Standing Grave Markers. If you see the exact memorial you want on our site then that is awesome but we also encourage questions. and Photobombed. We are a full-service memorial dealer and we complete everything at our Durand location. Tales the Western Tombstones Tell New York: Bonanza Books, 1967. grave rail - a wooden rail placed along the long side (burial axis) of a grave on the surface as a grave marker. The marker at the foot was to deter grave robbers. What materials and colors are allowed? I would like to engrave more than 9 letters and a birth/death date. Turns out there are a number of Boot Hill cemeteries in the West, so named because many of their inhabitants died violently with their boots on. Co.,Ltd. An individual or couple often chooses a flat marker because it fits in with the parklike aesthetic of their chosen cemetery. This is good for the person who wants both the last laughandthe last word. West Memorials, the internet company, was born and we became the primary monument artists. We have been crafting grave markers since 1920 with only the finest materials, which are backed by our 100% lifetime guarantee. Monuments & Headstones. /*