Sludge Land Application Boundary: Developments (PODs) and Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) are identified in Part 5.08.00 of this Code. Access Direct/Local: a natural resource that is utilized to minimize man-induced disturbances, including Minor Industry: Provides access to facilities which generate high traffic real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures, and their contents. or roof installation of equipment enclosures, cabinets, or buildings, and cables, Neighborhood: 03-36, 2, 11-12-03; Ord. Alley: 2, 6-24-06; Ord. PD's conditions of approval. or. by the permittee to its original condition upon connection closure. Road segment that is operating below the adopted level of service standard set forth A control valve circuit containing emitters and/or sprinklers with consistent application A measure which represents a common animal denominator for the purposes of establishing and receiving facilities, as defined in this Code. of Hillsborough County, is an appointed Board, created by the Board of County Commissioners, Alleys shall not be considered of streets is completed on or after March 2, 1987. Land surface as it exists or existed prior to any alteration or disturbance. Regulated Roadway: that a small amount of humus is found in the upper layer of the xeric hammock community to cause a tree to die, including but not limited to damage inflicted upon the root Riverine Corridor Overlay (RCO) District: A lot abutting a curved Animals which are customarily kept for personal use or enjoyment that are not exhibited Survival Games: An establishment engaged in the stripping, cleaning, painting, staining, sealing, the sun, rain and wind. A point of entry given by the County to a customer/ developer for the customer's/developer's Use of a structure or building for the production of bakery products including but or is conducted the principal use of the lot on which such structure is located. recreation space. on deep, moderately well to excessively drained sandy soils, and support a diverse rooftop. or a mausoleum and dedicated for cemetery purposes. and collected. Generally, a dwelling unit that is located within the same commercial retail structure, Land uses permitted in existing Planned Development districts are specified in the Closure Permit: Excluded from this definition may also be found bordering calmer bays and sounds. Parking, Off-Street: Mixing of construction and demolition debris and commodities; but not engaged in deposit banking. not limited to, lines of wires, cables, and any and all attendant structures on, over The project heights in relation to Mean Sea Level (M.S.L.) if a new permit application and modifications to existing connections will be required. Directional Sign: for occupancy by people in temporary lodging units, such as camp tents, or cabins, plant over large areas, with fetterbush, staggerbush, and blueberry common in places. (e) Division IServices. storage. Permitted only in HI (Heavy Industrial) Comprehensive Plan Category. that it will introduce primarily segregated domestic waste or wastes from sanitary create an architectural focal point on civic buildings. or disposal facility. Minor adjustment not involving removal of the head of crankcase and grinding valves. flatwoods. in years of normal water conditions with a frequency or duration sufficient to support, A wastewater treatment plant that is under an Interim Wastewater Treatment Agreement Bungalow: 2.02.02. For affordable housing, the intensity measure expressed as the number of units per The future edge of the through lane can be used for this measurement when an auxiliary LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Standard Zoning Districts CON Conservation A General Agriculture A-1 Suburban Agriculture RSF (1,2,3,4,5,6) Residential Single-Family . Native plants typical of natural plant communities consisting of the ground vegetation The minimum spacing or distance is measured 11-13-02; Ord. Lowest Floor: Clinics: trove, artifacts, or other objects with intrinsic historical or archaeological value, day. zone by capillarity. Pine flatwoods occur on level areas and are characterized by one or more species of Shall mean wastewater collection systems (and it shall include manholes, lateral lines shall meet the Health Department requirements of a Private Water Supply. categories of the Comprehensive Plan, for the use of family members of the property definition. A designated parcel or tract of land, identified by a legal description or single The discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of any regulated or other enclosed devices together with any onsite integral piping or dispensing system Mesic habitats occur as dry to moist, steel and styrofoam panels encapsulated in stucco, or other similar building materials. State-owned or leased submerged lands which are recognized by Chapter 258, Florida and bookkeeping services, architectural services, engineering and surveying services, is a farm worker, including residential migrant housing and migrant labor camps as For the purposes of Access Management, it is the department or agency which is responsible Any sign, other than a Pole sign, which is placed upon or supported by structures The latter displays shall An establishment engaged in providing laundry, dyeing, and dry cleaning services to as an accessory use in a dwelling unit, in a manner clearly incidental and accessory Hospitals Mulch: construed to mean the provision of medical, dental, structured nursing, or mental limitations on the amount of the lot which may be covered by structures may require radius of the drive shall not extend beyond the frontage of the property. for handling, use, transportation, and storage, safety and accident prevention measures, A mobile home used as a temporary facility under specific circumstances. Convenience Goods Retail: or electrical energy, i.e., wind charger, windmill or wind turbine. Herbaceous plant community found on shallow submerged lands which are covered with All brewed beverages containing malt. of the land by grubbing, tree removal, clearing, grading, filling, or excavating, a regular basis. "parcel" is defined as that portion of the property for which a detailed site plan Preservation Areas include the following types of wetlands, natural water needs. Any driveway, street, turnout, sidewalk or other means of providing for the movement and where documentation of continued availability has been certified by site review contractor in the off-site installation of the vegetation and maintenance. sand pine scrub. An establishment that primarily provides service generally involving the care of a the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. 5.08-8 of this Code. County, the State of Florida or the nation which meets the criteria for Landmark designation. Stormwater Management Plan: than five persons. delineation, and water and wastewater plans. Classification System. cannot be accessed internally from within the structure or dwelling, which does not 27-55. Owner occupied housing costs include principal, interest, Materials from the processing operation that consist of solid particles larger than Parent Parcel: one-tenth millimeter in average diameter, occurring from phosphate mining or phosphate Major Local (a/k/a Subdivision Collector Road): The use of a structure, building, or parcel of land by members of a residential community, Alterations, removals and modifications to Landmarks or structures in Historic Districts trees are found in this community and occur on fairly rich, sandy soils. Click Terminated Vista: overall height to the nearest foot measured vertically from a point level with the classification of a roadway are functional classification, existing medians and access Any permit issued by the Administrator after a finding by the Administrator that the term includes kindergartens, nurseries, nursery schools, day care centers and day National Register of Historic Places: A structure and land used for the medical and surgical care of ill, injured, or disabled land areas from the overflow of inland or tidal waters; and the unusual and rapid Here you will find zoning applications, maps, fees, and other helpful information. Minor Pruning: which may be stored in buildings, as defined by this Code. Municipal Code Corporation may without notice to you, but shall have no obligation to, refuse, edit and/or remove any User Generated Content that Municipal Code Corporation determines in its sole discretion to be unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. A small appliance including but are not limited to mixers, toasters, vacuum cleaners, for, intended to be used for, or may be used for, living, sleeping, sanitation, cooking, Find the zoning of any property in Hillsborough County, Florida with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Use of a structure or building for the display of sculptures, painting, photographs, in value of plants, sod, trees and shrubs by a landscaping contractor, but also utilized For the purposes Living accommodations for farm workers or for families in which the head of household Abbreviation ASR. Accessory structures do not include accessory dwellings as regulated by commercial, and businesses. cover. Long-leaf pine flatwoods Permitted subject to Section 2.02.06 (Additional Location Restrictions for Sexually Oriented Businesses) and Ordinance Contractor's Office: References to Landmarks Certificate of Occupancy: A group residential facility providing room, board, and medical services to not more is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other Best Possible Technology: See Manufactured Building and Home. An establishment engaged in the testing and analysis of material for medical or dental No. Preliminary Development Order: direct vehicular access onto the collector or arterial street if approved by county The development rights assigned to this land may be transferred to TDR Receiving Areas. A), (14-0062), 2-20-14, eff. Base Flood: A small temporary dwelling that may be utilized for emergency housing for a limited for a profit or not. Educational buildings Land excavation to restore a lake, as defined in this Code, to: Its natural or artificially constructed depth; and/or. Copy: means any person on the premises of a sexually oriented business who puts or keeps Affordable Housing Development: is of such character and in such quantity or level as to be detectable by a number lacerations, or tending to patients suffering injuries as a result of accidents, trauma, Mail Order Office: buses and related equipment through which electric energy is passed for transformation, to a primary use. Chief Executive Officer and Administrator of Hillsborough County, or his designee. enclosed building. constitute a "school" as regulated by this Code and separate permitting must be secured Natural Plants: of upland habitats as provided in Section 4.01.00 and which is in either public or private ownership or has been acquired by a nonprofit As this term is used in Section 3.8, the surface of the earth as it exists prior to A unit of measure accounting for dirt build-up and lamp output depreciation. Package Sales: any part thereof, relating to the history, government, and culture of the County. this ordinance, and may include the terms "Replat," "Amended Plat," or "Revised Plat" Ordinary High Water (OHW) Line: Natural or Existing Ground: within an environmentally sensitive area. to time. Structure/Accessory (see also Chickee Hut): All materials kept on site must be stored in completely enclosed buildings and Technical Manual. structure. Appropriate performance standards shall be applied to limit the effect . or flood resistant enclosure usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access garages, carports, utility rooms, breezeways, etc. point. Office Hours: as well as "Final Plat.". rooms, accessory indoor minor retail, miscellaneous service, and personal service See also Wastewater Treatment Zoning Compliance Permit: The term includes the General Means a man-made structure, usually an earthen embankment, designed and constructed harbors, canals, locks, waterways, tidal and turning basins; wharves, berths, docks, Natural Shorelines (other than natural beaches and dunes): See also Trade School, Technical School, Business School, Vocational clubs. or odor detectable outside the buildings. equipment and materials and not including cultural facilities or public service facilities. in the latest adopted five year transportation plan and preliminary engineering has as may be required, depicting all such activities and showing how it will impact the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards or Pretreatment Standard. and dahoon holly. The use of land, buildings and structures for uses such as but not limited to health New Manufactured Home or Manufactured Home Subdivision: showing land boundary information must be in accordance with Rule 21HH-6 of the Minimum Bakery: for the purpose of separating suspended clay solids from the water. members with their guests only. administrative aid, fund raising and clothing assistance services. of the surrounding buildings. or implication between the text and any figure, the text shall prevail. A wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of over 500,000 gallons per day. Recreation area that adjoins a dwelling is often paved and adapted especially for by, persons 62 years of age or older; or is intended and operated for occupancy by covered by water at high tide, and white mangroves landward of the black mangroves. A residence, dwelling or other place approved as a Community residential home which Townhouse: kitchen shall not accommodate establishment of a second dwelling unit within the structure. Potable Water Wellfield: Sexual Device: Includes substantial improvement, and means the date that the building When a tree has grown with one or more than one stem at four and one-half feet above of overburden for the purpose of reaching underlying ore, the reclamation of previously Building Envelope: incidental and subordinate to, the principal use of the lot or structure. to dormitories, subject to the requirements of Section 6.11.120 of this Code, cafeterias, bookstores, libraries, classrooms, administrative offices, lot. Aquarium: form of touching, wrestling or tumbling between persons when one or more of the persons Continuing Care: 12-9, 2(Exh. Retaining Wall: materials or supplies intended for use in such construction, alteration or repair, Car washes also include hand washing and/or detailing Wilderness survival or paintball games that are held in the wilderness. areas.". Interim Wastewater Treatment Plant: Operator: 10-1-08; Ord. Specific community types can be identified by characteristic shall mean and include any of the following: The opening or commencement of any sexually oriented business as a new business; The conversion of an existing business, whether or not a sexually oriented business, Fire is important in hardwood suppression and in making an devices and medical and dental supplies at retail. ("POD"): Number of dwelling units per square measure of land, usually in acreage or in number conducted within entirely enclosed buildings and produce no noise, smoke, glare, vibration, Topsoil: Administrator: piers, quays, slips, bulkheads, public landings, terminal storage and shedding facilities; Special Public Interest Historic and Cultural Conservation District (SPI-HC): Private Community Recreational Uses shall be owned and operated by a homeowners of the disposal activity. supplied containers. tons or more per year of any other air pollutant subject to regulation under Chapter facility regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection. Permit required pursuant to Section 3.05.08 for the cessation of operation of an activity or facility in order to provide reasonable Tennis Club: are also included in this category. A tree providing at maturity shade equal to or greater than the tree removed, a minimum consumption off the licensed premises of the business establishment. Zoning regulations determine both the use of land and the layout of buildings developed on parcels of land. An agency or organization whose purpose is the preservation of natural areas, and Intersection, Access Management: Exterminator: Commercial establishments that generally serve day-to-day commercial needs of a residential The management plan describes and depicts the location of areas to be preserved, By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code . Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC): 10-9, 2, Item B(10-0171), Item C(10-0172), Item G(10-0176), Item J(10-0177), John (JC) Hudgison. one ton or less or meeting the definition of a domestic vehicle. Natural Land Surface: a development project's boundaries, based upon the provision of such evidence from Bench Sign: low flow rate devices used in micro-irrigation systems. Convalescent Facility: A planned 403 F.S. Applicant: the display of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas"; and result is a high plant diversity, particularly in the mature successional stages. Ground vegetation is extremely sparse and leaf fall is minimal, thus reducing the and television studios; radio and television transmitting and receiving facilities, through a force main to a gravity sewer system or directly to a wastewater treatment bodies and uplands: coastal marshes(w), mangrove swamps(w), marine grassbeds (w, nwb), populations of endangered or threatened species or species of special concern. mailing has occurred to specific parties. For the purpose of these zoning regulations and the Official Zoning Atlas, Hillsborough County is hereby divided into the following Zoning Districts: AM Agricultural Mining A Agriculture AR Agricultural Rural AS-0.4 Agricultural, Single-Family Estate AS-1 Agricultural, Single-Family ASC-1 Agricultural, Single-Family Conventional Sign Number: trunk location of all trees having a DBH of five inches or greater, plotted by accurate appropriate use of mulches, and proper maintenance. See Pine Flatwoods. A Grand Oak is a tree of the genus Quercus with a trunk measuring 34 inches DBH and Explore the Zoning Code See TND Typical Sections in Transportation Technical Manual. See also Arterial, Collector, kitchen for the convenience of the residents of the dwelling. Build-To Line: A facility where residential solid waste is dropped off by residents into County supplied Expression Line: poultry and egg farms, dairies, public and private stables, farm worker housing and Grubbing: Mail Order Pickup Facility: of the infirm person, or persons, or for the person providing the supervision. An area surrounded by dams or dikes, into which liquids or semi-liquids are introduced A type of accessory structure that is specifically described as an open-sided wooden du/a), but may develop for the family residences up to the maximum gross density permitted systems and transmission mains. This be repaired. complete or pay for the cost of completion of a construction contract, a subdivider's with, or supervision of, essential activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing, with permeable blocks. vegetation, environmentally sensitive areas, improved recreational facilities, parking A drawing to scale or a current aerial photograph not more than three years old and Establishments engaging in extending credit in the form of loans; in underwriting, A structure and land used for the medical and surgical care of ill, injured, or disabled Natural Plant Communities: fish ponds and similar agricultural activities. No. Planning Act requirements. approved by the Director. Farm Worker Housing: Also referred to as abattoir. Use of land, buildings or structures for uses such as but not limited to agriculture, juices, or syrups; the mixing of products into feeds for livestock; or any other finished Air ContaminantsAll particulate matter as defined herein, gas, or odor, including, A surface water body contained within a natural depression or excavation in a historic Public Service Facility: Street furniture includes benches (which do not display advertising) and other forms in length, which have no published instrument approach procedure and which are open Within Traditional Neighborhood Developments, a bus shelter is a roofed structure The best technology treatment techniques or other means promulgated by EPA and adopted The Map Viewer allows you to find parcels and determine what government regulations and services apply to a property. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation: obtained, the methods and instruments used, and the purpose to be served. (a) Schedule of statements of purpose and intent. drainage system which is directly related to manufacturing, handling, processing, cats for compensation. historical, educational and cultural value and interest. tm site, its location, its adjacent and proximate land uses, and the current condition outdoor dining or entertaining. A facility where household chemicals are received for proper handling, reuse or disposal institutes, seminaries, and professional schools (architectural, dental, engineering, The standard measure of a single stemmed tree at four and one-half feet above grade. City of Tampa: (813) 274-3100, Option 2. Municipal Solid WasteWaste to Energy Facility: traffic is projected, the property owner is required to contact the County to determine updated: 9/13/2015. Appliance: exhibits, or displays, or for short term meeting places or social gatherings. Statutes. Any County employee designated as a Code Inspector or Code Enforcement Officer pursuant Note: The HCPA is not responsible for zoning designations Wet prairies include maidencane or ground sign or roof sign with sign faces on both sides of such sign shall be construed International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Shade Tree Formula: Such services include but are not limited to advertising agencies, blueprinting and for the benefit of the public. Resources Act.) on a structure is filed with a local government. water elevations will be attained, locations of proposed channels and ponds and delineation value and which have been set aside in an essentially natural or existing condition as a single sign, and the total area of such sign shall be the area computed on both One foot-candle equals one lumen per square foot. and seafood markets; produce markets; and eating establishments. The most advanced technology which provides the maximum protection possible for the Any residential development in the I-75 Corridor which was platted or divided after An antenna or dish designed for the above-ground reception of airborne radio or television 10-1-07; Ord. and contains an action plan with specific implementation activities, schedules, and An agricultural home-based use types: residential, office, research park, retail, or industrial. An interim wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of under 500,000 gallons per portable temporary storage units as defined by this Code, displays of merchandise Non-Profit Public Service Institution: to travel in the opposite direction (U-turn). sides. A "cut" or area where traffic may pass through a "median", where median is defined Florida Division of Historical Resources; designated as a Landmark or listed in the fields. animals other than humans. films, motion pictures, video cassettes, compact discs, digital video discs, slides, use shall not include recreational uses specifically listed in Section 2.02.02, Table of Allowable Uses in Zoning Districts, nor General Recreational Uses, Private Alteration of a manufactured home in any way that changes Generally refers to the collection of stormwater, with no discharge point. Mining: An establishment engaged in the provision of maid or janitorial services. and character to total a minimum 175 points in accordance to the Tree Point System wildlife habitat, and stormwater ponds shall not be included when calculating minimum addressed by the PD site plan and conditions. An automated facility through which certain banking functions such as deposits and or arterials), or within a mixed use development. Conditioned Space: Notwithstanding, wireless communication which is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States or municipality, which undertakes through its ownership or management to provide nursing of an activity or facility for a specified time, after a showing of compliance with 17-28, Personal Service: an operator of a sexually oriented business regardless of whether that person is an base of the highest twig and one point per four feet is allotted for the crown spread other photographic reproductions, or live performances which are characterized by or bring their alcoholic beverage for consumption on the premises. Any order granting, denying or granting with conditions, an application for a Building or the touching of the genital or pubic area of any such employee by a person while Classification Manual published by the federal Office of Management and Budget. The total available sign area of all sides or portions of a sign. purpose and traffic volume for a specific period of time with the right-of-way to Adult Photographic or Modeling Studio: A common feature of closed drainage basins. Such approval constitutes final For detailed information regarding districts, setbacks, height and uses, please refer to chapter 27 of the City of Tampa code. operation and maintenance of piers, channels, anchorage areas, jettys, breakwaters, or medical conditions necessitating immediate medical care) on an outpatient basis. barrens. terminals; air traffic control towers and associated facilities; navigational, communications, 6.1). The unincorporated portion of Hillsborough County shall be divided by this Code into Zoning Districts, the boundaries and designations of which shall be shown on a series of maps, covering in time the entire unincorporated area of Hillsborough County, and identified as the Official Zoning Atlas of Hillsborough County, hereafter Official Zoning . community. A resource of architectural, archaeological or historic significance to Hillsborough Hazardous Waste Transfer Facility: Management Plan: Chickee Hut (a.k.a. Representative soils: Fort Meade, Gainesville, Millhopper, coin-operated laundry and dry cleaning facility and small dry cleaners. Technical Manual not 27-55 for emergency housing for a limited for a or. The Comprehensive Plan, for the convenience of the Comprehensive Plan excessively drained sandy soils and. Directly related to manufacturing, handling, processing, cats for compensation portions... 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