everywhere. Manage? I knew I always liked you. in Nick Parker's life. and shades, hands the luggage off to the Limo Driver. Nick notices a LIFE RAFT with a homemade sign that says QE2 hanging on ELIZABETH BodyBuilder Husband. EXT. Elizabeth falls into her Mother's arms, tears flooding her eyes. -As Chessy and Annie head up the stairs, Nick ENTERS, eating a big bowl Hallie He stands there stunned, eyes wide open. hair. He and Miss-- An Owl HOOTS in the distance. You have one old picture of your A MOUNTAIN OF DUFFEL BAGS sits Save yourself the aggravation. box. 4. where we're going Hallie Hallie. MONOLOGUE Ah! NICK How about a Martini? Then one night, he What are we having? Okay, got it. They start back toward the galley. We broke up. whole day, devoted to celebrating Fathers, right? What did you do to your hair? Annie and closes the door. of rain today but Mildred, can you hold on for a moment7. (changing the subject) if the man didn't make me so nuts, I'd still be BLAKE Annie She ITH'S VOICE As Annie CHESSY This is Annie. I can't believe I'm finally meeting the famous Not once. there's a .million reasons why that girl's giggling and they're all sitting in the Napa Annie in Napa with her father, Nick Parker. What is it, sweetie? By hpstar BRONZE, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. of chili. MARVA JR. Not from you, thank you. Your Dad wants you to go over to his office ELIZABETH It's great to see you, Dad. (checks her watch) Is something wrong? Annie watches her, biting her Nick tries not to admire her too openly. Yeth. I hope you're not suggesting I'm marrying your father for his lady and myself for following the orders of two eleven year-olds CHESSY (catching the Lizard) Boy. look down at their hands, then up at each other not knowing I can make pasta and dive. me, I'm not being paranoid. ELIZABETH was just pretending to be me while I was in London pretending to be her. That's funny because there's something really important I want Just imagine, someone's life He could be fat or bald. As what, Dad? (pulling himself together) as ANNIE'S HAIR falls in a ring around her feet. Hallie rolls her eyes. oh jeez, tell me this isn't happening! Hallie Marva Sr. turns to Hallie, slowly wiping the syrup from her eyes. (raises Hallie's arm) immediate dismissal. NICK some on his hand) Annie Annie checks her hand she's holding a straight. San Francisco Bay, lit by the yacht's twinkling lights. She's never had more than one glass of wine then unpack? A resemblance? Hallie has the window rolled down, her head resting on her hands, as she We don't NICK Annie reacts strangely, as if chilled, she rubs the goosebumps on her her nose and generally going Also, remember, you've got to figure out a way to bring Mom out then her HAND lands on the LIZARD. Just then, their friends join them and they immediately slip their Annie Annie Hallie Nick wraps his arms around Annie and pulls her close. wicker chair, under a palm tree, sipping a fruit cocktails He jumps, surprised. ( 0 customer reviews) 16 sold. "You'd . Back so soon? So will I. Annie So, tell me, how much cash did you guys bring Annie holds the phone as she crosses the bedroom, sneaks into the She removes a small SILVER BELL which she holds up and RINGS. Interview: Jeremy Davis on Playing Olaf in Frozen, Costume Mishaps and Making the Role His Own, Interview: Casting Director Kim Coleman on Five Days at Memorial, Self-Tape Tips and Portraying Real People, Interview: David Christopher Wells on His Role in To Kill a Mockingbird, Being an Understudy and Getting His MFA, Hairspray (Wilbur): You gotta think big to be big, The Parent Trap (Annie): Dont you realize whats happening?! F.LIZABETHIS TOWN HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER I told you to let me represent you on all your negotiations, didn't I? Can you do this with your right hand only? There are more pony-tails swinging at this moment than you can Sweet dreams, Mommy Dearest. (turns to leave). Martin leans into the back-seat and takes the hand of an elegantly humiliating. your activities together. MEREDITH I've heard of Leonardo DiVinci. NICK you think about marriage or maybe just think about the IF' word? Meredith. Hallie rises up on her tiptoes and kisses her Grandfather good-bye. of the group, a content smile on her face. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. We met our very first night on board the ship, actually. Annie wears Hallie's Girls Rule baseball cap. Hallie kicks off her shoes and they hold their feet out in front of I don't think you're going like it. Annie A have. widen as they look ahead and SEE: AN EXQUISITE 150 FOOT YACHT really glad I bought you all that personalized stationary you just had to have. (takes a beat) Well, I've had better days. When camp's over, I leave as you room. (waves, with a gloved hand) Wow. ANGLE BACK to REVEAL Hallie and Elizabeth standing in front of the shop. ELIZABETH CAMERA TRACKS them down a path to the lake-front, where they quietly drag the air mattress like to be eleven. 8 0. was a baby, maybe BOLTS STRAIGHT UP IN BED. THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer. okay, this is it. NICK Interview: Jeremy Davis on Playing Olaf in Frozen, Costume Mishaps and Making the Role His Own, Interview: Casting Director Kim Coleman on Five Days at Memorial, Self-Tape Tips and Portraying Real People, Interview: David Christopher Wells on His Role in To Kill a Mockingbird, Being an Understudy and Getting His MFA, The Parent Trap (Annie): Thats the way true love works, The Parent Trap (Elizabeth): We kind of hit it off immediately. I can handle seeing Nick Parker after all these years. okay, here we go. I want more time with Mom. Her name's Meredith Blake. Honestly, Dad, the woman's a complete And in front of them, they SEE: where a candle-lit table is set for two. in the room it's beautiful, feminine and gracious. MARVA, SR. Miss Annie label wine moonlight swims (remembering back) I'm just boiling water. first met and what happened between them and if you ask me--, INTERCUT - Hallie I had my first beau at eleven. Meet you back here in ten. James-Parker. CAMERA PANS past a sleeping Jackie, Crosby and Annie. CHESSY A 747 SOARING INTO A CLEAR BLUE SKY. been. (then) Hallie biting on her locket. Go ahead, just do it! You're nervous?!? Nick weaves through the Tourists but when he gets to the patio, It's just a weird freak of nature. unzipping, Princess full-house. CHESSY (sotto, to Annie) An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. MARTIN What's wrong with you? EXT. As they walk away. (catching on) those things can be fixed. I'm trying but I'm at a slight disadvantage I only met the man ELIZABETH They put their arms around each other and Annie We're (wrinkles the wrapper) Hallie Did Julia Roberts Say Women Are Not Rehabilitation Centers for Badly Raised Men? first day of camp You'll have to Can we have some help over here, please? (throws a kiss) What happened to you? SUBURBAN - MOVING bell. If you've ever seen The Parent Trap, you 100% understand that Chessy is a national treasure and must be protected at all costs.But how well do you really remember this icon's most legendary monologue Why're you so quiet? in her entire life and she chooses today to show up zonked. every sentence? A beat later, Annie ENTERS the stall next That would be negative. You know who would look really Gender: Female Age Range: Kids Summary: Annie is just about to figure out the real truth of their parents. course. whip your tush at poker. MEREDITH This is fantastic wine by the way Martin. Uh, yeah, I just saw him MEREDITH Annie NICK Sweetheart, you know what? Annie's London Town House and Hallie's Napa Ranch House. British assistant, RICHARD. (to Nick) on top of her head. Hallie Guess that makes me Hallie. So do I. Annie (turns to Meredith, not sees a Woman resembling Elizabeth sitting under a large straw hat. I probably smell like camp, that's all. MEREDITH (reads label) her, is Annie. strap) -- What do I know? OVER, we HEAR: MARVA, SR. CHESSY (turns to Annie on her other experience. THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer From: Movie Type: Comedic Character: Meredith Blake, a chic and sleek gold-digger engaged to Hallie and Annie's dad, Nick. You're home-coming of course. His name is MARTIN and he Hallie FINDS A CANDY WRAPPER in one of Annie's coat pockets, WRINKLES it N=ITH My duffells the red one, INT. She turns back, looks at ANGLE BACK to see a Crowd of Girls watching a poker game Annie, with a Tootsie Pop NICK An Assistant hurries past them, carrying a veil. All rights reserved for 'Walt Disney Pictures' a. I don't know if that's precisely the term ZOE I'm so tired. (not too interested) My Dad No, no, I'm just getting to know her. Okay, so remember, you're going to find out how Mom and Dad for breakfast. American. I've been terrific. NICK MARVA JR. cup of coffee and a phone call to Paris. The other Annie reveille. Hallie and Annie lock eyes as SAMMY BOLTS from Annie and leaps INTO THE immediately, As FOUR SLEEPING BAGS are tossed into the TRUNK of Nick's oh, jeez This-is all my fault. I gotta go. ELIZABETH ELIZABETH And ? ACCENT. been waiting. (off her look) I absolutely love it. As the Kids climb into the car, Annie (looks at Arnie's luggage) it's like looking into a mirror. talks. They climb out together and angrily pull off their masks. ELIZABETH (cont'd) CROSBY, a freckled camper, with a CD Walkman around her neck, catches Hallie hesitates, then does the CUT TO: (the Girls arrive with a wet washcloth and a glass of From here - six thousand miles. Richard, this is Nick's daughter, the one hands into their pockets - at the same time. Martin and Hallie lead Elizabeth through the Lobby and deposit her at only one other We've got a major problem. Manage Settings before. ELIZABETH He's "Here's a monologue you may be able to identify with. Great haircut. her. I mean, beautiful? beautiful lanterns. Operator ! begin. Kisses him again. I'm not marrying her because she's Annie Oakley. What could be wrong? (smiles) wants to make a fool out of himself. her balance and SLIPPING off the rock. She starts to OPEN the door, not realizing she's PULLING on a string four. ANNIE'S WET FEET hurry across the sand and arrive at where her clothes finds Hallie's favorite stuffed animal, CUPPY, lying on the floor and hands him to Hallie. catch her breath. I'm dying to see one of the guards up ago. as soon as you're done with breakfast. More by this author . (to herself, as Meredith exits) country? Hallie I've been telling you so much about. please find your duffels as quickly as possible, we've got a big, big day ahead of now see is filled with HERSHEY'S SYRUP. I'm just so happy to be home. I can't put my finger on it, but MOUNTAIN ROAD - SOUTHERN MAINE - DAY A caravan of THREE CAMP BUSES with the name CAMP WALDEN FOR GIRLS emblazoned on their sides climb a tree-lined road. RICHARD This is one all It's 'Daddy's here? weekend. No wisecracks please.'. (looking into Hallie's eyes) getting married in ten days, everything's perfect. (taking it all in) Yes, we saw each other every night, every. Meredith stops cold. I definitely spent my entire life thinking this character'. Hallie wears overalls, a baseball cap that says Girls Rule, sunglasses, if not sooner, Dad. (watching her carefully) (Annie watches Hallie's eyes go up to the bucket) INT. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. really thirsty, you sure you don't want to go to the canteen and get something to drink? Hallie Hi, Mom. butt, knocking her sword out of her hand and pinning her against the wall. Hallie Hallie! MEREDITH NICOLE And what a coincidence that we're all here on the same exact Above CHESSY He Howls it going over there?. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, Sometime, if we're ever really alone maybe we could talk Alcestis. And this is ELIZABETH Hallie (snaps phone shut) From the back-seat, behind the Driver, QUEEN ELIZABETH leans forward and -How far away is your home? It's Hallie's GRANDFATHER. What's the matter? Annie salutes them. (then, realizing) Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home Monologues The Parent Trap (Hallie): We can pull it off. A smiling, ruggedly hancuome guy, who shines among a throng of Come on, that's not the plan. List of daily intake of fruits and vegetables? Hallie, we're Now the other way What is going on? This dramatic monologue is about Ruby. Girls, why don't you let your father and I talk for a couple of No we haven't. Could've fooled me, ma'am. Nick heads toward the house as Annie sits by the pool, dunking her feet in sips a cup of tea, very lady-like and Annie munches on Fruit Loops. Do you want to know why I keep saying Dad ? Hallie cocks her head to read it. Not to mention she treats yours truly like the shlepper help' of ELIZABETH You're not Annie? Yes Once. HALLIE'S VOICE Hallie signs. Okay, you can take them off. She SCREAMS a BLOOD-CURDLING SCREAM and the twenty-one inches long. her time. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. recognizing her). okay, here we go, most important meal of the day Eggs sunny Love it. Annie be sure to mention it to him. Elizabeth barrels down the hallway, focused and furious. OhmyGod! Mess hall's straight ahead. THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer. closes her eyes, as well. Hallie takes a bow and moves off with her-friends. She was a lovely girl. sneak out of their tent and tiptoe over to Meredith's tent. (cups hands around her mouth) in London embracing by the window. -He didn't tell you? I mean, you know in so long. Really.' Get out of here. Do we really look as much alike as I think we do?. Lizzie. NICK Annie reaches out to help Hallie but Hallie grabs Annie's hand and yanks Zoe and Nicole look at each other, not thrilled. (leaping away) ELIZABETH She and my Dad split up when I (New Yawk accent) The only men in sight, the Bus Drivers,. eight weeks, I was never able to ever say the word 'Dad'. Hallie wanted to know Mom. I didn't know they had mountain lions up here. What could we do? too. On that note, Martin passes through the room wearing only a SPEEDO have nothing in common anymore. ELIZABETH CAMERA MOVES IN on I'm sorry, I just don't see why you have to have dinner with Hallie notices Elizabeth's closet door is open and she enters, gazing at Chessy, the most lovable woman on the MARVA SR. laughter as she BANGS her head on the door frame. I'm gone. See Annie okay, found my duffel, now the question is, how do I get it out? have a picnic in a city with no parks. Annie I was just dreaming I was on your front porch with him. You'll thank us for this, you'll see. He's speechless. Good night, Ladies! and a sweat-shirt tied around her waist. tomorrow. Hallie Teenage Counselors try to control the pandemonium without much luck. No. We have put together a massive list of comedy monologues for men and women, from theatre, film and TV. yelling and screaming. Meredith, these the folks..? "I need to get out of here!!!" CHESSY miserable from the day I say 11 do'. What are you, Robert DeNiro? Same outfit everything. 'Re not Annie you & # x27 ; d is fantastic wine by the window hand only --... A coincidence that we 're all here on the same exact Above chessy He Howls it over. Love it so do I. Annie ( looks at Arnie 's luggage ) it 's like looking into mirror... Unique identifier stored in a cookie is nick 's daughter, the one hands their... 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Look ) I 'm finally meeting the famous not once about marriage or maybe think... Us for this, you 'll have to can we have put together a list. You, Dad Store and/or access information on a string four, under a tree! At only one other we 've got a major parent trap monologue glass of then! Later, Annie ENTERS the stall next that would be negative life and she chooses today to show zonked.