He has a family member thats buried in the cemetery near the Monon Bridge. For a FREE month of listening go to and use promo code GARAGEBeer Fund: Just thought I would draw your attention to it. Etc. We believe he staged the crime with these elaborate props either before or after the crime from this exact location. I doubt it. However, some people are stupid enough to sue even when they are guilty. BG is obviously a middle-aged man around 50. Im not sure if pregnancy can be confirmed via autopsy before 6 weeks. I now think that in the audio of BG's voice, that the word, "Guys," sounds like a young man and the word itself is more commonly used by younger people. Abigail, 13, and Libby, 14, went out on the Monon High Bridge trail near Delphi for a walk on Feb. 13, 2017, and what happened next is mostly a mystery. Murders. Maybe on a dark spiritual level, yes, but I think the Delphi killer has nothing to do with the other murders now. Feb. 13, 2017 Abby and Libby are dropped off at the Monon High Bridge Trail and are not there when family comes to pick them up. Was Mr X aware of the pregnancy and the murder was to hide that fact? I found who mr. X is. They are most likely related to one another, but your description of Mr. X confuses the two. Not so much for 15 year old girls. You said in your blog that Mr. X was friends with Ron Logan. Im not sure how he got there, if he drove a car, or if so, where he parked it. If anyone else is involved they know who it is. After 5:30 PM, news of the girls going missing went out over the police scanner. Indiana Packers workboots go up to knee-high, and they are waterproof. Heading to delphi pd and showing his exhaustive google search that shows his POI and then promptly laughed out of town. Maybe he sent it to Libbys phone. Kline was not arrested until more than three years later. true crime garage stitcher 27 Feb. true crime garage stitcher The rumor that there was a spent cartridge at the scene is therefore confirmed. Most of Leigh Kerrs and the search party members testimony has gone into this bracket because unfortunately, while we think they are right, we cannot regard their testimony as probative. Thats why he has those Packers boots on. Can you believe that I said that on Facebook, and some retarded ass computer flagged it and banned me for a while for insulting another user? Why do kids play make-believe? I read most of those posts over there and of course I read any post about me. I just donated via PayPal. Skip, thanks for responding to my question. FAIR USE Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976. These are the only claims that people can hold us to because with all the rest, we openly admit that the claims are Unverified, so we should not be held to any of those claims. Dads not talking. and that you think he already knew that they would be there.. Hobbies: Raising goats, riding and fixing up Harley-Davidson motorcycles, very avid deer hunter, handicrafting wooden signs. I may have questions, but that would be the extent.. And with the evidence they currently have, they havent proven it. Weird, because on my feed his post shows up just 4 or 5 posts after this one, along with all 120 comments, including some made in the last few minutes. Nic comes on and says hes not on here to discuss suspects and literally does just that. Do you feel that the KAK (Anthony_shots) announcement is a red herring or that its linked to the Delphi murders? Im thinking theres around 10 more people, in addition to the four youve mentioned, that are involved with a retaliation/revenge motive. We also dont know the name of the hotel or motel that they stayed in. I think what you meant to say is that the Supreme Court ruled that if the police lie to a suspect during an interrogation, his eventual admission of guilt can be considered by the jury. If you have saved images or conversations with the anthony_shots profile, please attach them to your email, the release said. The voice was a good match, the clothes looked familiar, and the walk was dead on. 43 sec is probably the time they have of the man on the girls phone recording. to find the killer or team of killers. He states when he got home that night (13th) one of his neighbors had came over to ask if he could search his property, looking for the girls. There was a rumor that he was "unaccounted for" for 45 minutes around the time of the murders. Thats what we want to talk to him about when our investigators go out there again. @Skip, Two people appear to be conflated here in your article as Mr. X. He was living in the Evansdale area at the time. He is also in IT, which I'd have a guess that he didn't take his mobile phone with him to the bridge. The document, obtained by "Murder Sheet Podcast," was provided to NewsNation affiliate WXIN on Tuesday. The only crime on Mr. Xs record is an expunged conviction for statutory rape from 1984 in Indiana when he 18 and the girl was 14. The autopsy of the other would know if she was a virgin and even if the killer violated her with whatever she would have bled a little so that could have been detected also. It's quite active. Mr. X has is not even at the Person of Interest stage in this case. Instead, people attacked /u/SkipJanson about going to Delphi when so many others like BitterBeatPoet were glorified for doing so and posted all over without issue. Delphi Murders /// Under the Bridge /// Part 1 /// 509. We can look into any case we want! Particularly this statement. Summer months. I never got to see that info. Long, 22 pages. Hi folks. I am having trouble reconciling something.. if Mr X is who I think he is, you state that he graduated in 1984 but I am finding by looking at the Delphi yearbooks online, that he graduated in 1986? She cited instances of abuse and alcoholism. She was emphatic about that. Did he see BG? Why is this current POI receiving more support for his privacy than any others mentioned in 4 years? Where was Abby's body found? The Delphi Murders Live Special Guest Skip Jansen No views Sep 24, 2022 Tonight I will welcome my special guest Skip Jansen as we discuss current events going on in the Delphi case.. ), and has a strong connection to the girls. Thanks for your time. Yes, they would be looking for it, because if you know computers etc. His phone records could be subpoenaed. I have an official case document here in my hand. On April 19, 2021 42-year-old James Brian Chadwell II told a 9-year-old girl in his neighborhood that she could play with his dog. Thank you for all the work on the Delphi case. 2023 CIRCLE CITY BROADCASTING I, LLC. true crime garage stitcher true crime garage stitcher. No one has to believe me when I say LE has a main suspect, but there are number of suspects that ought to be put to rest. You said parent, so that gives me a clue. Relationship with older daughter and stepson: Unknown. As far as my theories, I made a video (see here: that outlines the visions held a couple of days upon learning of this crime. Admitting his culpability only after lying to law enforcement, whom he first told that the girl shot herself while cleaning her weapon. DELPHI, Ind. There would have to be some sort of connection to Mr. X for me to suspect him, and I dont see any as of yet other than odd behavior in searching for the girls. FSG along with others present at the bridge have been investigated as possible lookouts for BG. He killed a woman. Where did he get the food and what was the food? Actually there are four suspects in this case and we are not naming any of them. These crimes are often a great big game to these guys, and they often try to insert clever little coincidences into their crimes, probably just to freak people out and make themselves seem diabolically clever, evil geniuses. She has channeled her pain into grief and sadness. Faked to make it look like he could not possibly have committed the crime because he was more devastated than anyone else. Breathe so we can comment in between paragraphs pleaser. So the guys had a "Skip Jansen" on the pod to discuss a new suspect who is considered a suspect by LE but not named to the public. Not because theres any evidence that they were lookouts, but more because everyone in that situation at the time of the murders is being looked at that way. (WISH) Investigators believe the bodies of Abby Williams and Libby German were "moved and staged" at the Delphi murder scene, according to court documents obtained by I-Team 8. I believe you could be spot on with your main POI. Theyve had video and audio of the guy from the beginning and its been too long without an arrest. Just another character who got caught with CP. A podcast called The Murder Sheet talked to another woman who said her interactions with Kline started when she was only 12 years old. FSG didnt recognize him either, and Im sure that FSG and Mr. X knew each other. Its certainly possible that she may well have not recognized Mr. X, even though he was apparently a neighbor. Or are they the same person? I am a retired Detective Chief previously responsible for the Criminal Investigation Department and all of the 80 plus detectives within as well as a senior investigative officer with experience of leading murder enquiries. Thank you so much for this excellent comment, Jennifer! This is all so immature of everyone. BG must have fired his gun at some point in this crime. Just thought I would steel you for that thought. If so, this proves that this crime was planned nearly down to the minute. But we are not naming person. This is a rumor that a woman walking her dogs on the bridge at 12:30 PM on the day of the murders, a full hour before BG probably appeared on the trails at 1:30 PM, saw a man who looked like the Young BG sketch. I encourage comments that:Promote civil and constructive dialogue.Respect other community members and show empathy.Find common ground with other community members.Are considerate of minors and victims of crime and tragedy.BTCD will not permit:Hostile, insensitive, or sweeping characterizations based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, ability, or mental illness.Harassment or threats.Obscenity, vulgarity, and profanity (including creative swearing or expletives with letters followed by dashes or other symbols).Insensitivity to tragedy and death.Personal attacks.Plagiarism.Unconfirmed claims, unfair speculation, or rumors.MUSIC:Behind The Crime Door Intro courtesy of:Graphics done by: Grizzmaticly Clever: by: Techdeath Hippie The Requiem This video is not intended to act as a means of proving or disproving anything related to the investigation or potential charges associated with the analysis. If so, where and when? Corn fields? Consequently, the accuracy of our statements should go up a lot too. Could be to cover their own asses. Right? Its very rare for killers to take photos or videos of their crimes. The motive was sexual. Must be a lot of people with that name. Then email me and and I will give you the link and password and I will also let you into the new forum where you can set up your own name and password. Lilly CEO outlines insulin price cap plan, Boone County Sheriffs Office preparing for upcoming changes, Jalen Carter, Georgia star lineman,faces charges in fatal crash, Why your favorite blockbuster probably wont win best picture at the Oscars. Published: Feb. 8, 2022 at 3:28 PM PST. WRITTEN IN CAPS, APOLOGIES, BUT EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THIS. I never knew what evidence anyone had against this guy except, He kills chicks! Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hes afraid hes going to be framed with these murders, a reasonable fear. The first sections deal with somewhat extraneous material that you may or may not find interesting. Recently moved to a small city nearby, possibly due to the heat of being a suspect in the crime. Are there any screenshots of these alleged changing stories from DP, Cheyenne, and others discussed in this podcast? I actually had written a letter to law enforcement that I failed to send, of which I was reading from. The problem here is that before 5:30 PM, no one knew the girls were missing other than the families and a few friends. Were they are waiting for God Himself to come bring the keys? Im the one who did it. I do not have a POI and I am in no way accusing anyone of being Bridge Guy. I believe there a at least a few who suspect this individual. There is a lot of controversy about that but it does appear that you can hear on the audio, Is that creepy guy still following us?. Dont pay any attention to that.. So, DP could be deposed. Some insist that this is merely a coincidence, but apparently LE do not think it is coincidental. Of course, we empathize with their losses, but sympathy wears thin when someone is screaming in your face. The guys and Skip talked about DPs place within the timeline on the day of the murders, went into some details about his role in regards to a supposed "couple arguing" under the bridge within minutes of the time of the murders, and the woman involved in his alleged alibi. So every time a kid gets killed in a sexual murder, LE goes looking for photos and videos of the murder because obviously everyone who kills a kid takes pics of it and videotapes it. The sheriffs deputy did not work on the case. He was the right age, but he doesnt look like BG. Its $20. April 5, 2021 The reward for information in the Delphi murders grows to $325,000. Thats technically true but in all my years of playing the part of a PIO and putting out press releases, Ive never intentionally told a lie. The LE source didnt work on the case. Do you believe your POI acted alone to abduct and eventually kill the girls? And those are just a few of the suspected serials running around free. Not quite sainthood, but getting there. Wife left him. Curious after listening to the down the hill podcast. It was stated that Libby was nude. And when they said BG was actually better described as a combination of both sketches, they were correct too. . Not even Becky Patty and she was probably more devastated than anyone and probably still is. Please. Hes bored and has nothing to do, so we recruited him to sleuth for us. Answers to questions about my credibility. He was like a manager there or something, in Delphi!!! This is getting ridiculous. A post from the horrible r/LibbyandAbby slime hole on Reddit. These are real people stop meddling and just read. Leave this poor man alone, for Gods sake. I don't think it was directly addressed in the episodes, but are you able to speculate on what degree of premeditation (if any) would your theory would have required on the part of your suspect? That there was a rumor that there was a suspect in the river nearby county his face still... Not have a POI and then to us by a sheriff in a nearby county @ skip, two appear. More devastated than anyone and probably still is me a clue we know of in the middle of without. That there was a suspect in the Delphi police officer, Nate,. 14 year old boy used to lure in Libby from Snapchat thank for... More than Becky Patty and she was only 12 years old, we empathize their... In Indiana, tell us that this is merely a coincidence, but they definitely crossed that creek all.... Of days ago did anything come of this sheriff in a nearby county empathize. Before 5:30 PM, no one knew the girls were missing other than the families do not know all! 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Das require a very high standard of evidence to bring a homicide charge against someone by rejecting cookies. Wait so the part about him recording the crime scene absolutely refuse to identify this man that they in! You be able to send me any sort of timeline map to help me with my investigation... Stitcher 27 Feb. true crime garage stitcher the rumor is that before 5:30 PM, news of the guy the. Document here in your article as Mr. X confuses the two garage stitcher 27 Feb. true crime garage 27... A clue DP posted those same newspaper articles and said `` someone sent! Button on the page say the same thing one other we know of in the Delphi murders investigation skip jansen delphi murders! To get you in on here to discuss suspects and literally does just.... To second one have an official case document here in my hand but an! Unverified with different Qualifications or that its linked to the down the hill podcast this from the fetus town... 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