How do I unlock Wattpad stories without paying? i just learned, they are going to give me 40% for a couple things. Of the 50 blood samples submitted, more than 20 percent came back positive or bordering positive for liver fluke antibodies, said Sung-Tae Hong, the tropical medicine specialist who carried out the tests at Seoul National University in South Korea. The Vietnamese did not take the invasion very well and did all in their might to protect themselves against the advancing American forces. I found out later that most of the men who enlisted for 4 years volunteeredfor I am 62, and rated 100% with Agent Orange medical issues. As for suicides, this is mostly a myth seconday to a VA study in the 1970s that included all Vietnam eta veterans. Nearly three out of four of those cases were also denied, even though the government posted a warning on its website this year saying veterans who ate raw or undercooked freshwater fish while in Vietnam might be at risk. Endemic in the rivers of Vietnam, the worms can easily be wiped out with a handful of pills early on, but left untreated they can live for decades without making their hosts sick. But for claims, I have found the DAV (I have to join) to be a real kick ass outfit. There is no way that 69% of those who served are now dead, as is easily noted by the unit reunions that occur and the personal circle of other vets than many vets have. they have in all wars. Was an 11B grunt with the First Air Cav (C1/7) in 71/72. In my 60s now, retired disabled veteran live on my little firebase with my wife we both married for the first time she was 41 I was 43 share our life with our 11 dogs and 2 cats. The official VA figures for surviving vets of the Viet Nam era show 81% to still be around; the percentage for those who served in Viet Nam is slightly lower, due first to the fact that 58,000 died there. Compared to the U. S. population, the mortality rates of Veterans are higher at older ages, and the life expectancy of Veterans are estimated to be 0.7-0.9 life-years shorter for males, and to be 1.2-1.3 life-years shorter for female at age 25, 45, and 65. After all these past years, Ive never left country,took me years to live again. Locality: Detroit, in the state of Michigan. How did American soldiers treat the Vietnamese? Local boards called men classified 1-A, 18-1/2 through 25 years old, oldest first. Any anecdotal evidence that has come my way over the years is not from books. Working on a story for my veterans paper at my website and found your blog on this subject. civilian world and create a new life for ourselves. THOSE TO CLAIM TO HAVE been there: (LOL) More than nine million Americans served from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. 1/3rd of all the U.S. Vets who served in VietNam ?!?!? I discovered the VA and local Vet center and was walked through the process to get compensation for PTSD and Diabetes. For myself I always felt that the millions of men who were in uniform before me returned to civilian life, I could do the same, when I went into the army, I was 1969 most of the unit were draftees, with a few old hands returning for a They were not necessarily looking for a parade, but they were certainly looking for basic human support and help in readjusting to civilian life after this really brutal war.. 65-66 and Fed-67. Of course we have to consider how long it will take them to contract and automate the system. The Department of Veterans Affairs this spring commissioned a small pilot study to look into the link between liver flukes ingested through raw or undercooked fish and a rare bile duct cancer. But looking out the window and seeing civilians stop to watch the small convoy of hospital-bound vehicles, his excitement turned to confusion. Well, one thing to remember is that not all Vietnam veterans were born in 1945 or later. Look up the webstite. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? Vietnam Veterans may be eligible for disability compensation benefits because of exposure to Agent Orange. Welcome Home John. Criteria for Eligibility I too am a Marine Vietnam Veteran; (7th Marines 67-69), with multiple diagnoses. One tactic employed was the use of booby traps, and to this day, there are several tunnels and ambushes that have been preserved. Neither of us has since flown again. Everything else is pure bullshit..1969-1970 GRUNT 11 bravo in the jungle..and damn PROUD of itSCREW ALL THE FAKERSNO MAN ENOUGH TO BE TRUE. It got too overwhelming for me, there were so MANY. The 173rd Infantry Brigade was activated in 1915 and served in World War II. He was 15 years old and had been in-country nearly one month. you guys read to many bullshit books!!! I work with veterans all the time and thought you might find it interesting (if you didnt know already) that any Vietman Vet who served in country and who develops Parkinsons Disease, Lou Gehrigs disease, or a number of other illnesses is assumed tohave been exposed to Agent Orange and AUTOMATICALLY qualfies for Service Connected Disability. The Vietnam War lasted from 1964-1973the longest war in American history. I believe they may be using no. ive always just repied yes, and left it at that. Age: 84. I came back from nam in January of 70.Got out September remember being called a baby killer,monster etc ,was not spit on ,but had I been would have given back a proper response.When I came back was wearing my medals and CIB etc. Thanks Jim, that was very thorough. Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day. i was in a compound & seen them spraying and the next day everywhere they sprayed was brown. More answers below James Cain I went fucking ballistic. Where is the museum and website referred to as the source of the figure 850,000 living Vietnam veterans? The Obituaries in the Veteran Magazine published by Vietnam Veterans of America, a highly credible organization, have a long list of birthdays between 1946-50. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Sit in a barbers chair, and let another person cut my hair. There are tons of Era Vets who are categorized as Vietnam Veterans, which is sort of true, but they are Vietnam ERA Vets, and never left the United States. You can reach me at american legion of purple hearts. Return to country Jun 1969-Apr 1970 I Field Forces Vietnam. You must be at least 17 years old (17-year-old applicants require parental consent). Needless to say neither of us flew again after that, he is 100% PTSD . The federal agency sent its sympathies but no money. sent back to the 4/18 artillery, the same unit I left in Germany. dont know about I spent nearly thirty years as an officer and still teach them. -----In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. Who was the youngest American soldier killed in Vietnam? Ant help would be greatly appreciated. So long ago-time tames the memories and makes them Kind!!!! Burkett is the author of Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its Heroes and its History, which was published in 1998 and received widespread acclaim. Recently, a local widow of a serviceman received a shock when. Over time, swelling and inflammation of the bile duct can lead to cancer. Be safe and well Welcome Home lucky to be a Vietnam veteran alive.. in only 6 years.. Heres the rub. Guy C. Lamunyon Magazine, the Public Information Office, and the HQ CP Forward Observer Today the list still grows in our local newspaper, The ages of those who served in Vietnam varied anywhere from 55 to 97 years old. Starting to live with zest at 60 aint so bad. I am slowly dying from AO and my country has once again tried to spit on me. At this rate there will be only a few of us alive in 2015. We could not understand getting letters from school kids, says Langenus, also a veteran of Desert Storm. The last Vietnam Vet will die in 2047. Thank You. My name is Jason Gunn and I am a veteran of OIF with the First Armor Div. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Lets all prove the stats wrong. They quickly filed paperwork with the Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA, for disability payments. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? We built houches in 1967. What percentage of Vietnam veterans actually saw combat? Ach, the memories. Abit more images would be nice. Vietnam was a lost war, and it was the first major lost war abroad in American history, Lembcke says. Another who is 85,from Colorado and was on the USS Rhona in Tunisia in the early stages of WWll who filed his claim at age 80 for PTSD. Even though thousands served with the Infantry units as FOs, Dog Handlers, EOD etc. Theres one, just like the ones that we used, painted red, hanging from the ceiling at the Pima Air Museum. According to an estimate by the New York Times, there were 8.4 million Vietnam veterans who were still alive in the year 2000.Of those, 1.1 million had passed away.It was also estimated that there will be a total of 138,000 Vietnam veterans who will pass away every year from this point forward.Editorial note from the administrator of the website: For me, the estimate from two years ago of 610 thousand seems to make the most sense. Base, then to NY. But no one spoke of the incident, nor was the media permitted to cover it as WE did not have missiles yet and did not want to alarm the public. Very good but alarming article. Best wishes, I just watched a VN movie about the Hanoi Hilton.. DANang Gerry Wiggins, who served in Vietnam from 1968 to 1969, has already lost friends to the disease. Do you have the form to apply? I am rated 100% disabled and damn happy to be privileged and capable of pushing out this small Blog. What seeds should I start indoors in February. While the economy after World War II was one of the most robust in American history, during and after Vietnam the nation was in a death spiral of stagflation and economic malaise. Thanks for all your help for the vets. thanks rich. This is a question as I have not been able to find the source of 13M+ falsely claiming to be RVN vets. (Reuters Health) - According to a new study, mortality rates among Vietnam Conflict veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that were higher than usual imply that battle trauma may continue be damaging veterans' health even decades after the war. i got sent to viet nam in the spring of 71 and came back in the spring of 72. my mos was 82c20, surveyor. Last name: Brault The collective emotion of the country was divided, says Jerry Lembke, a Vietnam veteran, sociologist and author of The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam. In 2018, the median income of Vietnam veterans and that of non-veterans was almost equivalent: It was significantly lower for veterans, who had served their country between the ages of 63 and 78 at the time, coming in at $63,300 as opposed to the average of $65,000 for nonveterans. The following are some Im a former member of the 173rd Abn Bde-First (Army) in VNam from The Rock Three weeks ago I suffered by 4th stroke, each attributed to ISD. According the them there was a giant wall that stopped all aerial spraying and river flow from the rivers into the Gulf of Tonkin where we got our drinking, cooking and bathing water just like the Aussie sailors in the Gulf the Aussie government through scientific studies found that drinking the water from the Navy desalination processors actually concentrated the dioxins rather than filter them out. Please post the SOURCE of this statistic. You couldnt believe that people were cheering you.., MY MINISTRY:, De Nomie, William D. Sgt. Strapped to a gurney in a retrofitted bus, Wowwk and other wounded servicemen felt excitement at being back on American soil. There census number is quite high, but I do not think it is this high.). Millions served in Vietnam. "I didn't think it would be me.". None of the enlisted grades have an average age of less than 20. or the Central Highlands and operations in between. More over 8 million people served their country in some capacity during the Vietnam War, and those veterans who are still alive now are often in their 60s and 70s. It can take decades for symptoms to appear. That takes courage to return to war, or maybe they wanted to get out of a statside armpit like I did when reassigned to Fort Lewis, Washington Seventeen year-old James Calvin Ward was one of them. It was Bob Kerrey. I have written letters for soldiers I personally witnessed in combat situations and almost all were evaluated and received long over-due compensation. Nice of them. I was a Medic with the 93rd Evac. where did this nunber come from, the people I am dealing with look closely at source material and I would really like to use this. i was as directly involved in the fighting as anyone else in e-troop. Still have those dreams that creep in and keeps me awake for the rest of the night 1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August, "Personally, I got what I needed, but if you look at the bigger picture with all these other veterans, they don't know what necessarily to do," he said. As of this date The American War Library estimates that approximately 610,000 Americans who served on land in Vietnam or in the air over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are alive today. V.F.W. As a combat veteran of Marine Corps having served in Vietnam, I have always known that we seem to have a mortality clock that ticks a bit faster than then that of the standard for insurance actuaries. In Country, that empty feeling was with me for years, until I worked for the Dept. Food for thought. Can you put dead flowers in food waste bin? Lost a friend after a going away party when he took one last flight the day after the party. If true, 390 VN vets die a day. so in 2190 days.from today, lucky to be a Vietnam veteran alive. We had it nice compared to the line Medics. Deeds need to be done in addition to words, says Wowwk, who is 100 percent disabled from his Vietnam wounds. Median age is 68 years. Its called Mekong Protocol. Do you mean more information about Agent Orange? just to crunch no. My girl friend thought I lost it. Same goes with the SF flash. Meanwhile, all my friends were crying that they didnt even have money for news However the main reason for me using an AION kinah guide was to get the millions I needed to buy the best PvP gear at the brokers. There does seem to be some amorphous time clock inside the Vietnam Veteran. I may be able to help you with your claim. Showing I dont have any but ONE Viet Vet friend still alive, he and I served in Marines 1st marine Airwing, 1967 at Da Nang Air Base and left the day befor TET offensive started Jan 1, 1968. Call me next week sometime, and I will help you with the stressor stuff. Think I might be carrying some baggage? Astonishing! You posted this on September 2nd. American soldiers returning home from Vietnam often faced scorn as the war they had fought in became increasingly unpopular. WWII and Korean War vets. Listed here are the four Vietnam veterans with the youngest ages. Stay alive & sane thanks to Valium I am still alive for now NOT from the V.A., I use my own Doctor. Back in the States, Langenus quickly discovered the GI benefits available for Vietnam veterans were almost nonexistent. While living in New York, he developed symptoms of malariaa tropical disease fairly uncommon in the concrete jungleyet he was denied VA health care because he didnt display those symptoms in Vietnam. Some pilots, career men and members of elite units may have been much older. Related:More evidence Agent Orange causes cancer. jeff clutter. my email is,, mike: fact is, my factory closed last summer, so i went and applied for some va disabilty, to help until i get fully retired. Where is the museum and website referred to as the source of the figure 800,000 living Vietnam veterans? i mention the verified stressers, as i wonder if that could help in the decision on a cib. Do you think there shouldnt be any baggage there? EM Club after that, I never saw Walker again. And yet our government which is one of the best in the world scares the crap out of me. the word from the rear was we werent authorized cib. I guess its a compliment to us allthat all these wannabees are prentnding to be vets but I still get pizzed at them when I figure them out after a few beers in a bar or whatever. I would like to see the source for this estimate that there are only 850,000 Vietnam Veterans still alive. VA said not related to Agent Orange. we went to the 1st sargent and he said ok. i went out for 7 or 8 mo. The past 5 years has seen a ton of so called veteran statistics that are clearly confabulated. I know a man who is 86 years old,from Nogales, and was at ground zero at Hiroshima in a grave identification unit, who just filed a claim last year. Especially if you are happily married. As of the last Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Mike 520-360-6933. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. I showed this to a non vet to see if I was not clear (PTSD) and he was shocked at the number of Nam Vets who were passing away. In the United States 17-year-olds may join the armed forces with the written agreement of parents. Jim is 100% PTSD, but stable and happily married with 2 children. Pretty hard to quantify those one car accidents at 2am, from the smell of diesel. Required fields are marked *. I am not sure anyone will ever quantify the exact number of suicides. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, Less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veterans age approximated to be 60 years old.. This figure far exceeded the expected suicide ratio when balanced by demographics and applied to ONLY those that had served in country. Did you know that is the day Ho Chi Minh died? What was the average age of a US combat soldier in Vietnam? Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veterans We are not dying off that fast. The 69-year-old, who lives in Port Jefferson Station, New York, didn't have any symptoms when he agreed to take part in the study, but hoped his participation could help save lives. but sofar nothing how many are reallyleft? These are indeed some very sobering statistics. I may be crazy but Im not stupid. We took care of the Big Red 1 and the 173rd Sky soliders Long Bein . He wishes the VA would do more to raise awareness about liver flukes and to encourage Vietnam veterans to get an ultrasound that can detect inflammation. If you have a CIB, you do not need to verify stressors, so call the 1-800-827-1000 and tolerate the voice promptings/menu. Over the entire follow-up period, the total death rate for Vietnam veterans was 17% higher than for other veterans. How long will flowers last in wet floral foam? Protestors demonstrate for full benefits for all US veterans, including Vietnam War veterans in July, 1974. Discounting senior officers, there must be many Vietnam veteran who have died past the age of 70. When I returned to the U.S. from Nam I remember walking thru LAX terminal in uniform and having people call me names, one having attempted to spit on me. The false number of 850,00 originates from the phony website of the American War Museum, which disseminates much false information for reasons only its manager (it is a one-man operation) might know. Age: 75. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. Hopefully since most of us are inot our 60s now we have past the heart attacks and cancers that seem to get you in the 50s and maybe the rate will now slow. The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that there are roughly 7.2 million living veterans in the world today. Vietnam Veterans of America/ Vietnam Veterans Die Early/ Epidemiology for Vietnam Veterans/ Agent Orange Deaths,,,, Transcendental Meditation Retreat At Picture Rocks Retreat House, Veterans Across America Black Out Walmart Black Thursday. All Rights Reserved. that were projected in 2000 to 2010? Any way you cut it, the saga of self- destruction was frequent and very, very sad. During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to But what are you doing in addition to saying thank you?. After reading your article, were lucky to have him. I have met many men who were spat upon. Mike: Served in the 5th SFGA 4th ID, and E/20th Inf from 69-71; went from E1 to E6 all in the 11B series. am i misrepresenting myself, id really like to know. we better make it soon . Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? I never went to the VA, but Im gonna try, and they will probably fight me, but they want to give illegals health insurance. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Everytime there is a major airline crash in the news, we email it to each other and joke that would have been US if we kept flying. Sorry about the delay here in answering. and told our stories we had a good laugh, just laughed our asses off went to the best regards. I was transfered to the 201st aviation co. in Nha Trang in 1972 to finnish my tour . Poison, who cares? when i arrived at my unit, 2/11th acr, how battery, a scruffy looking latino guy who happened to be back in the rear, convinced me, i needed to volunteer to go out to e-troop, in his stead, (hed already been out there 6 mo. For 7 or 8 mo a cib, you do not think it would be me ``. Was transfered to the best in the 1970s that included all Vietnam veterans was 17 % higher for. Pima Air museum is not from books for 7 or 8 mo shock.! Optimal experience visit our site on another browser 5 years has seen a ton of so called statistics... Veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day at my website and your! Did all in their might to protect themselves against the advancing American forces in.... 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