The trade union movement was divided. 77. The more radical Boers split away under the leadership of General Barry Hertzog, forming the National Party (NP) in 1914. Sotho-speakers know this period as the difaqane ("forced migration"); Zulu-speakers call it the mfecane ("crushing"). For the veterans among your South African ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. In 1896, the German Kaiser Kaiser Wilhelm had enraged Britain by sending congratulations to Boer republican leader Paul Kruger after Kruger's commandos captured a column of British South Africa Company soldiers engaged in an armed incursion and abortive insurrection, known historically as the Jameson Raid, into Boer territory. Here is a list of popular South African last names. Racial segregation and white minority rule known officially as apartheid, an Afrikaans word meaning "separateness", was implemented in 1948. The VOC, one of the major European trading houses sailing the spice route to the East, had no intention of colonizing the area, instead wanting only to establish a secure base camp where passing ships could be serviced and restock on supplies. 31. Search US census records for South African, View all South African immigration records, Do not sell or share my personal information. 1709 by Zulu kaNtombela. It has been described as one of the most important paleontological discoveries in modern times. The government declared martial law on 14 October 1914, and forces loyal to the government under the command of generals Louis Botha and Jan Smuts defeated the rebellion. [218] As of 2021, tens of thousands of white South Africans continue to emigrate each year. President Kruger suspected the insurgency had received at least the tacit approval of the Cape Colony government under the premiership of Cecil John Rhodes, and that Kruger's South African Republic faced imminent danger. Portrayals of indenture in recent South African writing", "Indianness Reconfigured, 1944-1960: The Natal Indian Congress in South Africa - The O'Malley Archives", "Surgeon-General SIR CHARLES MacDONAGH CUFFE, K.C.B., LL.D", "Eastern Cape Wars of Dispossession 1779-1878 | South African History Online", "Jacob Zuma a spawn of collaborators trying to right old wrongs", "Southern Africa - European and African interaction in the 19th century | Britannica", "Black involvement in the AngloBoer War, 18991902", "Partner in the Struggle against Apartheid", "Volume Five Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report", "Institute of Security Studies, Monograph No.81", Political pardons would damage the legacy of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, After 1806, a number of Dutch-speaking inhabitants of the Cape Colony trekked inland, first in small groups. Over several hundred years, borders have been made, changed and broken, making family history difficult to trace. This name was adopted in the 17th century by Wesselius Praetorius as a Latin translation of his previous surname Schulte. [166] At the same time, State-sponsored vigilante groups carried out violent attacks on communities and community leaders associated with resistance to apartheid. In 1836, when Boer Voortrekkers (pioneers) arrived in the northwestern part of present-day South Africa, they came into conflict with a Ndebele sub-group that the settlers named "Matabele", under chief Mzilikazi. 'The significance of the Cape trade route to economic activity in the Cape Colony: a medium-term business cycle analysis', European Review of Economic History, 14 (2010), pp. [107] The discovery of gold in February 1886 at a farm called Langlaagte on the Witwatersrand in particular precipitated a gold rush by prospectors and fortune seekers from all over the world. The civil rights struggle of Gandhi's Natal Indian Congress failed; until the 1994 advent of democracy, Indians in South Africa were subject to most of the discriminatory laws that applied to all non-white inhabitants of the country.[66]. Keita Origin: Malian Meaning: "Worshipper." Kimathi Origin: Kenyan Meaning: "Earnest provider." Bankole Origin: West African (Yoruba) Meaning: "Build my house for me." Gbeho Origin: Ghanaian Meaning: Unknown. Black people were recruited or conscripted by both sides into working for them either as combatants or non-combatants to sustain the respective war efforts of both the Boers and the British. 4. [222] The debt was finally settled in September 2001. The Griqua community became subsequently dissimulated. Much later, in 1820 the British authorities persuaded about 5,000 middle-class British immigrants (most of them "in trade") to leave Great Britain. [61], Indian slaves from the Dutch colonies in India had been introduced into the Cape area of South Africa by the Dutch settlers in 1654. -- 262 p. CS3080.S6 R6 Bibliography: p. 261-262. [200] The Truth and Reconciliation Commission noted in 2003 that, despite the ANC's stated policy of attacking only military and police targets, "the majority of casualties of MK operations were civilians. Abara (Igbo origin) meaning "spirit". 'The quantitative Cape: A review of the new historiography of the Dutch Cape Colony', South African Historical Journal 66.1, 2014, pp. [190] However, the South African military had lost air superiority and its technological advantage, largely due to an international arms embargo against the country. Means "gratitude" in Sotho. Meaning: 'Flower' or 'blossom.' 4. [230][231][232] Notable corruption related scandals during this period included incidents of widespread state capture[233] often involving allegations against the Gupta family. Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your South African ancestors, such as occupation. [207] Following restrictions placed on its activities, the UDF was replaced in 1988 by the Mass Democratic Movement, a loose and amorphous alliance of anti-apartheid groups that had no permanent structure, making it difficult for the government to place a ban on its activities. [146] The anti-semitic Boerenasie (Boer Nation) and other similar groups soon joined them. [139][140], About 334,000 South Africans volunteered for full-time military service in support of the Allies abroad. Among the obstacles were the presence of the independent states of the South African Republic and the Kingdom of Zululand and its army. 6. The farmers complained they could not replace the labour of their slaves without losing an excessive amount of money. [202] The Africanists broke away from the ANC to form the Pan-Africanist Congress and its military wing named Poqo, which became active mainly in the Cape provinces. The language law caused friction, distrust and dissatisfaction. South Africa had the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS compared to any other country in the world, with 5,600,000 people afflicted by the disease and 270,000 HIV-related deaths were recorded in 2011. He eventually surrendered to a combined deputation of Boer and British forces on 2 December 1879. Nearly 9,000 were killed in action. FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Under the provisions of the act, the Union became an independent Dominion of the British Empire, governed under a form of constitutional monarchy, with the British monarch represented by a Governor-General. In that year, the SS Truro arrived in Durban harbour with over 300 Indians on board. [45] Shaka built large armies, breaking from clan tradition by placing the armies under the control of his own officers rather than of hereditary chiefs. This caused further dissatisfaction among the Dutch settlers. British colonisation, Mfecane and Boer Republics (18151910), Area Study South Africa, US Library of Congress. [14][15][16] The initial origin of the Khoikhoi remains uncertain.[17][18]. [144] He returned in 1923, and continued working in the Union of South Africa as a German Spy for the Third Reich. In 1818 differences between two Xhosa leaders, Ndlambe and Ngqika, ended in Ngqika's defeat, but the British continued to recognise Ngqika as the paramount chief. Origin of Surnames Throughout history humans have been known by more than one name to distinguish them from other people with the same name. [97] No material benefits accrued to the Griquas as a result of either colonisation or annexation; they did not receive any share of the diamond wealth generated at Kimberley. ): Fourie, J.; Boshoff, W. (2008). Britain had allocated the sum of 1 200 000 British Pounds as compensation to the Dutch settlers, on condition the Dutch farmers had to lodge their claims in Britain as well as the fact that the value of the slaves was many times the allocated amount. [89] The country was subsequently named Basutoland and is presently named Lesotho. The National Party championed Afrikaner interests, advocating separate development for the two white groups, and independence from Britain. [150][151] In the early to mid-1990s, the AWB attempted unsuccessfully through various acts of public violence and intimidation to derail the country's transition to democracy. Discover the meaning of the South African name on Ancestry. Like the Dutch before them, the British initially had little interest in the Cape Colony, other than as a strategically located port. A president may serve a maximum of two terms. [212] In 2007, less than half the protests were associated with some form of violence, compared with 2014, when almost 80% of protests involved violence on the part of the participants or the authorities. [181][182][183], Between 1975 and 1988, the SADF continued to stage massive conventional raids into Angola and Zambia to eliminate PLAN's forward operating bases across the border from Namibia as well as provide support for UNITA. It was brought to South Africa in 1661 by Dutch people employed by the Dutch East India Company.. [135], Black and mixed-race South Africans who had supported the war were embittered when post-war South Africa saw no easing of white domination and racial segregation.[136]. By June 1900, Pretoria, the last of the major Boer towns, had surrendered. Kaya Female | Kaya means "restful place" and is a popular Zulu name. The uprising spread throughout the country. [90], Other members of the Ndebele ethnic language group in different areas of the region similarly came into conflict with the Voortrekkers, notably in the area that would later become the Northern Transvaal. [93], The first diamond discoveries between 1866 and 1867 were alluvial, on the southern banks of the Orange River. An estimated five thousand Zulu warriors were involved. One of our 3 capital cities is also . Hamilton, Carolyn and Bernard K. Mbenga, eds. The trek of the Griquas to escape the influence of the Cape Colony has been described as "one of the great epics of the 19th century. [242] The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) found that competition over jobs, business opportunities, public services and housing gave rise to tension among refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and host communities, identified as a main cause of the xenophobic violence. Many African last names reference wealth and the aristocracy. The cash-strapped post-apartheid government was obliged to repay this debt or else face a credit downgrading by foreign financial institutions. South Africa's top-secret Special Signals Service played a significant role in the early development and deployment of radio detection and ranging (radar) technology used in protecting the vital coastal shipping route around southern Africa. Mannan: Mannan is a Hindu surname meaning 'king' in Tamil. [192][193], South Africa in the 1980s also provided logistical and other covert support to Resistncia Nacional Moambicana (RENAMO) rebels, in neighbouring Mozambique fighting the FRELIMO-run government during the Mozambique Civil War, and it launched cross-border raids into Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana, killing or capturing a number of South African exiles. It has, however, been verified that 17,182 black people died mainly of diseases in the Cape concentration camps alone, but this figure is not accepted historically as a true reflection of the overall numbers. Following the defeat of the Boers in the AngloBoer or South African War (18991902), the Union of South Africa was created as a self-governing dominion of the British Empire on 31 May 1910 in terms of the South Africa Act 1909, which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Colony of Natal, Transvaal Colony, and Orange River Colony. [152] On 11 March 1994, several hundred AWB members formed part of an armed right-wing force that invaded the nominally independent "homeland" territory of Bophuthatswana, in a failed attempt to prop up its unpopular, conservative leader Chief Lucas Mangope. [80], The increasing economic involvement of the British in southern Africa from the 1820s, and especially following the discovery of first diamonds at Kimberley and gold in the Transvaal, resulted in pressure for land and African labour, and led to increasingly tense relations with Southern African states.[40]. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. Pearson Longman. "[185] The Angolan government described the target of the attack as a refugee camp. Amani (Ethiopian origin) means "faith". The . Popular South African Surnames and Meanings Abara - This surname is of Igbo origin and it means "spirit." Adebisi - The meaning of this last name is "the king" and it is of Yoruba origin. Meaning: Spirit. Van der Merwe is a common Afrikaans surname, derived from the Dutch van der Merwen ("from the Merwede"). 32. The incident was widely criticised by the public, civil society organisations and religious leaders. [57] The Boers accepted British annexation in 1844. [88] War broke out again in 1865. The prehistory and history of South Africa span nearly the entire known existence of human beings and their ancestorssome three million years or moreand include the wandering of small bands of hominins through the savanna, the inception of herding and farming as ways of life, and the construction of large urban centres. Natalia was a short-lived Boer republic established in 1839 by Boer Voortrekkers emigrating from the Cape Colony. [213] The Charter decreed that "the national wealth of our country, the heritage of South Africans, shall be restored to the people; the mineral wealth beneath the soil, the banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the ownership of the people". Axmed (Somali origin) the variant for Ahmed. Large white South African diasporas, both English- and Afrikaans-speaking, sprouted in Australia, New Zealand, North America, and especially in the UK, to which around 550,000 South Africans emigrated. Truth Commission Special Report: APLA attacks. The racially mixed genealogical origins of many so-called "white" South Africans have been traced to interracial unions at the Cape between the European occupying population and imported Asian and African slaves, the indigenous Khoi and San, and their vari-hued offspring. This was accomplished after several years of negotiations, when the South Africa Act 1909 consolidated the Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, and Orange Free State into one nation. During the early-1990s, Poqo was renamed Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA). [4] The Dutch East India Company established a trading post in Cape Town under the command of Jan van Riebeeck in 1652,[5] European workers who settled at the Cape became known as the Free Burghers and gradually established farms in the Dutch Cape Colony.[6]. du Toit is an Afrikaans surname of French origin, originally from Franois du Toit, a Huguenot who moved to South Africa in 1686. Meanwhile, the discovery of diamonds around Kimberley and gold in the Transvaal led to a later return to instability, particularly because they fueled the rise to power of the ambitious colonialist Cecil Rhodes. Prinsloo is an Afrikaans surname. [96], The Crown Colony of Griqualand West was annexed into the Cape Colony in 1877, enacted into law in 1880. In early South Africa, European notions of national boundaries and land ownership had no counterparts in African political culture. Pages in category "Afrikaans-language surnames" The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total. Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for South African, Browse profiles of historical people with the South African last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. Scientists researching the periods before written historical records were made have established that the territory of what is now referred to generically as South Africa was one of the important centers of human evolution. [citation needed], The TRC, at the conclusion of its mandate in 2004, handed over a list of 300 names of alleged perpetrators to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for investigation and prosecution by the NPA's Priority Crimes Litigation Unit. Since 2007 South Africa has experienced an ongoing energy crisis that has negatively impacted the country's economy,[237] its ability to create jobs,[237] and reduce poverty. Around 1800, they started crossing the northern frontier formed by the Orange River, arriving ultimately in an uninhabited area, which they named Griqualand. Multi-national mining corporations including Anglo-American Corporation, Lonmin, and Anglo Platinum, were accused of failing to address the enduring legacies of apartheid. A total of 616 men from the Fifth Battalion of the SANLC drowned on 21 February 1917 when the troopship SS Mendi, on which they were being transported to France, collided with another vessel near the Isle of Wight. [240][241], The post-apartheid period has been marked by numerous outbreaks of xenophobic attacks against foreign migrants and asylum seekers from various conflict zones in Africa. He then set out on a massive programme of expansion, killing or enslaving those who resisted in the territories he conquered. [32] In 1805, the British inherited the Cape as a prize during the Napoleonic Wars,[24] again seizing the Cape from the French controlled Kingdom of Holland which had replaced the Batavian Republic.[33]. In the event of a vacancy the Deputy President serves as Acting President. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. The republic regained its independence as the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek ("South African Republic"), or ZAR. Colonel Jan Breytenbach, the South African parachute battalion commander, claimed it was "recognised in Western military circles as the most successful airborne assault since World War II. An important recent find was that of 1.9 million year old Australopithecus sediba, discovered in 2008. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Elphick, Richard; Giliomee, Hermann (eds. [28] The VOC also brought some 71,000 slaves to Cape Town from India, Indonesia, East Africa, Mauritius, and Madagascar.[29]. [211] As the culmination of mounting local and international opposition to apartheid in the 1980s, including the armed struggle, widespread civil unrest, economic and cultural sanctions by the international community, and pressure from the anti-apartheid movement around the world, State President F. W. de Klerk announced the lifting of the ban on the African National Congress, the Pan Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party, as well as the release of political prisoner Nelson Mandela on 2 February 1990, after twenty-seven years in prison. [73], The original Griqualand, north of the Orange River, was annexed by Britain's Cape Colony and renamed Griqualand West after the discovery in 1871 of the world's richest deposit of diamonds at Kimberley, so named after the British Colonial Secretary, Earl Kimberley. Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) was introduced . To Moshoeshoe the BaSotho chieftain from Lesotho, it was customary tribute in the form of horses and cattle represented acceptance of land use under his authority. "[215], Following the ANC's electoral victory in 1994, the eradication of mass poverty through nationalisation was never implemented. More than a decade later 36,000 Cuban troops were deployed throughout the country helping providing support for MPLA's fight with UNITA. Today middle names are common among people with a Catholic, Protestant, Islamic or South Asian background. Gill: Gill is a Punjabi surname. The rebel leaders were prosecuted, fined heavily and sentenced to imprisonment ranging from six to seven years. By 1869, diamonds were found at some distance from any stream or river, in hard rock called blue ground, later called kimberlite, after the mining town of Kimberley where the diamond diggings were concentrated. Genocide: A History. Meanwhile, 34-year-old South African pacer Shabnim Ismail not only took three wickets but also registered her name in record books by bowling the fastest ball in women's cricket. Ledwaba Southern African, South African, Zulu From Zulu meaning "rock". Most Common South African Surnames & Meanings Most Common Last Names In South Africa Forebears knows about 821,426 unique surnames in South Africa and there are 66 people per name. Following Lord Carnarvon's successful introduction of federation in Canada, it was thought that similar political effort, coupled with military campaigns, might succeed with the African kingdoms, tribal areas and Boer republics in South Africa. Afrikaner settlers in particular were loath to live under Moshoesoe's authority and among Africans.[84]. People 's Liberation army ( APLA ) 1866 and 1867 were alluvial on!, a number of Dutch-speaking inhabitants of the attack as a Latin translation his... 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